
Myrttimy god I hate allergy season08:41
bigcalmAnybody excited for this? https://www.gov.uk/alerts/planned-tests09:31
bigcalmIf my idea of excitement is getting a text message, my life might be a little dull.09:32
zxm-pii seem to remember irish government rolled something like this out for emergency sms. couldn't turn it off fast enough09:33
MyrttiFinland has had that for a relatively long time and pretty much everyone hates them10:09
Myrttireminder to the allotment havers: first aid kit might be a good purchase10:11
bigcalmGood for the car as well10:19
Myrttithat I bought even before the car10:36
daftykinshappy lunch time gang \o11:08
daftykinswoke up at 8am yesterday ready for the mammoth day to begin... saw an email warning me the electrician of a client i had to attend first thing had already bowed out due to illness, score \o/11:33
bigcalmNo emergency text message for me :(13:41
zxm-piyou're not important enough to save13:42
zxm-pi...or typical government flamingo up13:42
zxm-pimy money is they gave the contract to a sms bulk delivery company with no computers :-P13:43
bigcalmAnybody here use lynis to automate checking things on servers?15:12
bigcalmI'm looking at a test for if a server needs to be rebooted. For Ubuntu this can be found by checking for the existence of /var/run/reboot-required15:13
bigcalm(this is how I would do it)15:13
bigcalmBut lynis checks for /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs15:13
bigcalmI'm wondering what the difference is between the two15:13
bigcalm /var/run/reboot-required: *** System restart required ***15:14
bigcalm /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs: linux-base15:14
bigcalmI think the former gets sent to the MOTD15:15
bigcalmShould a) the presence of either file mean that a reboot is needed, OR b) only the .pkgs is a true indicator?15:19
bigcalmNick expiring after 2 weeks?! Best not go on holiday16:07
MattJNo, 10 weeks16:13
MattJUnless you stopped using the nick within 2 hours of your first login16:13
MattJIt's to stop people from registering nicks and then immediately logging out, to prevent anyone else using that nick16:14
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bigcalmMattJ: I see. My fault for not clicking the link and assuming things from the headline :)21:09
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diddledanI would posit that both are created by the same process, so the .pkgs one is a list of which packages caused the reboot requirement while the non-.pkgs file is the message for the MOTD21:12
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bigcalmdiddledan: I see. But why would the .pkgs file be removed but the other one not?21:14
diddledanno idea21:14
* bigcalm kicks VirginMedia21:16
bigcalmWork won't ya? 4G is sucky21:16
zxm-piyou need to get fully vaccinated for the 5g upgrade :-P21:18

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