
mborzeckithunderstorm is a great way to start the day05:23
zyga-mbpgood morning05:34
zyga-mbpmborzecki dry and cold here05:34
mborzeckizyga-mbp: no worries, weather maps show that the storm is heading NE towards waw05:35
mborzeckii think i'll work on remodel a bit today, before i forget all the agreements we made06:40
mvogood morning pstolowski 07:08
zyga-mbphey mvo, pstolowski and pedronis :)07:11
mvogood morning zyga-mbp 07:14
zyga-mbpmvo adding autopkgtests today, I guess we all love those :-)07:14
zyga-mbpmvo: I never had to do this, do you know if the SRU process covers non-main packages? 07:14
mwhudsonit does yes07:16
mwhudsonmight be harder to find a sponsor/reviewer though07:17
zyga-mbpI found a bug in my library, fixed it upstream07:18
zyga-mbpI've rolled out the update in fedora and debian07:18
zyga-mbpthough debian is stuck on lack of autopkgtests which I'm adding now07:19
zyga-mbpbut I was wondering how any of that translates to the package update reaching Ubuntu07:19
zyga-mbpI guess I'd need per-package upload rights or a sponsor or something like that?07:19
zyga-mbpmwhudson long time no see :)07:20
mwhudsonzyga-mbp: hi :)07:20
mborzeckiwe still care about 14.04, don' we?07:39
mvomborzecki: we do, at least to keep it alive, it's used to deliver livepatches07:47
mvomborzecki: why do you ask? any problems there?07:48
mborzeckimvo: meh, just old glib without g_autofree07:50
mborzeckimvo: can you take another look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10423 ?07:50
mvomborzecki: hm, hm, that's a bit sad07:54
mvomborzecki: will have a look, but soon have meetings07:55
mvomborzecki: I see the new commit is small, that should be fine :)07:55
zyga-mbpmborzecki isn't g_auto_free just a macro around clenaup?07:56
mborzeckizyga-mbp: it is07:56
zyga-mbpyou can define your own07:56
zyga-mbpmborzecki: which go are we on again? :D08:43
zyga-mbpall good things are in the future08:43
mborzeckizyga-mbp: 1.9, but 1.13 is coming08:44
mvozyga-mbp: ha! almost 1.13!08:44
zyga-mbpmvo: locally on 1.17 beta and love it08:44
mborzeckizyga-mbp: do you see any changes though?08:44
zyga-mbpmborzecki: I used one little bit, math.MaxInt was defined, it previously was missing08:45
zyga-mbpconditional compilation syntax has improved08:45
zyga-mbpand go fmt creates both old style and new style syntax automatically08:45
zyga-mbpoh and having 1.13+ is just great for errors08:45
zyga-mbperror handling is much better with Is and As08:45
mborzeckizyga-mbp: what conditional syntax?08:46
mborzeckii'm not aware of any changes there08:46
zyga-mbpmborzecki +build: things08:46
zyga-mbpone sec08:46
zyga-mbplet me show you08:46
zyga-mbpthose are auto-synced between the +build and the go:build syntax 08:47
mborzeckimvo: can you land https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10444 ?08:52
mborzeckisrsly, what's the point of symlinking /home/foo to some random location?08:56
zyga-mbpmborzecki people with corporate/campus setups mostly08:57
zyga-mbpwhere /home/foo is /random-name-for-nfs-mount-point/home/foo08:57
mborzeckizyga-mbp: i don't get it, if you can symlink /random/location/foo -> /home/foo, so why not bind mount /random/location at /home? unless you're mixing local and remote users which sounds like a very bad idea08:59
zyga-mbpmborzecki yeah, people do mix that08:59
zyga-mbplocal admin08:59
zyga-mbpand remote staff08:59
zyga-mbpand they don't mount all of /home 08:59
zyga-mbpthey mount a specific place08:59
zyga-mbplook through the history of cifs/nfs bugs related to snapd09:00
zyga-mbppeople argue over their setups, usually the larger the installation the more complex it gets09:00
mborzeckiyeah, i remeber those, still made no sense09:00
zyga-mbpI don't think it made no sense09:01
zyga-mbpI think it made sense to the people who had the full picture in a given site09:01
zyga-mbpsince neither of us operates a site like that09:01
zyga-mbpwe must surely have assumptions that are not true09:01
zyga-mbpI don't think huge campus networks are ran by clueless people 09:01
mborzeckiyeah maybe, but it doesn't mean that solution was correct09:02
* pedronis errands09:04
mborzeckimeh, i'm putting semicolons when writing go code now :10:22
zyga-mbpmborzecki hahaha :)10:30
zyga-mbpoh well10:30
pstolowskimborzecki: have a moment for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10447 ?10:32
pedronishttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10446 needs 2nd reviews11:36
mvoplease, it's important11:46
mborzeckipedronis: i've updated https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10432 i think it should match the latest agreements12:03
pedronismborzecki: thanks, I have meetings today but is back in my queue12:03
mborzeckipedronis: cool, thank you!12:03
pedronismborzecki: questions in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1043215:51
* cachio lunch16:41
pedronisit's tests/main/lxd-mount-units failing on 20.10 known? it seems consistent17:26
cachiomborzecki, hey17:46
cachioI see this in many tests https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6HN52xFGxX/17:46
cachiothese dirs are not deleted17:46
cachioshuld be claean it manually?17:47
cachiopedronis, I'll take a look17:48
NimzowitschHi there!18:42
NimzowitschDoes someone know how to fix this problem with the  konversation snap showing this kinda error?18:42
NimzowitschCouldn't start kglobalaccel from org.kde.kglobalaccel.service: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", "The name org.kde.kglobalaccel was not provided by any .service files")18:43
* cachio afk19:18

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