[06:03] morning [06:05] o/ [06:05] mborzecki, zyga-mbp: hi! [06:06] zyga-mbp: mardy: hey [06:06] hey :-) [06:06] as soon as the shops open, I need to go buy a ventilator, I'm having a hard time contrentrating with this heat [06:07] hopefully they won't be all sold-out already [06:07] yeah, remote work is not fun during this part of the year [06:07] I move from one side of the house to the other [06:07] to be as far as I can from the sun [06:07] yeah, maybe I should also use my laptop instead of the desktop [06:09] my work cycle ends soon, I will have all the time to pick up spread tasks at the end of the week [06:34] mvo: hey [06:36] good morning mborzecki [06:41] * mvo hugs mborzecki for 10436 [06:42] mvo: heh, that was a mixed bag of fun, hope i didn't make some silly mistakes there [06:46] mborzecki: it looks good but it looks also like hard work [06:47] mvo: not that hard, more like annoying, guess i'm bit used to batteries included standard libraries by now [06:53] mborzecki: yeah, that's what I meant, hard in the sense of having to shovel without a shovel [06:53] and the stale base snap is passing on cgroup v2 systems now too [06:54] mborzecki: \o/ [06:54] mvo: more like having an ikea style shovel, piece of metal, a stick and a handle ;) [06:54] mborzecki: heh, yes. and for the non-C work access to a powertools and excavators [06:55] mborzecki: anyway, looking good so far I will nitpick a bit around but just to show that I actually looked at it not because I found anyting deep ;) [06:59] hey mvo [07:03] hey zyga-mbp [07:12] morning [07:14] :-) [07:26] good morning pstolowski [07:38] mborzecki: do you have a moment for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10433 ? [08:11] pstolowski: sure, let me take a look [08:11] thx [09:10] mborzecki: could you make sense of the last bit of discussion we had? I was probably conflating chains and key objects [09:10] pedronis: quick sync? [09:11] mborzecki: yea [09:11] pedronis: i'm in the standup HO [09:17] pedronis: i've pushed updates to #7700, however this PR is missing tests. also it still uses zenity, was the intention to rework notifications in this PR already? i'd opt for followups as this will inflate the diff [09:28] pstolowski: we probably want some tests, about reworking notifications, we need to think a bit [09:39] pedronis: sure, i'm going to work on tests [10:52] when I run the spread tests on the gcloud, why does it always allocates two machines (I see two IP addresses)? Just wondering if I'm wasting more resources than needed. [11:52] mardy how are you invoking spread? [11:52] amurray: which test is it? [11:52] mardy spread always follows the number of workers [11:52] but some tests have variants [11:52] so if you run one test but it has two variants, and you have two workers on the backend, you get two machines [11:52] I wish spread had --one or something as an option [11:52] I may add that later [11:58] a thunderstorm is coming [11:59] mardy: which test is it? [12:07] oh and it's raining [12:15] mborzecki finally :) [12:15] still +33 here and no rain in sight [12:22] zyga-mbp: heh, i'm expecting a power outage any minute now [12:46] Just installed OBS-Studio an it seems I can transfer files throw root getting error [12:46] zyga-mbp, mborzecki: and you are both right, indeed it's a test with variants :-) [12:46] :-) [12:46] happy to help [12:47] you can run a test with the variant you want [12:47] just append :variant-name to the job name [12:47] zyga-mbp: hm or was it / ? [12:47] I could be wrong, IIRC it was :variant [12:47] spread prints the name anyway [12:47] hey cmatsuoka :) [12:52] https://imgur.com/a/0w32llc [12:52] Please Help :( [12:57] redflagrun: you cannot copy files to /snap/ [12:58] redflagrun: snaps are read only, there might be a specific location where you could maybe add plugins [12:58] redflagrun: check snap info obs-studio [12:58] but for that you would need to contact the snap publisher [12:58] redflagrun: it shows how to install plugins [12:58] but zyga-mbp seems to know about it being documented, so just follow his lead :-) [13:01] zyga-mbp Could You Send Link [13:01] redflagrun: you can open a terminal and type the command: snap info obs-studio [13:02] I believe this is also surfaced on the web somewhere but you can read it on your own machine easily [13:02] https://snapcraft.io/obs-studio [13:02] look for "3rd Party Plugins" [13:08] zyga-mbp : while transfering the file plugin to obs to the 3rd party location it does not show up on obs [13:08] never had this much issues with plugins before [13:09] did you restart OBS after copying the plugin? [13:09] I didn't try any plugins myself and I'm not affiliated with the snap [13:10] I can only relate you to the documentation provided by the snap maintainer [13:12] zyga-mbp : Ya Going to Reboot Computer see that helps Also tryied to Restart OBS [13:13] redflagrun rebooting the system is probably excessive [13:13] try restarting OBS [13:28] mardy: maybe you also want to take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10436 ? [14:06] mvo: do you have a moment for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10428 ? [14:06] pstolowski: happy to look at this after my current meeting [14:06] ty! [14:29] my laptop is melting [14:29] bring the rain already [14:29] 62C when idle, close to 34C ambient [14:34] pedronis: i've updated https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10408, i think i got your point. if not, then we'll need to chat [14:40] pstolowski: thx, I'll look at it early tomorrow [14:41] mardy: I made suggestions in the group PR [16:02] * cachio_ lunch