
goddardwas nvidia-smi replaced?00:22
sarnoldnvidia-utils-465: /usr/bin/nvidia-smi00:25
sarnoldit's still there in a big-ish version number00:25
oopsi can't understand the meaning of " root.localhost." in " @       IN      SOA     localhost. root.localhost." when i try to bind my domain to server ip , in ubuntu server guide, the state like this " Change to the nameserver’s IP Address and root. localhost to a valid02:06
oopsemail address" , what's the valid -email address ?02:06
sarnoldoops: when there's errors with your domains, that's the email address people are going to use02:10
oopssarnold: i still couldn't understand the relation between the email address and the root.localhost. yet, this is the forward file :https://paste.centos.org/view/b1114327, could you teach me how to fill the root.localhost. option,02:16
oopscarnold: 5 line02:16
leftyfboops: what version of ubuntu are you running?02:17
oopsLinux 888 5.8.0-55-generic #62~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 2 08:55:04 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:18
leftyfboops: why are you running your own bind server?02:18
oopsfor learning02:18
leftyfboops: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-bind-as-a-private-network-dns-server-on-ubuntu-14-0402:19
sarnoldoops: if I'm reading this correctly, that domain doesn't exist, the top registrar is publishing an nsec3 record for it https://dnsviz.net/d/caill.top/dnssec/02:19
leftyfboops: http://www.firewall.cx/linux-knowledgebase-tutorials/system-and-network-services/829-linux-bind-introduction.html02:20
leftyfbsarnold: I don't think the problem they are trying to solve is with one record. It's more-so understanding the syntax of bind9 records and what they all mean02:21
sarnoldleftyfb: yeah, these zone files aren't the nicest..02:21
leftyfboops: that last article I gave you is pretty detailed. Don't skim it02:22
sarnoldI just wanted to make sure that oops knew that the email address given in the zone doesn't look like it'd work02:22
leftyfbsarnold: it won't. But I'm hoping they come to that conclusion on their own after reading and learning :)02:23
leftyfbsarnold: actually, the email is fine02:24
sarnoldleftyfb: and now they've got a great service to use to check their zone once they get it working :)02:24
leftyfbsarnold: it's valid syntax. Not that anyone actually uses that anyway02:24
oopssarnold: the domain "caill.top" which i ordered it from china aliyu yesterday, i can search it from china whois site,but i can't search it in another foreign website ,what's the reason , is the domain name also virtual???02:27
j2bv16oops: whois in terminal its showing02:34
oopsjsbv16: how to view one domain owned by me in bind configure files?02:45
j2bv16oops: No idea master. Maybe you need to keep searching02:54
alzghI'm on Ubuntu focal. `apt upgrade` shows me that over 404 MB of additional disk space will be used. Is there a way to break this down to which packages/programs are responsible for how much of those 400 MB?03:00
j2bv16alzgh: can you use the GUI update-manager ?03:01
alzghI'm on KDE, the updater shows me the size of each package but not their eventual size on disk.03:02
Bashing-omalzgh: ' apt show <package> ' is one way >> "Installed-Size: 4,212 kB" for one instance.03:02
alzghthis works after upgrading/installing, right?03:03
Bashing-omalzgh: No - from the repo :D03:03
alzghYaaY :D03:03
alzgh404MB additional disk space for an upgrade looks too much to me. Isn't it?03:04
alzghI'm upgrading every few days.03:04
alzghIn fact did maybe yesterday or the day before.03:05
Bashing-omalzgh: Depends on how often you have kept up-2-date. As well as what to updates are.03:06
alzghI'm updating almost daily or every other day.03:07
Bashing-omalzgh: After My update this day Autoremove one old kernel" After this operation, 377 MB disk space will be freed."03:08
alzghAhh, this must be it then. So, you had it too.03:09
Bashing-omalzgh: Yeah the update had several packages including the new kernel.03:10
alzghI can at least console myself that I was suspicious of the large size :)03:12
alzghhow do I recognize the kernel from the name or... Bashing-om03:12
Bashing-omalzgh: linux-image and headers and such . be several packages.03:14
alzghthe closest looks "linux-generic-hwe-20.04"03:14
alzghand the corresponding headers03:14
alzghfrom to
Bashing-omalzgh: Yup that is the HWE kernel :D03:16
Bashing-om!hwe | alz03:16
ubottualz: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack03:16
alzghjust checked my current kernel with `uname -srm` and it's Linux 5.8.0-55-generic x86_6403:17
alzghit's probably business as usual for you guys but I'm learning Linux :D03:17
Bashing-omalzgh: The GA kernel @ relase " sysop@2004x-c:~$ uname -r >> 5.4.0-77-generic".03:18
Bashing-omalzgh: This is the way you learn - ask questions and do the homework :D03:18
Bashing-omrelease* ^03:19
alzghgood vibes03:19
alzghso as I understand Ubuntu LTS has a rolling kernel update policy like security updates in contrast to the stable/discrete model for applications03:23
Bashing-omalzgh: In a sense yeah - LTS releases have that ability to install the next release's kernel - supporting newer hardware.03:25
alzghahh, hence the name HWE03:26
Bashing-omalzgh: Uh Huh - some things do make sense :D03:27
alzghLinux chad kernel update without even logging off, windows needs restart after every crap app install/uninstall03:28
