
callmepkgood morning01:43
dufluMorning callmepk 02:14
callmepkhi duflu 05:36
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:14
callmepkhi oSoMoN 06:21
oSoMoNhey callmepk 06:21
dufluHi oSoMoN 06:38
didrocksgood morning07:10
marcustomlinsongood morning callmepk duflu oSoMoN didrocks07:13
didrockshey marcustomlinson 07:13
callmepkhi didrocks marcustomlinson 07:13
dufluHi marcustomlinson 07:17
dufluAnd morning didrocks 07:17
didrockshey callmepk, duflu 07:21
oSoMoNhey duflu, salut didrocks, good morning marcustomlinson 07:53
didrockssalut oSoMoN 07:58
jibelGood morning all07:59
didrockssalut jibel 08:00
seb128hey duflu, didrocks, oSoMoN, jibel, laney 08:07
didrockssalut seb128 08:08
laneyheya, how's it going?08:09
seb128a bit tired but alright otherwise, also summer went away ... you?08:10
laneymmm alrght, was just thinking the same08:10
laneysitting outside, sunny but cold and quite windy08:10
laney"this is great šŸ˜¬"08:11
laneyit's alright, we're on the way back down to winter now08:13
laney-5s daytime today compared to yesterday08:14
dufluHi jibel, laney, seb128 08:24
marcustomlinsonhey laney and seb12808:28
ricotzgood morning desktopers08:41
seb128hey ricotz, how are you?08:44
seb128ricotz, nice one using O0 rather than an older gcc ;-)08:44
ricotzseb128, hi, I am good, finally some normal room temperatures again :), how are you?08:45
* laney coughs08:45
laney"nice" :p08:45
laneyhey ricotz 08:45
ricotzseb128, yeah, doko pointed that out, it doesn't help finding the real problem though08:46
ricotzlaney, hey08:46
seb128ricotz, I'm alright thanks!08:50
seb128why is doko not just helping figuring out what change in gcc that broke it?08:51
ricotzseb128, basically he wants a smaller reproducer, but this this O0 build debugging should be easier08:53
ricotzthe no-change build is quite unfortunate though08:53
ricotzwhile I meant to upload this change to impish too08:53
ricotz<ricotz> seb128, basically he wants a smaller reproducer, but this this O0 build debugging should be easier09:38
ricotz<ricotz> the no-change build is quite unfortunate though09:38
ricotz<ricotz> while I meant to upload this change to impish too09:38
seb128ricotz, indeed :/10:00
laneyoSoMoN: I'm gonna need gedit 40 to land tracker 312:26
laneywell, technically, the nautilus update I did at the same time - it breaks gedit << 4012:27
laneyfedora did https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/gedit/c/8885160cf6f498c6d5bc03fc858ba1d0cb82d1eb?branch=rawhide - should we do too?12:27
oSoMoNlaney, I was hoping to get an answer to https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gedit/-/commit/fa587e033c97fac65dacdb3c9520635beca68fbc#note_1180636 from a maintainer before proceeding12:27
ubottuCommit fa587e0 in GNOME/gedit "deteplification: the mega commit"12:27
oSoMoNman, what a commit message12:28
oSoMoNlaney, I'm okay with proceeding like fedora did12:29
oSoMoNI'll handle it this afternoon12:29
laneythanks a lot :D12:29
laneyI'll need to add a Breaks to nautilus12:29
laneyguess I can do that now tbh12:29
seb128what is gedit relying on from nautilus? 12:33
* seb128 is curious12:33
laneywait for the commit ;-)12:33
* oSoMoN expects a creative commit message, fedora-like12:36
* laney spanks KGB-1 12:41
laneynever talks when you want ...12:42
ubottuCommit afc92a4 in gnome-team/nautilus "control: Breaks gedit << 40"12:42
=== doko_ is now known as doko
seb128it means we could also backport https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gedit/-/commit/8f6490c6 to 38 if we wanted to wait for upstream clarification on 40 and depends12:56
ubottuCommit 8f6490c in GNOME/gedit "file-browser: drop use of confirm-trash"12:56
seb128oSoMoN, ^ fyi in case you don't follow the channel (also I had to restart, kernel didn't like me playing with bluez) so might have lost backlog13:14
seb128oSoMoN, other topic ... I guess adding a similar /etc/thunderbird/policies access to thunderbird would make sense? (checking online and the tb code it seems it has similar mechanism and the dirname is based on the product)13:15
oSoMoNseb128, I haven't tested policies in thunderbird, but it makes sense indeed13:16
seb128oSoMoN, thanks13:24
oSoMoNseb128, if you add that same plug, you will also want a store auto-connection request like https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connecting-the-system-files-interface-for-the-firefox-snap/2510313:25
seb128oSoMoN, right, I saw that request, will do, thanks13:28
hellsworthgood morning desktopers13:50
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth 13:50
hellsworthhi there oSoMoN :)13:50
GunnarHjHi seb128, is bug #1933022 present all over 3.38? If so maybe the fix should be made in bullseye.13:51
