
=== doko_ is now known as doko
bdmurray#startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team15:01
meetingologyMeeting started at 15:01:35 UTC.  The chair is bdmurray.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology15:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick15:01
bdmurray#topic Lightning Round15:01
bdmurrayecho $(shuf -e vorlon bdmurray doko sil2100 mwhudson juliank waveform slyon jawn-smith dbungert)15:01
bdmurrayslyon bdmurray dbungert vorlon doko jawnsmith juliank sil2100 mwhudson waveform15:02
slyon- Interviews & Take-home tests15:02
slyon- Investigation of IBM systemd/vlan issue, bug #192965715:02
slyon  * requested more information & testing as I cannot reproduce15:02
slyon- Investigation of armhf-autopkgtest systemd issue, bug #193108815:02
slyon  * can reproduce locally, found workarounds, trying to isolate root-cause15:02
slyon- sponsored zhmcclient, bug #191945115:02
ubottuBug 1931088 in systemd (Ubuntu Impish) "boot-and-services tests fails in impish on armhf (248.3)" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193108815:02
slyon- sync'ed baycomepp after my patch was applied in Debian, bug #192521215:02
slyon- sync'ed iwd for version bump to 0.15 after discussions with Intel15:02
slyon- packaged new zziplib upstream version in Debian (python2-rm)15:02
slyon=== Netplan ===15:02
slyon- merged new YAML generator backend, PR#21115:02
ubottuBug 1925212 in baycomepp (Ubuntu) "FTBFS with GCC-11" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192521215:02
slyon- cleaned up new NM Keyfile parser, ready for review, PR#21215:02
bdmurrayuploaded lto-disabled-list for waveform (LP: #1931881)15:02
bdmurraymerged bryce's britney hints for devel (x2)15:02
bdmurrayadded delve to big_packages for amd64, arm64 (passed)15:02
bdmurrayadded opensaml to big_packages for arm64 (passed)15:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1931881 in lto-disabled-list (Ubuntu) "Change golang-github-mattn-go-sqlite3 to any arch" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193188115:02
bdmurrayspecial SRU release of grub2-signed grub2-unsigned (X, B)15:03
bdmurrayupdated H release notes regarding status of upgrades from G15:03
bdmurraysent Groovy EoL reminder email15:03
bdmurrayemail to ubuntu-dev regarding pylibtiff / import-bug-from-debian15:03
bdmurrayconversations regarding SRU policy changes15:03
bdmurraysubmitted livecd-rootfs changes for a preinstalled image project15:03
bdmurrayworked on a patch for LP: #191665115:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1916651 in base-passwd (Ubuntu Hirsute) "asks about irc user home directory during upgrade" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191665115:03
bdmurrayworked with legal regarding a data deletion request15:03
bdmurraysubmitted an MP for ubuntu-archive-scripts and generate-team-p-m15:03
bdmurray✔ done15:03
bdmurraydan is out15:03
bdmurrayvorlon is out15:03
bdmurrayso doko!15:03
dokolet me go last ...15:03
jawn-smith* Re-write ubuntu-image in go:15:03
jawn-smith    * back up to 100% code coverage15:03
jawn-smith    * working on state machine logic15:03
jawn-smith* RISC-V15:04
jawn-smith    * u-boot now loading the kernel in focal, still an issue reading EEPROM15:04
jawn-smith* LP: #1927078 disallow fully numeric usernames - still under discussion15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1927078 in shadow (Ubuntu Impish) "Don't allow useradd to use fully numeric names" [Low, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192707815:04
jawn-smith* Plus-one maintenance15:04
jawn-smith    * LP: #1931955 fix FTBFS in micropython15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1931955 in micropython (Debian) "1.14+ds-1 is FTBFS on arm64, riscv64, s390x" [Unknown, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193195515:04
jawn-smith    * LP: #1930776 fix compatibility with go 1.16 in golang-github-nicksnyder-go-i18n.v215:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1930776 in golang-github-nicksnyder-go-i18n.v2 (Debian) "failing test with golang 1.16" [Unknown, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193077615:04
jawn-smith        * Patch submitted upstream as well, and was accepted15:04
jawn-smith    * LP: #1930772 pull in upstream compatibility with go 1.16 for golang-github-prometheus-common15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1930772 in golang-github-prometheus-common (Debian) "currently FTBFS due to TestTLSConfig" [Unknown, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193077215:04
juliank* uploaded shim to impish, hirsute, xenial15:04
juliank* verified apt SRUs15:04
juliank* reviewed 2 shim submissions from Debian, 1 from SUSE Expanded support15:04
juliank* discussed fwupd vs shim 15.4 w/ oem and desktop15:04