Bashing-omalzgh: Me I run on old hardware - hense I have no desire for the HWE kernel - me likes tested and stable !03:29
alzghtested and stable is mostly for the best03:29
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alzghAt times tho it gets funny because say focal still has node 10 in its repository.03:30
alzghMaybe it would be for the best to remove it or replace with a dummy or bump it up to 14 at least.03:31
Bashing-omalzgh: ' ls -al /var/run/reboot-required ' to *KNOW* if your system as set up needs rebooting.03:31
Bashing-om!latest | alzgh03:31
ubottualzgh: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.03:31
alzghwouldn't apt remind me if it needed? Bashing-om03:32
Bashing-omalzgh: I run so stripped down - I do not recall if apt has a reminder for reboot.03:33
alzghubottu I agree. These things should be handled through third party repositories. Are `!backports, !sru, and !ppa` branches on repository or how do I access them? Sorry for my ignorance.03:34
Bashing-omalzgh: Not to know is not a sin - we were all new at one time - in your client run ' /msg ubootu !backports ' to get a start on these learning curves.03:36
alzghBashing-om what do I see for output of `ls -al /var/run/reboot-required ` when it needs rebooting? This is my output right now `-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32 Jun 23 05:27 /var/run/reboot-required`03:38
Bashing-omalzgh: As the file exist - then yeah need to reboot the system. else there would be no return. ( now there is a procedure to avoid the needed reboot, but I rather just reboot and see what happens personally).03:41
alzghthanks for all this information03:41
Bashing-omalzgh: NP - one day you too will "pass it on" :D03:42
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Kill-AnirnalsCan anyone help me with this compiling error?07:20
Kill-AnirnalsI have ft2build.h. Not sure why Its not showing up07:21
Kill-AnirnalsDo I need to add it's parent directory to PATH or something?07:21
Kill-Anirnalsnevermind I think I got it07:43
zambai have the same problem with the .desktop files not launching under the Desktop folder in ubuntu 20.04.. i have attempted to both set the files executable and the gio set <filename> metadata::trusted true, but it still just opens in the text editor07:47
jmurielinstalled xterm from packages. it is weirdly slow to start up. is there a way to speed it up?08:15
EriC^^jmuriel: maybe it's running into some errors etc, worth a shot to run it from a terminal just to see if it gives any errors/warning etc08:16
jmurielEriC^^: good idea. There is an interesting warning message: "Warning: Tried to connect to session manager, Could not open network socket"08:17
EriC^^jmuriel: try "unset SESSION_MANAGER" then try launching it to see if it makes any difference08:18
jmurielEriC^^: Yessss! you did it!08:19
jmurielEriC^^: Is there somewhere I can learn more about this SESSION_MANAGER variable?08:19
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EriC^^jmuriel: which desktop and ubuntu version are you using?08:23
jmuriel20.04 LTS, xmonad08:24
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iOllieNI am trying to bootstrap Juju  on LXD cluster and it keeps failing due to this error:08:48
iOllieN08:44:16 DEBUG juju.provider.common bootstrap.go:282 failed to start instance in availability zone "OD-06": x509: certificate is valid for mgnt-lxd.metal.domain, mgnt-lxd-01.domain, mgnt-lxd-02.metal.domain, mgnt-lxd-03.metal.domain, not ollie-deploy08:48
iOllieN The SSL cluster is valid for the cluster name (LXD endoint) and all 3 hosts.  Ollie-deploy is a VM i am trying to bootstrap on08:48
iOllieNThe error suggests I'd need to add ollie-deploy to the SSL but this doesn't seem right. I shouldn't have to change the clusters certificates everytime I bootstrap on a machine08:48
iOllieN If anyone is able to point me in the right direction it would be great. I've been stuck on this for days08:48
oopsi set up primary dns server on my vps according ubuntu server guide (20.04) strictly, after configuring completion , i restart bind9 service , the syslog display all the zone which i set loaded, then i using "dig -x" , i find the server ip is still "," and it's not my server ip , who would like to help me to view where have errors, https://paste.centos.org/view/6053cce008:59
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akikhi, how do i install ubuntu 20.04 on an existing btrfs filesystem? i have fedora 33 installed on it now in two btrfs subvolumes09:49
akikcan i mount the target filesystems before starting the installer?09:53
mgedminthis is a good question; I know that a long time ago the desktop installer supported this use case: mount an existing partition, wipe everything except /home, install new OS there09:54
mgedminyou had to do manual partitioning and uncheck the 'format' checkbox, iirc09:55
mgedminI've never tried it myself09:55
akiki remember that for luks i did something similar but can't remember it09:55
mgedmintry the procedure in a scrath VM perhaps before you attempt it on your real machine?  and make sure you have good backups09:55
akikmgedmin: it's not the same thing then09:57
akiki found the install guide that i used with luks but the original site is gone09:59
supremekaiHey guys, in systemctl a service may be "loaded", "active" and there is also a "SUB" tab which may present "runnin" and "exited"10:00