ubottuBug 1933022 in gnome-desktop3 (Ubuntu) "gnome control-center crashed with sigsegv in g_str_hash() whenever I try to  add input sources" [High, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193302213:51
seb128GunnarHj, hey, I've no idea, it happens on hirsute but I don't have a Debian system to try handy atm13:56
seb128GunnarHj, also it impacts users who changed a gsettings key so it's quite a corner case13:56
seb128(or do we have a visible UI to toggle that config?)13:56
GunnarHjseb128: Ok. I'll test. There is indeed a UI for it in Tweaks, and also mentioned in the docs: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/keyboard-layouts.html13:58
marcustomlinsonhey hellsworth14:04
hellsworthhiya marcustomlinson 14:06
jibelGood morning hellsworth 14:17
hellsworthhi jibel 14:17
hellsworthhope your tuesday is going well and you still feel good :)14:17
GunnarHjseb128: The gnome-desktop segfault issue is easily reproducible on Debian testing. I feel it's a bit beyond a "corner case", so I'm thinking of fixing it in bullseye.15:17
GunnarHj(and hirsute)15:20
seb128GunnarHj, feel free, I've enough other things to do and I'm not interested in getting involved in that one though15:28
seb128I checked errors.ubuntu.com and there isn't really a spike of report on hirsute so it doesn't seem too concerning, we could update gnome-desktop ro 3.38.7 and include the fix15:30
seb128on that not bbl, need to relocate15:33
TrevinhoGunnarHj: hey, any clue what's using gnome_get_all_languages ?15:44
Trevinhofrom https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/j4XYjRKctQ/15:44
KGB-1gnome-control-center Marco Trevisan 245442 * commented commit 2ba4e35 * https://deb.li/i2seI15:53
KGB-1gnome-control-center Marco Trevisan 245443 * commented merge request !21 * https://deb.li/wtXc15:53
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=== cafetiere is now known as apw
GunnarHjTrevinho: I'm pretty sure that is one of the obsolete patches which previously made up the Ubuntu GNOME language pack install feature.16:10
TrevinhoGunnarHj: so it seems, so should not be needed? was metnioned as something needed by gnome 3.816:11
GunnarHjTrevinho: AFAIK it can be dropped. 3.8 sounds like trusty, and the feature was developed around that time.16:13
GunnarHjTrevinho: I'd guess (not checked) that it was used by the g-c-c patch you just dropped.16:17
GunnarHjTrevinho: Correction: gnome_get_all_languages() was used by another patch, which was dropped through this commit:16:46
ubottuCommit 21a7438 in gnome-team/gnome-control-center "Really remove the patch"16:46
TrevinhoGunnarHj: actually even before16:46
TrevinhoGunnarHj: https://www.pastery.net/cjxsah/16:47
Trevinhoso was disabled on earlier commit either16:47
TrevinhoI think is fine to drop it too then16:47
Trevinhowas removed on 3.32.1-1ubuntu416:48
Trevinhonice :D16:48
GunnarHjTrevinho: Btw, did you have a chance to look at the g-c-c MR I submitted? I.e. the one where I propose to reverse your work. ;)16:49
TrevinhoGunnarHj: yeah, I replied earlier16:50
GunnarHjAh, will look at that.16:50
KGB-2gnome-desktop signed tags dd67f3e Marco Trevisan ubuntu/40.2-1ubuntu1 * gnome-desktop3 Debian release 40.2-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/6OJN18:54
KGB-2gnome-desktop ubuntu/master ca35b2c Marco Trevisan * pushed 88 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/iwc4x18:54
KGB-2gnome-desktop ubuntu/master e708fc1 Michael Catanzaro NEWS meson.build * Prepare 40.2 * https://deb.li/I1vA18:54
KGB-2gnome-desktop ubuntu/master c8949ed Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) (30 files in 6 dirs) * New upstream version 40.2 * https://deb.li/KOvv18:54
KGB-2gnome-desktop ubuntu/master 8e1399d Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) debian/watch * debian/watch: Update to new GNOME versioning schema * https://deb.li/3Pc7n18:54
KGB-2gnome-desktop ubuntu/master d25f794 Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) (30 files in 6 dirs) * Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/40.2' * https://deb.li/sZns18:54
KGB-2gnome-desktop ubuntu/master e818b32 Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) debian/changelog * New upstream release * https://deb.li/3nVfU18:55
oSoMoNlaney, https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gedit/-/merge_requests/1019:20
ubottuMerge 10 in gnome-team/gedit "New upstream release: 40.1" [Opened]19:20
gitlab-botGNOME issue (Merge request) 10 in gedit "New upstream release: 40.1" [Opened]19:20
oSoMoNand https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gedit-plugins/-/merge_requests/319:20
ubottuMerge 3 in gnome-team/gedit-plugins "New upstream release: 40.1" [Opened]19:20
gitlab-botGNOME issue (Merge request) 3 in gedit-plugins "New upstream release: 40.1" [Opened]19:20

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