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webchat30screen -X fg 102:56
webchat30-X: unknown command 'fg'02:56
webchat30I am aware "fg" is a bash builtin rather than an executable. Any way I can gotdamn force it to passthrough as a command into my GNU screen though?02:57
sarnoldI'm pretty sure -X is only for *screen* commands, not executables02:58
sarnoldwhat do you want to happen?02:58
webchat30I keep disconnecting for unclear reasons sorry02:59
webchat30I want to run "screen -X fg 1" outside of my GNU screen which should run the command inside my GNU screen. But it declines on account of it's a bash builtin02:59
sarnoldwebchat30: but which window would you want it to run in?03:00
webchat30This some sort of registration requirement? Man this kicking is bad. I'm sorry03:01
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spinningcathey i made www's folder owner www-data and i changed the group's owner to www-data but i cannot view content of that folder when i am in regular use. What should do i more?04:04
V3n3RiXadd permissions for others ... aka chmod 775 folder04:16
V3n3RiXand for the files within the folder chmod 66404:16
spinningcatlet me do that04:18
spinningcatwhat was the permissin 1 i forgot that04:20
V3n3RiX775 = read write execute for owner and the group plus read and execute for others04:21
V3n3RiXso you can see the content of the folder as regular user04:21
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marblingNaive question about live ISOs: if there's no firewall enabled by default and no root password how secure are users while online from inbound traffic? I used a mi-fi device which has no exposed firewall rules/UI so I have no idea what barrier it by itself has.05:50
marblingsince from things I've read since it seems the philosophy behind Ubuntu's lack of default firewalling is if root has to authenticate, but live ISOs don't have that afaict05:51
guivercmarbling, Ubuntu media doesn't have root enabled so it can't directly be used (it has an invalid/empty password so login cannot occur due error; it's more than empty as it's invalid)05:54
marblingguiverc, hmm, maybe I'm misunderstanding how sudo is possible. With regard to inbound traffic do you know how that would be handled by default or would that be solely up to the router?05:56
guivercmarbling, sudo is not disabled, so you can `sudo -i` for example.. but not login to root from remote/local (except via an existing account via `sudo`)... it's the intention.06:14
guivercyou can switch-user to 'root' but not login to 'root' due to error (invalid passwd existing that cannot be keyed in)06:15
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flingIs there a known bug about zsys not creating new snapshots after a revert until I reboot?09:09
lotuspsychjewelcome jj_09:35
saloughi I have a bit of a network problem on ubuntu 1809:38
lotuspsychje!ask | saloug09:38
ubottusaloug: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:38
salougwhen both wired and wireless connections where on, couldn't load any pages, when disabling the wireless could connect. Found a workaround to change to custom DNS. However I am experiencing slow load times. Please note that I need both wired and wireless on. Thanx (hope it makes sense)09:41
flinghow to debug zsys not creating snapshots?09:42
flingin apt ^09:42
guivercsaloug, you should be specific on release details; there is no Ubuntu 18, so do you mean Ubuntu Core 18?09:48
salougsorry guiverc, Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS09:49
guivercI'd update your system fully first & re-try.. a fully upgraded bionic (18.04) system should report as 18.04.5 and not 18.04.409:50
guiverca 18.04.4 system means you may not have fully upgraded since before 2020-08-14 (when 18.04.5 ISO was released; installed systems upgrade before then; https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2020/08/14/ubuntu-18-04-5-lts-released/)09:51
salougthanx guiverc, I am actually trying to but it says failed, check your internet connection09:52
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guivercI'd be checking hardware; as you're reporting issues that should have existed since before August-2020 given your system level... meaning it can't be an upgrade (if what you said is correct), so I'd be checking your hardware or something that has changed in almost last-year...09:54
salougI was thinking about it since the wireless is a usb stick, to check with bios settings perhaps or completely replace it09:58
Guest7Hi, don't know where to really ask this question so shooting it here09:59
Guest7I have windows tool which is used to communicate with the hid i2c based touchscreen ( specifically for firmware upgrade ). I want to reverse engineer this to find out the details about the hid reports and hid descriptors09:59
Guest7Does anyone know which tool to use in this case?09:59
guivercGuest7, what has that to do with Ubuntu?10:00
Guest7guiverc, nothing specifically except that I am running the tool over Ubuntu.10:02
mrvdvhey guys. what command can i use if say i want USER to not access the /etc/passwd so meaning they can't pico passwd to see the list/dirs etc10:33
guivercmrvdv, i believe all users need read access to that; they'll risk losing all access to features as their access can't be looked up .. passwords aren't stored there anyway10:39
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guivercmrvdv, I recall GNU discussions long ago about those rights... if a user shouldn't have read access to it; the GNU belief was the user shouldn't be trusted to logon..10:41
mrvdvits just a preference i wanna do.. its too complicated for me for setting only them to allow to their /home dir10:42
flingmrvdv: try containers like lxd10:42
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mrvdverror: Unable to talk to LXD: Get http://unix.socket/1.0: read unix @->/var/lib/lxd/unix.socket: read: connection reset by peer10:47
mrvdvmind you im doing this in terminal10:50
mrvdvas its a vps10:50
flingCan't I add zsys functionality to a headless server cloud image?11:08
flingShould I use a desktop installer anyway?11:08
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webchat62Hi , I want my nginx server that works with www-data , when create directory its permission be 664 not 64411:32
webchat62so I used umask, but my own user works correctly but not www-data11:32
rbasakwebchat62: try https://stackoverflow.com/q/11584021/478206 maybe?11:45
flingHow to properly prevent certain packages from upgrading? Should I use pinning?12:00