mgedminakik: there's also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_201910:01
supremekaiwhere are those services? I mean, where is the "startup" folder of this dozens of "services"?10:01
akikmgedmin: i'm not doing luks now, but btrfs on existing filesystem10:01
supremekaisorry, but what is the difference between list-units?10:01
supremekaiI am very confused10:02
supremekaiI tried to read some stuff but there is also init.d10:02
* supremekai *Explodes!*10:02
akikmaybe i just need to select the btrfs filesystem in the installer, then select not to format it10:05
akikbut how i create the @ and @home as the installer just shows different mount points10:06
akikmaybe it'll work just fine10:08
akikyes it created @ and @home on the existing btrfs filesystem and it's installing now10:13
akik(and didn't remove my fedora installation :)10:14
akikit mounted @ from /dev/sda4 to /target10:18
akik├─/target       /dev/sda4[/@] btrfs        rw,relatime,ssd,space_cache,subvolid=2161,subvol=/@10:18
clarkkUbuntu 20.04, Gnome 3.36.8.  For about a month, possibly after installing some updates, although there were no user config changes as far as I know, the USB external mouse drag and drop of my laptop has become very unreliable, although the trackpad works as expected. It seems to deactivate the left mouse click randomly, which means that the wrong things get highlighted.  This system, and the mouse, worked fine running10:21
clarkk18.04 for years before I installed 20.04, and then worked fine for many months on 20.04.  Does anyone have any ideas about how I could fix it? I tried closing all software and apps that are running, but it still happens. I need the external mouse for some software I use (the issue occurs regardless of whether that software is running), and this issue is generally making the whole system unusable.10:21
McQuestionableclarkk: forgive the patronising question - You're sure it's not the mouse?10:28
Mekaneckwas thinking the same ^10:29
akikmgedmin: the installation worked fine on the existing btrfs filesystem10:30
toddcI lost a mouse last night and dirty usb sckets are often a issue10:30
Mekaneckor the internal contacts of the mouse itself10:32
clarkkMcQuestionable, I did consider that, and I'm afraid I can't rule it out, and I don't have another one to test. There's not much to the mouse tho - no moving parts. It's Logitech, which I bought in June 2019, so not mega old.  I never remove the usb dongle, so dirt is unlikely to get in.  I replaced the batteries, but no improvement.10:33
Mekaneckclarkk:  then it's not a " USB external mouse " but a wireless mouse10:34
clarkkMekaneck, yes, sorry for the confusion10:34
alzghcan noise and meddling of third devices or even things and the shape of place etc. have impact?10:35
clarkkalzgh, no, pretty much constantly happens. I've tried a different surface, but it doesn't help10:36
McQuestionableI've had similar things happpen with the actual internal button in the mouse dying. All I can suggest is trying the dongle on a different PC.10:44
McQuestionableit's kind of up in the air whether that's the issue though :(10:44
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FreeBDSMhi. Unfortunately, I'm using sublime text as a snap. Recently snapd pulled a new version of that package and decided to switch to it. I don't like the new version and would like to remain on older version. I did `sudo snap revert sublime-text --revision 97` to switch to the older version, but now I am worried that as soon as snapd will pull an even newer version - it will again automatically switch me to that version AND will delete the12:16
FreeBDSMolder version due to system.refresh.retain=2. How to tell snapd to 'freeze' on this specific version forever and stop even checking for updates for it?12:16
ograyou cant ...12:18
mgedmindisconnect the machine from the internet and never connect it again12:18
ograyou can delay it for max 60 days but eventually snapd will enforce the upgrade so you dont stay on a potentially insecure version12:18
akikFreeBDSM: https://popey.com/blog/2021/05/disabling-snap-autorefresh/12:22
akikso there are alternate facts12:22
ograakik, well, rather hacks ... but yeah, all of these work12:25
ograthe only one that permanently disables updates is installing with --dangerous ... but that wont work for an already gone snap that you cnt download anymore from the store12:27
ograall other described ways on that blog will force-refresh after 60days12:28
rbasakIf you have it locally, you can grab the snap download from /var/lib/snapd/snaps12:29
rbasakThen install that using --dangerous.12:30
rbasakNot sure how to "unack" though?12:30
ograyeah, that might work12:30
ograyou just take a snapshot and purge the snap ... then install it from the snap file and restore the snapshot12:31
ograremoval will "unack"12:31
ogra... but perhaps just installing over the existing one with --dangreous is enough12:33
* ogra never felt the need to hold snaps forever 🙂12:33
rbasakSometimes upstreams make significant breaking changes that users don't like. Maybe a more common occurrence is an obscure bug that regressions just a small subset of users but is difficult to pin down to get fixed upstream.12:37
ograwell, upstreams that "listen to their users" might simply use a track t provide the older version ...12:38
