
=== blahdeblah_ is now known as blahdeblah
=== Al3xC is now known as AlexC
laneyIt's taking ages to do anything with the Ubuntu hints git branch - for example I just aborted a 'git push' to it after 7m26s10:53
laneydoes something need a slap?10:53
laney(It's currently running again)10:53
RikMillslaney: I sees a large daily build of some recipe jobs which hit git very hard. could be that10:56
RikMillsI am trying to do some stuff, and is taking ages also10:56
laneyOK I see something internal talking about an outage10:57
RikMillscombination of both I guess then10:57
laneyLooks like they are rebooting $machines10:57
laneywell it was extremely struggling before that, maybe load broke it10:57
RikMillscould be. I know it usually slows down quite a bit when this particular daily build happens10:58
cjwatsonlaney: see ~is-outage internal11:16
cjwatsonshould be mostly back up now11:17
laneythat's what I was semi cryptically referring to11:17
tjaaltonhi, can I get ppa support here? I'd need a riscv builder for ppa:canonical-x/x-staging12:53
cjwatsontjaalton: Could you file a ticket using the support link in the topic, please?12:56
tjaaltonoh there it is, I'm blind :)13:04
tjaaltonfiled 69765413:16

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