juliank* looked at outstanding shim pull requests15:04
juliank* got an APT http bug on IRC that was easy to find fix for, need to commit though15:04
bdmurraysil2100 is out15:05
waveform* Uploaded newer rpi-eeprom to unblock proposed (LP: #1931552); removed linux-firmware-raspi2 dep15:05
waveform* Fixed up colorzero after RFS reviews, now in Debian NEW queue (https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/colorzero_2.0-1.html)15:05
waveform* Applied fixes to lg-gpio packaging for Debian; posted RFS15:05
waveform* Worked on Sense HAT packages for debian-python (couple of missing man-pages)15:05
waveform* Investigated issues associated with wrong audio device selection on Pi (LP: #1899962 and related)15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1931552 in rpi-eeprom (Ubuntu Impish) "Please merge rpi-eeprom 12.4 from RaspiOS main" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193155215:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1899962 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Wrong audio output device selected on Raspberry Pi Desktop" [Low, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189996215:05
waveform* Verified login-screen freeze on groovy (and invalidated for hirsute) (LP: #1909678)15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1909678 in xwayland (Ubuntu Groovy) "Ubuntu 20.10 Desktop on Pi4B - screen-freeze after idling at login-screen" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190967815:05
waveform* Still verifying kernel fix for USB storage issues on Pi (LP: #1930629)15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1930629 in linux-raspi (Ubuntu Focal) "Raspberry pi 4 USB controller randomly crashes" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193062915:05
waveform* Marked several take-home tests15:05
waveform* Pi meetings15:05
doko- three days off15:06
doko- validating the python3.8 and gcc-10 SRUs15:06
doko- trying to reach the LO maintainer to get some debugging starting, so far, no success15:06
doko- binutils update15:06
doko- and stuff I forgot ...15:07
bdmurrayany questions on status?15:07
bdmurrayokay moving on15:08
bdmurray#topic Release Incoming Bugs15:08
bdmurray#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ii-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:08
bdmurraybug 1931701 which doko just mentioned15:09
ubottuBug 1931701 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Impish) "autopkgtests failures on armhf of 7.1.4" [High, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193170115:09
bdmurrayso let's skip that15:09
bdmurray#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-hh-incoming-bug-tasks.html15:09
bdmurraybug 193057315:09
ubottuBug 1930573 in usrmerge (Ubuntu) "usrmerge error after upgradingfrom 20.10 to 21.04" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193057315:09
bdmurrayDoes anybody know what provides hwdb.bin off the top of their heads?15:13
waveformudev isn't it? Just having a look...15:14
bdmurrayI seem to recall needing to run a command which generates the hwdb file15:15
bdmurrayIf that's the case I think we could pass on this15:15
waveformudev certainly owns all the stuff under hwdb.d/* and I think that's what udev uses to generate hwdb.bin15:15
waveformah yes, systemd-hwdb15:15
slyonthere is /bin/systemd-hwdb in the udev package15:15
bdmurraySo does something call systemd-hwdb on all installs?15:17
waveformthere's a systemd service called systemd-hwdb-update apparently15:17
waveform(again in the udev package)15:17
bdmurrayWell then maybe we should take this15:18
bdmurrayYeah, let's do that15:18
bdmurray#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html15:18
bdmurraynothing there!15:19
bdmurray#topic Team proposed-migration report15:19
bdmurray#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs15:19
* juliank did not look at hilive yet15:20
dokobreezy -> doko15:21
juliankhilive -> juliank15:21
bdmurraysystemd is with sylon15:22
bdmurrayopenldap is with server15:22
dokopython3-lxc -> jawn-smith15:23
dokopython-ldap -> waveform15:23
dokomtools -> jawn-smith15:23
bdmurrayERROR: Unable to fetch GPG key from keyserver is from python3-lxc15:24
bdmurraythat's everything there then15:24
bdmurray#topic AOB15:25
mclemenceauI'll be out tomorrow and next week15:25
bdmurrayI'm out this afternoon and tomorrow15:25
bdmurrayOkay, thanks everybody15:25
dokoI'll get my covid shot tomorrow afternoon, half-day off15:26
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:26:14 UTC.  Minutes at https://new.ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2021/ubuntu-meeting.2021-06-24-15.01.moin.txt15:26
juliankI got on a waiting list :D15:26
=== bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray
=== WaVeR is now known as Guest395

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