ograsnap is after all likely the most upstream centric packaging system out there 🙂12:39
popeyogra the last step in the blog post disables 60 days refresh12:41
ograpopey, that script ?12:42
popeyogra yes.12:42
* ogra looks12:42
popeyIt just builds snapd from source with the 60-day number pushed much higher12:43
ograoh my ... by patching snapd on the fly !12:43
ograyeah, i see that12:43
ograi had admittedly not looked at the script 🙂12:43
popeyI've been running patched snapd for months, since last year. So I have control of refreshes12:43
ograwell, you likely want to wrap some cron stuff around that to re-build each new snapd12:46
ograso you dont fall behind12:47
popeyyup, i update whenever a new snapd is in candidate12:47
ograubuntu ... so userfriendly we are ... !12:48
akikpopey: you wrote that the snap download and ack doesn't work to disable the update. didn't that work before?12:48
ograonce you ack a snap it will always refresh from the store12:48
ograhas always been like that12:48
rbasak> cron stuff around that12:49
rbasakWith git-ubuntu keeping a snapd repo up-to-date, I think it might be possible to use a Launchpad build recipe to do that automatically in a PPA for you now.12:49
ograinitial install with --dangerous (or the more dangerous !! --devmode) alsways disables refreshes12:49
rbasakI've not got round to looking into that.12:49
akikoh right so it's the --dangerous option that does it12:49
rbasakBut it'd be nice to be able to "auto-patch" anything in Ubuntu.12:49
popeyThe thing that caught me once was a new snapd landing in the deb archive, which overrode my patched snapd snap.12:50
popeyso now I pin the deb too12:50
ograright, originally --dangerous was called --sideload ... but some architect didnt like the term being so similar to android wording12:50
* ogra still thinks --sideload describes what happens a lot better12:51
rbasakI think I prefer --dangerous. This is the sort of thing that third parties tell users to type. --dangerous better conveys that security updates might be disabled. --sideload sounds like a technical term that users won't understand.12:53
rbasakThis is from the perspective that --dangerous is a general flag like --force.12:53
rbasakRather than a specific instruction.12:53
ograwell, but --dangerous is still rather safe ... just means "not acked" ... whie --devmode gives you the same as dangerous plus disabled confinement12:54
ograi.e. --devmode is far more "dangerous" 🙂12:55
rbasakPerhaps --devmode should require --dangerous then?12:55
ograit implies it ... without telling you12:55
rbasakPerhaps --devmode should require --dangerous then? :)12:55
V|Ahow about --redflag 2 letters less12:59
ograbut a little cryptic12:59
V|Adoesnt have to be dangerous if the person knows what hes doing12:59
V|Adunno its a wartning sign12:59
V|A--warning is same latter count13:00
AavarHi. I have an urgent issue with snaps/lxd. I have a few snaps (uncluding core and lxc) that has been dissabled for some reason. What can I do?13:10
DODO11vous parlez le français13:13
ograAavar, open a post in forum.snapcraft.io13:14
DODO11 ou l'anglais13:14
ograAavar, in the snapd category13:14
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:14
Aavarogra: thank you. I will.13:22
ograAavar, yep, i see it 🙂13:23
Aavarogra: seems I get everything working every other day on this system...13:28
AavarI am not a Professional, so it's my own faul ;)13:31
AavarI guess...13:31
ograunlikely ...13:31
ograi replied on the forum btw ... check if you can enable them again13:31
ograif not, there needs to be some research how you got into that state13:31
ograbtw, there is also a #snappy channel13:32
jailbreakso, with lxqt and xfce, on 20.04.2 I can install libexo-1-0 and right click thunar and open bash/sakura. I can't do this with 21.04 because it installs libexo-2-0. why is this?13:32
jailbreakI took a screenshot: https://i.postimg.cc/HLxGK7hr/Screenshot-from-2021-06-23-14-32-54.png13:33
Aavarogra: ohh... so it's the old ones that are dissabled. Then there is a different issue.13:37
BluesKajHi all13:38
jailbreakfor anyone else, I had to install: sudo apt install xfce4-settings --no-install-recommends13:47
jailbreakwez, ?13:48
wezjailbreak: Yes, thank you.13:57
jailbreakwez, you lost? thank you for what?14:02
wez23:47 < jailbreak> for anyone else, I had to install: sudo apt install xfce4-settings --no-install-recommends14:03
wezThank you for the advice.14:03
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rrrif DNS server is on a wireless-network apart from my computer can I forward its capabilities through another device connected to both networks?14:27
raphahi all14:28
raphaunder ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server, what is the proper way of having OpenVPN run the .conf files in /etc/openvpn/ and/or /etc/openvpn/{client,server}/ on system startup?14:29
rbasakI think, for /etc/openvpn/foo.conf, you can do "sudo systemctl enable openvpn@foo" and that's the simplest and most straightforward way of doing it. I've not tested this though (I run mine on demand, manually, rather than at startup).14:34
rbasak /etc/openvpn/{client,server}/ isn't supported by the default configuration shipped by packaging.14:34
