
=== bsmith093 is now known as Guest4062
=== Guest4062 is now known as bsmith093
* ball waves01:37
* ball staggers off into the distance01:47
renaissanceHi anybody09:15
guivercrenaissance, G'day, if you have a Lubuntu support just ask it, people answer as they're able (ie. be patient), for discussion best to use #lubuntu-offtopic09:17
renaissancenice thanks... i am customizing lxd @this time...i miss the transparent window view for terminal of example.. i need to install the composit plugin for lxd of course... iam searching for the right package to install, but want prevent some crashes09:21
guivercwhy ask here?  I'd have though #ubuntu or #ubuntu-server more appropriate..  Lubuntu is a desktop system & doesn't ship with lxd09:23
guivercrenaissance, ^09:23
renaissancei usually prefer to adapt the server variant^09:26
renaissancewhat's going on, are there any current discussions in this channel that can be joined?16:44
renaissanceare irc commands available for this channel ?16:45
WafficusHey there, I'm running Lubuntu in a VM inside VirtualBox, and its booting to a black screen16:51
Wafficushow do I send commands to it so that I can switch to a TTY terminal and install the related ubuntu drivers? I ask because there's only 3 DE's to choose from in the main menu, aka Lubuntu, LxQt, and Openbox, but each open up to a black screen for some reason16:51
lubot[telegram] <MOHammad138050> Hi friends, I installed Lou Ubuntu, but this message is coming, does anyone know what this is ??16:53
lubot[telegram] <MOHammad138050> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/d5dc41e2/file_2858.jpg16:53
lubot[telegram] <teward001> There is no such thing as "Lou Ubuntu" you mean Lubuntu right?16:57
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @MOHammad138050 ^^ also you tend to get kernel panics like that if your system isn't supported in the kernel or you're missing firmware patches on the older system (like BIOS patches).  How old is the system you're installing on?16:58
lubot[telegram] <MOHammad138050> Yes my system is old System specifications:17:06
lubot[telegram] <MOHammad138050> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/1bc75be1/file_2859.jpg17:07
lubot[telegram] <MOHammad138050> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/b49f6a87/file_2860.jpg17:07
lubot[telegram] <MOHammad138050> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/672f3900/file_2861.jpg17:07
renaissanceNot syncing usually happens when the kernel can't read its root device. Are you using an initrd with this kernel? if not, you must build the sata driver and the filesystem driver directly into the kernel, not as modules17:25
renaissanceEntschuldigung, lustige Frage... Sie können zwischen verschiedenen TTYl wechseln, indem Sie STRG+ALT+Fn verwenden. Um zum Beispiel zu tty1 zu wechseln, geben wir STRG+ALT+F1 . ein17:27
renaissancefor englisch people : sorry, funny question... You can switch between different TTYl by using CTRL+ALT+Fn keys. For example to switch to tty1, we type CTRL+ALT+F117:27
Wafficusthe black screen happened after I followed this guide: 17:28
WafficusI installed guest additions ISO with the updated kernel components17:28
Wafficusthis is within a Macbook Pro17:32
Wafficusrunning Lubuntu guest within a VirtualBox VM17:32
renaissancequite a challenge with mac17:33
renaissancewith these recommended settings ? https://medium.com/macoclock/ubuntu-with-mac-os-using-virtualbox-96719115436617:35
Wafficusyeah even beyond17:37
WafficusI got 6GB RAM dedicated to it17:37
Wafficus50GB drive for the VDI17:37
renaissancewhy not try a debian server and install the lubuntu desktop after .. the configuration usually runs by itself... if you get black screen, i think you have issue with graphics sdl, etc ..17:38
Wafficusyeah not sure17:39
WafficusI have gone the whole gambit today unfortuantely17:39
WafficusI tried CentOS earlier17:39
Wafficusrealized the work based production machine can't handle Fedora so I couldn't use that17:39
Wafficuswas told Ubuntu would be fine for it, so I figured why not Lubuntu17:39
Wafficusworst case scenario, I can try straight Ubuntu17:40
renaissancewhat do you think of a kvm hypervisor as a baremetal system and you manage it via mac: https://seeseekey.net/archive/111092/17:41
renaissancesimple amd core with one ssd and network connection, but full compatibility ^ and no experiments... i know, i like experiments too17:43
Wafficuseh I've used KVM before but I kind of find it more of a pain than VM's need to be17:43
WafficusI mean, they're good once you get past the first little bit17:43
WafficusI forget the side stuff you have to install17:43
Wafficusbut there's some kind of annoying intro stuff you have to install ahead of time that you have to search on forum posts first17:43
Wafficuscan't remember what17:44
Wafficusbut yeah idk, wanted to just stick with VirtualBox to be completely honest17:44
WafficusKVM just is a pain to use comparatively17:44
renaissancevirtualbox is easy to use and you can adapt the configurations, but otherwise closed source ... which is not bad either, but adapting is rather difficult when it comes to systems that should be adapted a bit17:47
Wafficusit looks like increasing the video RAM seems to have done the trick17:47
Wafficusthough apparently17:47
Wafficusthis is a known issue across the board with Lubuntu and Guest Additions ISO17:47
Wafficusnot sure if you dudes have a bug for that though17:47
renaissancenice, thas it what i thought17:47
renaissanceversion dependencies ?17:48
Wafficuswhoops double post17:48
Wafficusyeah not sure though17:48
WafficusI made sure I was using the latest for everything17:48
WafficusVirtualBox, as well as updated everything for Lubuntu17:48
Wafficuseither way, should be ok for now17:48
renaissancelets give try17:48
Wafficusfor sure, going to install Apache Directory for now17:49
renaissancesometimes the newest versions are not the best17:49
Wafficusjust treating that VM as a workspace for LDAP learning etc17:49
renaissancesounds good and the samba in another vm?17:51
Wafficusnah, just mostly for setting up a fake LDAP instance to tap into later17:51
Wafficusits more for work17:51
renaissancegood job, if works17:52
Wafficusrandom question17:53
Wafficuscould you install .deb installers on Ubuntu?17:53
WafficusI would guess that you could, because Debian is upstream17:54
Wafficusbut wanted to ask first17:54
renaissanceubuntu is debian17:54
renaissanceof course17:55
lubot[telegram] <teward001> but a warning:17:55
lubot[telegram] <teward001> debs that were built for Debian may not work on Ubuntu and vice versa17:55
lubot[telegram] <teward001> because of changing libs in the different releases17:55
lubot[telegram] <teward001> esp. if the .deb was for older Debian17:56
WafficusI see17:56
renaissancelearned something about it again17:56
lubot[telegram] <teward001> while at the core, Ubuntu and Debian share the same .deb and dpkg installation formats and infrastructure, each release of Ubuntu or Debian has different library versions in each17:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so something that's built for a super new library won't necessarily work in Ubuntu 18.04 for instance.17:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> Ubuntu or Lubuntu*17:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> while something that is written for a very old library may not work in Ubuntu 20.04 if that library is deprecated or its core functionality changes18:00
lubot[telegram] <teward001> that's the only thing you have to be careful of with straight .deb files not in repositories for your given release ;)18:00
renaissancemaybee a package install simulation with : apt-get -V -s install {package-name-here} is recommended18:02
Wafficushow would I purge a .deb package I just installed?18:03
Wafficusyeah cause apt has 'apacheds' too18:04
Wafficusso I think I'll just go with the pre-packaged version for now18:04
Wafficusit has the latest version anyway18:04

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