
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  I think it is time to simply drop virtualbox-guest-dkms and virtualbox-guest-source from the virtualbox & virtualbox-hwe packages. Since all of the kernel modules they provide, are available from the vanilla kernels, and have been for a long time. I.e. debian testing, ubuntu focal have them. Thus the ones from the virtualbox dkms package are not used.10:31
xnoxi.e. something like: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/544986016/virtualbox_6.1.22-dfsg-1_6.1.22-dfsg-1ubuntu1.diff.gz which has been test built in my PPA10:31
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  would you be unboard with that? is there any value to still have dkms modules from the virtualbox package?10:32
ogra"unboard" ... thats like schroedingers onboard ?10:32
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  i.e. they have been available since v4.15 so Debian stable & Ubuntu bionic and up.10:35
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LocutusOfBorgxnox, this is something I thought already lots of time12:12
LocutusOfBorgwould be nice to do it, if we are sure the vanilla version is stable enough, something that didn't happen in the past12:12
LocutusOfBorgwith Debian providing them, and Ubuntu too, this is a rational choice12:12
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  then i shall send the patch to debian bts for the maintainer to consider. vanilla version is more stable as far as i can tell. At least in the recent years.12:13
LocutusOfBorgwill also probably allow us to drop virtualbox-hwe package12:13
LocutusOfBorgxnox, no need to open a bug, I can just apply the patch on git and upload12:13
xnoxand the vanilla one is the one we have been using in all ubuntu provided virtualbox images12:13
LocutusOfBorgbut we might consider keeping the binaries around until recent kernels are available on all lts12:14
xnox(vgrant boxes, etc)12:14
LocutusOfBorgthis is good to hear12:14
LocutusOfBorgno need for guest-dkms at all then?12:14
xnoxcorrect, not even in bionic.12:14
LocutusOfBorgI admit I have received feedbacks of resize screen issues that were fixed with guest-dkms tools12:14
LocutusOfBorgthis is why I kept them around12:14
xnoximho we should drop guest-sources & guest-dkms from both virtualbox and virtualbox-hwe12:15
xnoxwe need the guest-tools package12:15
xnoxit just needs not to depend on the guest-dkms anymore, as the kernel modules are implied.12:15
xnoxand if i am wrong, i will eat my own words and fix all the things =)12:15
LocutusOfBorgvirtualbox-hwe exists *just* because of guest tools12:18
LocutusOfBorgso virtualbox-hwe stuff can be just provided by main src:virtualbox for a couple of years, and then dropped12:18
LocutusOfBorgmmm virtualbox-guest-x11 still need to be around :/12:19
LocutusOfBorgthis is the main reason for virtualbox-hwe existance12:19
LocutusOfBorgbecause of newer xorg and runtime deps12:19
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  yeah, i think we still need to ship all the new userspace bits and bobs like guest-x11 etc.12:21
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  so we are only dropping guest-dkms guest-source, but otherwise we are keeping src:virtualbox src:virtualbox-hwe etc.12:22
LocutusOfBorgsadly to know kernel folks can't provide udev rules for the guest-x11 startup things12:23
LocutusOfBorgalso Debian has such issue12:23
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xnoxsrc:linux is providing udev rules for a few things already.12:37
xnoxfor example see https://packages.debian.org/unstable/hyperv-daemons shipped by src:linux in debian12:38
xnoxit has init.d scripts, systemd service, daemons, and a udev rule. They do simple small things, whenever special hyperv device is plugged in.12:39
xnoxin ubuntu src:linux also ships it, but it is called different.12:39
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  i think we can kill udev rules by patching kernel driver to do that.14:38
xnoxLocutusOfBorg:  but not other user space utils.14:38
seb128bdmurray, hey, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/update-notifier/+git/update-notifier/+merge/404404 when you have some free cycles?14:57
bdmurrayseb128: I'm out this afternoon and tomorrow so may not get to it until next week15:00
seb128bdmurray, no hurry, next weeks is fine, enjoy the long weekend!15:00
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laneylaney@raleigh> syncpackage -d experimental bijiben15:59
laneyThe source package 'bijiben' status Superseded not in (Pending,Published) in experimental for pockets Release, Security, Updates, Proposed with status in Pending, Published15:59
laneywhat a message15:59
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jawn-smithdoko: fwupd has a flashrom plugin that is enabled in Debian, but not enabled in Ubuntu because flashrom is in universe. In order to get fwupd back in sync with Debian we will need flashrom in main, and to make it a runtime dependency of fwupd21:58
sarnoldjawn-smith: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashrom/+bug/191237122:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1912371 in libftdi1 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] flashrom + libftdi" [Undecided, New]22:00
sarnoldoh heh, you're on that bug :) sorry22:00

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