rbasakSee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openvpn/+bug/1917170 for details on that.14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1917170 in openvpn (Ubuntu) "Update the package to look for configuration files in /etc/openvpn/client instead of /etc/openvpn" [Undecided, Won't Fix]14:35
rbasakI'm guessing that's a change upstream made after the packaging in Debian was originally written, but I'm not sure.14:35
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AlexMcLellanHi, I have a question about the root authority certificates in `/etc/ssl/certs`. I know that the certificates typically come from `/usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla`, but I appear to have a few more in there entitled things like 0a775a30.0. What package have these come from?14:42
goddardwhat video codecs does firefox need to play videos?14:48
AlexMcLellanActually, specifically the `/usr/share/ca-certificates.crt` file14:51
GreyAreaHi, I'm trying to install the version of Ansible for focal mentioned in https://launchpad.net/~ansible/+archive/ubuntu/ansible?field.series_filter=focal (`2.10.11-1ppa~focal`)15:02
GreyAreaI've followed the steps on that page to add the repository but when I update and then do a `apt-cache policy ansible` I only seem to be offered `2.9.6+dfsg-1`15:02
rapharbasak: aaah perfect, i was looking for info like that bug report, thank you!15:06
raphait'd help if there was simply a README or so in /etc/openvpn/ mentioning to not use those subdirs for now15:07
rbasakrapha: you're welcome! The usual place to look for information is in /usr/share/doc/openvpn/. Is there anything there?15:09
rapharbasak: there is indeed a README.systemd there which seems to have the info needed to make the subdirs work. never thought of looking in /usr/share/ though ... too used to Alpine Linux perhaps, which doesn't have man pages or other docs in the filesystem for space constraints.15:12
rbasakrapha: it's the Debian/Ubuntu standard for docs to be in /usr/share/doc/<package>15:13
rbasakKeeps things distinct from /etc, where extra care applies which is painful for maintainers - preserving user configuration changes, etc.15:13
rapharelieved though, because now, if there's a power outage, i'll have access ot that box again ... the only way i can get into it is by it dialling home through that pesky http/s proxy15:14
raphadoes make sense rbasak ... and ubuntu leaving docs out of its packages wouldn't make very much sense either15:14
raphaif now i can figure out how to make storcli talk to the raid controller, all will be good15:16
raphadoes anyone know how i could confirm whether ubuntu might have followed suit with RHEL and dropped support for "03:00.0 RAID bus controller [0104]: Broadcom / LSI MegaRAID SAS 2208 [Thunderbolt] [1000:005b] (rev 05)"?15:31
rrrWhat does the error:  bind9 : Depends: bind9-libs (= 1:9.16.1-0ubuntu2) but 1:9.16.1-0ubuntu2.8 is to be installed mean? I have upgraded without issue, but I can't install some programs?16:02
rrrdoes this pertain to a dist-upgrade?16:03
ioriarrr, pleasew,paste apt-cache policy bind9-libs | nc termbin.com 999916:05
rrrioria, https://termbin.com/hdat16:10
ioriarrr,  apt-cache policy bind9 | nc termbin.com 999916:11
ioriarrr, i'am not really into ports.ubuntu.com or arm things; but you might need to add  focal-updates to your sources-list16:14
=== engine83 is now known as engine_83
thesebHow debug why a long running AWS Ubuntu Linux server would need rebooting due to freezing last 2 days?  /var/log/syslog and dmesg don't seem to give many clues16:31
Alabalistic_hi interesting question, was VM freeze or Aplication problem16:40
plopsI have a VPS running OpenVPN and would like to run a webserver from it to test a few projects. Is there a way to block all connections to the server except those from my VPN?16:45
plopsMeaning, I connect to my VPN, then I can connet to my webserver, otherwise all connections even my home connection are rejected16:45
Alabalistic_plops:  AWS16:45
Alabalistic_you can do it in VM level using ufw Uncomplicated FireWall16:46
Alabalistic_first allow your VPN ports, then enable it16:47
plopsYeah i've been experimenting with that. If I allow only connections to port 80 from VPN IP that should work?16:47
Alabalistic_yes I believe so16:48
Alabalistic_but something not sound right16:50
Alabalistic_I use vpn to trasnform dinamic IP from the open internet to static ip in a local network16:51
Alabalistic_Punch a hole in my firewall for vpn connections only from there you work normaly in a LAN with private IPs16:53
Alabalistic_WireGuard is very simple btw, I never used openVPN16:54
thesebAlabalistic_: application hasn't been touched in a while so seems like VM problem?16:58
Alabalistic_check your cloud watch metrics, otrer is cloud trail,16:59
thesebAlabalistic_: i see 2 times the cpu % spiked up to 100%..will that crash that machine?17:01
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Alabalistic_theseb:  I vould check this time window in logs and try to figure out, it can be lots of things.17:03
Alabalistic_in the cloud you must consider your servers as a cattel not as pets, so try to keep it as vanila as possible and Configuration management system can be handy.17:05
Alabalistic_I can help you with creating a simple ansible playbook which can install your application on a VPS with a mouse click, just looking for some project in ansible.17:07
thesebweird i never had this problem before...the 100% last for about 2 hrs in the evenings (my time) each time....something blasts the cpu for 2 hrs17:07
