[08:45] Hi [08:46] I am trying to bootstrap Juju on LXD cluster and it keeps failing due to this error: [08:46] 08:44:16 DEBUG juju.provider.common bootstrap.go:282 failed to start instance in availability zone "OD-06": x509: certificate is valid for mgnt-lxd.metal.domain, mgnt-lxd-01.domain, mgnt-lxd-02.metal.domain, mgnt-lxd-03.metal.domain, not ollie-deploy [08:47] The SSL cluster is valid for the cluster name (LXD endoint) and all 3 hosts. Ollie-deploy is a VM i am trying to bootstrap on [08:47] The error suggests I'd need to add ollie-deploy to the SSL but this doesn't seem right. I shouldn't have to change the clusters certificates everytime I bootstrap on a machine [08:47] If anyone is able to point me in the right direction it would be great. I've been stuck on this for days [15:28] iOllieN: I think this PR (https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/13103) might solve the issue you are having [15:42] Thanks