thesebAlabalistic_: thanks but hopefully i don't need to keep rebuilding the server over this17:08
Alabalistic_do you use snaps, they update twice a day17:09
thesebAlabalistic_: let me check17:09
Alabalistic_sudo snap list17:09
thesebAlabalistic_: yes17:09
thesebAlabalistic_: but snap shouldn't take down my system...it isn't just frozen for this 2 hrs but always thereafter17:10
Alabalistic_they update but yes not taking a system down17:10
thesebAlabalistic_: newbie question but /var/log/syslog is the only/main place to look yes?17:10
Alabalistic_can't tell. my log reading game is not any good17:13
thesebAlabalistic_: ok ;)17:19
thesebAlabalistic_: checking the time window in the logs that cloudwatch shows the cpu spike was brilliant..i can see all the out of memory stuff in the logs17:20
thesebAlabalistic_: thanks for that17:20
FreeBDSMogra: akik: thanks17:21
FreeBDSMso now I want to migrate away from snap, how do I migrate my data?17:22
FreeBDSM~/snap/ doesn't contain jack shit17:22
Mekaneckmind the attitude a bit17:23
FreeBDSM/snap/* seems to contain the program itself, not my data ('profile'/'settings')17:23
FreeBDSMMekaneck: attitude towards what?17:23
FreeBDSMsnap is crap17:23
Mekaneckthat kind of attitude17:23
FreeBDSMare you robbing me of having negative opinion on stuff?17:24
Mekaneckjust drop it. If you don't like it than that's your opinion17:24
FreeBDSMscrew off17:24
Mekaneckagain mind your attitudez17:24
FreeBDSMput me to ignore or go wank a cup of tea17:25
Mekaneckdude... keep th IRC Rules and guidelines in mind17:25
Alabalistic_FreeBDSM:  chrck you /var17:25
FreeBDSMAlabalistic_: it contains just dirs that match versions of snap packages17:26
FreeBDSMthey seem to be empty17:26
Alabalistic_what kind of data do you have17:26
FreeBDSMyeah, they are17:26
Alabalistic_which snap do you use17:27
FreeBDSMAlabalistic_: I don't know. I want to migrate my sublime text 3 profile, because they decided to ruin it and I just learned that snap is such a crap that I just can't tell it to 'freeze' a package like I do with a proper package manager17:27
FreeBDSMI have no idea where it stored the data17:27
Alabalistic_ask google: sublime snap where the data is stored17:28
FreeBDSMhave been doing it for the past 40 min17:28
FreeBDSM'it is in /var/snap' no it isn't17:28
thyriaenmy destop files in .local/share/applicasions do no longer appear in the menu17:28
FreeBDSMmenus are broken since the start17:29
FreeBDSMI don't rely on .desktop files at all17:29
thyriaenFreeBDSM, Thanks for your Help !17:30
Alabalistic_FreeBDSM:  just installed sublimetext safes the files in your home17:32
FreeBDSMAlabalistic_: ah, so ~/.config/sublime-text-3 is used by snap?17:33
FreeBDSMthen, I guess there should be no migration needed, just deleting snapd and installing sublimetext from a .deb17:33
FreeBDSMwill only sacrifice scrcpy then :(17:34
FreeBDSMbut maybe I'll make docker to build a .deb of it for me17:34
oerheksor go into software > installed > sublimetext > permissions17:41
FreeBDSMyay, sublimetext still works and it hooked my profile&settings!17:44
FreeBDSMthanks for help! successfully removed snapd!17:45
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iffraffHi, I'm trying to install the .net framework 4.5 on ubuntu and I can't seem to find any info on how to do that.  Does anyone know or know where I should ask/look?18:18
toddciffraff: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/linux-ubuntu18:26
iffrafftoddc: thank you but I'm trying to install .net framework 4.5.  I have installed .net core 5.0  but when I try to build my app it says " The reference assemblies for .NETFramework,Version=v4.5 were not found"18:28
SayonaHi, I have UUID=3ADAE5F6DAE5AE77 /mnt/backup     ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       0 added by ubuntu. but I cannot create folders/files there... I need to do something manually?18:29
oerheksSayona, what gives 'id' ? are you member of 'plugdev' ?18:31
Sayonaoerheks, yes I am.18:32
oerhekselse the partition might be dirty, filesystem errors ... use fsck to correct these18:32
oerhekssudo ntfsfix /dev/something18:33
SayonaVolume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk.18:35
oerheksbetter from windows, yes18:35
MrKeunerhi, installed JDK 16 from Ubuntu Software center via snapcraft.io18:37
MrKeunerCannot locate the JAVA_HOME can you help?18:37
Sayonaoerheks, is ugly :(18:38
MrKeunerah, binaries are named openjdk.java... etc for some reason.18:40
akikMrKeuner: JAVA_HOME was used with oracle java when you installed it from a zip file. do you absolutely need it?18:40
MrKeunerCurious why but that would work, too.18:41
MrKeunerakik, all I wanted is to use update-alternatives to set default jdk to the one I got from Sanp18:41
MrKeunerThat's why I was looking where they are installed18:41
akikMrKeuner: use your package manager to see "dpkg -l" lists all installed packages and "dpkg -L package" lists its files18:42
MrKeunerakik, doesn't seem to show ones I got from snap18:42
akikubuntu packages java into snap now?18:43
MrKeunerWhich makes sense as snap is a different packagge manager18:43
MrKeunerNo they still have jdk in their repo, actually they have lots more 8,11,13,14,16 I think18:43
MrKeunerI just noticed that while searching for install path of the snap one18:43
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srciffraff: curious, have you solved your issue?19:54
VMGuy234Conky Manager v2.72 doesn't seem to be workin20:17
oerheksnot sure conky works on wayland..20:19
VMGuy234On Ubuntu 21.0420:19
VMGuy234Conky itself works, but it shows a basic system info panel instead of the nice clock widget i selected20:20
oerhekslongest tread on ubuntuforum, 2348 pages and growing https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&page=234820:21
oerhekspost your conky on paste.ubuntu.com?20:21
arkanoidHello! Simple question. I'm writing to AT modem via simple echo commands "echo AT > /dev/ttyUSB1". It works if I do it in sudo shell (sudo -i), but it says "Device or resource busy" without sudo. Problem is that ls -la /dev/ttyUSB1 is 0660 gid 20/dialout, and user is in dialout group20:22
arkanoidwhat's the difference here? Permission says it should be possible to write as group20:23
VMGuy234oerheks: i have no idea how to configure it other than conky manager20:23
jamespVMGuy234 what is conky?20:25
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VMGuy234jamesp: a thing to put widgets on the desktop20:26
jamespoh now I remember20:26
SuperLagHas the way to customize the MOTD changed? is it not /etc/motd or /etc/motd.tail anymore?20:27
oerhekssuper see /etc/update-motd.d  https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-change-welcome-message-motd-on-ubuntu-18-04-server20:28
oerheksto avoid clutter, custom configs are now in the .d folder, like /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20:29
SuperLagoerheks: thank ye :)20:30
VMGuy234i have no idea how to get my widget going i just want a nice looking desktop20:31
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pycuriousI'm trying to optimize my boot time (mostly unsuspend time) for an ubuntu box. Its currently at 30seconds.20:37
Alabalistic_sudo dmesg to catch the offenders, but 30 is not bad20:40
Alabalistic_on slow ssd I have about that on kubuntu and 3 gen i520:40
oerheksindeed, even 'preload' does not really change that20:40
oerheks!info preload20:40
ubottupreload (0.6.4-5, hirsute): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Built by preload. Size 29 kB / 92 kB20:41
oerhekssystemd-analyze blame or systemd-analyze plot > filename.svg # gives a nice view what is going on20:42
oerheksjournalctl -b -0 shows messages from the current boot20:42
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oerheks-1 from previous boot, to compare20:43
oerheksno need to 'defrag' :-D20:43
SuperLagAlabalistic_: is there such a thing as a slow SSD? :D20:43
oerheksany ssd will do, the accesstime of 0 ms is great20:44
Alabalistic_you have SATA and mSATA this is slow20:44
Alabalistic_and m.2 this is faster20:44
Alabalistic_problem is on the SATA interface,20:44
SuperLagI'm asking mostly tongue-in-cheek. I know there are faster technologies... but compared to HDD, any SSD is blazing fast.20:45
Alabalistic_m.2 is connected direct to the PCI slot and there speeds depends on other stuff lines and ... I don't know much about20:45
SuperLagI tell people going from HDD to SDD is the single best upgrade you can make to consumer machines. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯20:46
Alabalistic_yes this is true20:46
pycuriousoerheks: Alabalistic_ Thanks! Let me do some digging and see if i can improve the 30s I currently have. I was using systemd-analyze blame to switch off things on the machine. I am suspending/unsuspending a machine on aws which runs ubuntu 20.04lts. Am trying to optimize speed of unsuspend.20:50
Alabalistic_you mean cloud machine?20:51
Alabalistic_pycurious: what is your image,  and AMI type20:56
pycuriousAlabalistic_: I'm using a ubuntu 20.04lts image20:56
Alabalistic_let me log in AWS and check somthing20:58
Alabalistic_Minimal Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Focal20:59
Alabalistic_check this out in marketplace20:59
oerheks machine on aws ... lolz, do you think it speeds up?21:03
Alabalistic_then check the 3 gen ssd gp3 as storage option and lets see21:03
Alabalistic_pycurious:  I created a instance, now tell me how to benchmark it21:04
Alabalistic_is there some application on it?21:05
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pycuriousAlabalistic_: I had to write something to time the reboots/unsuspend/suspend. Here is my current systemd blame: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ndRyV7vxdM/21:11
pycuriousoerheks: The initial boot time for this machine was 90 seconds!21:11
pycuriousoerheks: journalctl -b -0 —> Hibernation is not considered a boot? I see the list starting here from May instead of today?21:12
Alabalistic_I run the ubuntu minimal from the marketplace, there was licence I had to apply to but the image is free21:13
Alabalistic_there is some old data21:14
Alabalistic_on boot time21:14
pycuriousoerheks: journalctl -t systemd-sleep —> This is not giving much info.21:16
Alabalistic_22 sec for ubuntu minimal21:19
Alabalistic_on gp3 ebs storage is my best21:19
pycuriousAlabalistic_: is that boot/startup time ? or resume time?21:23
Alabalistic_there is a gap between 16 and 22 seconds,21:24
akikpycurious: what's boot number -0 ?21:24
akikpycurious: journalctl --list-boots shows they go from 0 to negative -1 -221:26
pycuriousakik: I'm looking to optimize "resume"21:27
akikpycurious: i mean journalctl might get confused if you use -0 instead of 021:28
alzghI'm on Ubuntu focal. I have a second drive that isn't mounted by default but is listed in my file browser and mounts for the session after the first click. I know I can make it mount on startup using fstab. I'm more curious to know where the current configuration is help and which program does it?21:28
alzghThanks in advance21:28
matsamanalzgh: /etc/fstab is a text file21:29
alzghI know that and what it does. I'm looking to learn where the current situation is configured.21:30
matsamanthe stuff that makes it show up in your file manager and mount if you click it?21:31
matsamanthat's probably udisks automagic21:31
alzghOK, gonna look into that, thanks21:31
srcI have a path in my $PATH I want to purge, but so far without success21:34
srcwhere could this have been set besides ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc ?21:34
srcand when editing both files simply doing $ source .profile ; should update it then permanently for current session correct?21:35
src(oh and I run 21.04 with default bash, bash version 5.1.4(1)-release)21:37
srcwell, this is getting on my nervers, I will relog in, I have nothing too important running atm, back in a sec21:40
srcnow it's really getting on my nerves21:42
matsamansrc: what's the path, can you say?21:42
srcmatsaman: https://termbin.com/pmwu komodo needs to go21:43
matsamansrc: you don't see it in this?: grep -Hi komodo ~/.*21:44
srcmatsaman: I found an .activestate dir that has to go, it's in my .bash_history, besides that ... it's in .viminfo21:45
matsamanthe nuclear option, of course, is: fgrep -HIir 'komodoide/12.0/XRE/state' /21:45
matsamandefinitely worth running against ~/ first though21:45
matsamanit's possible it weaseled its way into your system-level shell profile, I guess21:46
matsamanI don't think a non-3rd-party Ubuntu package would do that, however21:46
srcit's 3rd party21:47
srcI can't say 100% sure but I think I used their shell script for installation21:47
src(please no lectures, I know...)21:47
alzghakshually :D21:48
matsamansrc: okay, yeah that's probably why you're in this mess =P21:48
matsamansrc: fgrep -HIir 'komodoide/12.0/XRE/state' /etc/21:48
matsamanalternatively, if you still have the shell script, it will likely be apparent how it's done from reading it21:49
matsamanbut the bottom line is that very likely somewhere is the exact string 'komodoide/12.0/XRE/state' in a text file21:49
alzghhow is  PATH created? aggregated from all sources or last wins?21:50
matsamanslightly less likely it might be dynamically generated21:50
srccurrently running a search21:50
matsamanlast wins, but it's a variable that can be read and manipulated, so people and organizations are free to complicated it as they like21:51
srcmatsaman: I have export PATH="$PATH:/home/kb/.komodoide/12.0/XRE/state" in my .viminfo21:51
matsamanit could even be something horrible like PATH=foo:bar:`evaluate special nonsense without referring to 'komodo' at all`:baz21:51
matsamanbut I doubt it's that21:51
matsamansrc: nah that's not it21:51
matsamansrc: I would check ~/.* (without -r / recursing), and then /etc/, and then ~/ (with -r / recursing), and then /21:52
matsamanthat is, /etc/ with -r =)21:52
matsamanand /21:52
matsamanbut in that order21:53
srcon it21:54
matsamanif you're done with the app, it might be worth finding the installer/install script anyway, though21:54
matsamanas you might be missing other crufty bits you'd probably be best to remove21:54
srcit's not on my system anymore21:55
* matsaman shrugs21:55
srcthere's one IDE I will never use out of principle :P21:55
DeeJay2 /join #docker21:55
alzghsrc what is it?21:56
srcalzgh: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komodo_IDE21:56
srcwasn't my cup of tea anyways21:57
alzghwhat was it doing on your system then :)21:57
srchow would I know if it was or wasn't21:57
srcusing vscode until onivim is in a usable state and maybe giving that a spin21:58
srcbut I'm done with pretty much any other editor/IDE... I've been exploring once more lately and vscode is hard to beat for a single stop solution21:59
alzghyeah, onivim intrigued me truly21:59
ice9how can I pair apple airpods pro with Linux?21:59
srconly IDE I might give a spin at some point is jetbrains (supposed to be awesome for hard debugging problems)21:59
srcalzgh: yeah seems pretty awesome22:00
Alabalistic_ice9: do they use bluethoot22:00
ice9Alabalistic_, of course22:01
Alabalistic_then put them in peer mode and connect them as any other bluethoot22:01
ice9Alabalistic_,  i'm trying to pair it from gnome settings and it just spins for a while and nothing happens22:02
sixwheeledbeastthey should work with limited functionality22:02
ice9it's working now as speaker only and mic doesn't work, any idea?22:09
sixwheeledbeastsearch engine says: https://reckoning.dev/blog/airpods-pro-ubuntu/22:10
sixwheeledbeast:shrug: if that works, seems to use ofono22:11
srcmatsaman: thanks a lot btw for trying to help22:14
srcI will leave it for another day it seems, I've wasted too much time with this already, but even the searches did not turn up something obvious to me22:15
ice9I'm getting so many messages of "Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7" so what is triggering hibernation since i'm using the laptop?22:22
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