rbasakfling: yes, but please understand that it's dangerous to do that because you'd also be blocking security updates. And that's hostile to others, not just yourself.12:05
goddardso how do i see why my computer locked up?12:15
steve_start scanning through the logs around the time of lockup.12:20
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goddardany easy way to know why a lockup happened if you don't know when it happened12:48
goddardlike over night12:48
goddardi come back to my computer and it is locked up12:48
lotuspsychjegoddard: journalctl -f is handy to keep running to see whats going on12:51
BluesKajHi all12:57
cbreakare Nvidia or AMD gpus better supported by Ubuntu? ... just preparing for when they're actually available and affordable again :/13:19
lotuspsychjecbreak: i dont think we can generalize brands like that13:20
lotuspsychjecbreak: we often see bugs arise on specific hardware models on a specific kernel13:21
cbreakI'm using exclusively nvidia cards at work because of cuda, so I have to deal with closed binary blob drivers, I don't know AMD's, are they similar?13:27
dreamcat4does anybody know the new package name for 'gnome-go' in ubuntu?13:29
dreamcat4because it dissapeared after18.0413:29
cbreakyou sure it was even in 18.04? https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gnome-go&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all13:31
lotuspsychjecbreak: depending on the ati/amd card radeon or amdgpu module should just work out of the box, but we see latest/newest models benefit some latest kernels in some cases/bugs13:33
cbreakhmm, alright, thanks lotuspsychje13:33
cbreakso I'll have to revisit this question with specifics once actual GPUs manifest themselves in the real world13:34
lotuspsychjecbreak: you can also install drivers from ati, but on the ubuntu community we dont really reccomend that13:34
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BluesKajyeah, the next kernel upgrade would break your system13:43
mrvdvwhats the command to make users not be able to access each others /home dir13:45
calmartiI'm having frequent crashes when playing a video + using other apps13:46
calmartii've tried to get the logs by pressing altsysr + cntrl +1 and hten altsys + cntrl +t13:47
calmartinot sure how to check if I actually got the logs of the crashes, does anyone know where and how to look at?13:47
lotuspsychje!chmod | mrvdv13:49
ubottumrvdv: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:49
mrvdvlast time i played with chmod, it didnt end well13:50
calmarti I wiill read the docs for sure, thanks  a lot!13:51
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calmartiis it mvrdv or mrvdv?13:54
calmartioh ok13:55
calmartithought it was part of the command, lol13:55
webchat19ran "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall", pc no longer boots14:37
webchat19Volume group "vgkubuntu" not found, its an encrypted install14:37
webchat19it does not ask me for decrypt key anyone when i boot, and just fails to boot14:38
ioriawebchat19, you can try to boot Recovery mode, root shell and then run 'sudo update-initramfs -u -k all'14:41
webchat19sudo not found14:42
ioriawebchat19, are you in recovery mode atm?14:42
webchat19go to recovery option on boot menu, cannot process volume group vgkubuntu (encrypted LVM)14:43
webchat19(encrypted LVM) i added, as it is encrypted14:43
webchat19then it gives up14:44
webchat19goes to (initramfs) where i can enter a command14:44
ioriawebchat19, then you need a livecd14:45
webchat19what, chroot into it from it?14:45
webchat19worth a try14:46
webchat19currently remembering very well what Linus said about nvidia...14:46
ioriawebchat19, do you have nvidia ?14:47
webchat19yeah, was updating drivers due to getting new screen and didnt have correct res options, annoyingly i managed to get it working just as it borked14:47
webchat19problem wasnt even software based...14:47
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ioriawebchat19, then , when in chroot, purge nvidia and then run sudo update-initramfs -u -k all14:48
ioriawebchat19, just to give you an idea : https://feeding.cloud.geek.nz/posts/recovering-from-unbootable-ubuntu-encrypted-lvm-root-partition/14:48
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webchat19cryptsetup-initramfs was not installed.. wonder if that was the problem14:56
webchat19Not what I was hoping for with getting a 1440/144hz screen XD  oh well14:58
hughrawlinsonAnyone still having clipboard issues on Wayland on 21.04? For me it seems like Firefox and any app that's a wrapped web view copies something unpastable into the clipboard buffer and causes things to hang when I paste into them. Had no luck googling - only found old closed issues, but I'm sure everything's up to date.14:59
Sebzwebchat19 are you just trying to get the panel to run at 144hz?15:00
webchat19The actual problem: DP-HDMI cable I was using was never going to output 144hz15:00
webchat19Using HDMI-HDMI that it came with works fine, I found that out at the same time I broke it15:00
webchat19tried changing nvidia drivers15:00
SebzHave you tried displayport instead?15:01
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SofSI am using Ubuntu LXDE 18.04 on a side notebook. It has been quite a while since I used it but it is working. When I tried to check the Software Updater it detected a number of updates but when it should ask me for the sudo password it crashed. Sudo on the command line is working fine. What package is responsible for the sudo password prompt gui?16:12
EriC^^SofS: i think it's 'pkexec'16:20
EriC^^SofS: pkexec is from the policykit-1 package16:20
calmartiI have focal-fossa already installed but want to boot ubuntu from a live usb in order to do a checkfile, I tried the option 'boot from efi file' but it shows 2 different options and don't want to screw up16:31
calmartione option is a long alphanumeric string that somewhere says ubuntu20.4 and the other just has a string but no idea what it means16:32
calmartiall this appears when I call the uefi menu by hitting shift when booting16:32
calmartidoes anyone have any suggestion ?16:35
calmartiis there another way to boot ubuntu from a live usb  on a machine that already has Ubuntu installed on its hard drive?16:36
Alabalisticthe boot have not much to do with the existing hard drives16:37
Alabalisticlive env is isolated from what you have, after you boot and running accessing files on the drive is question of filesystems and permissions16:38
Ringtailed-FoxAlabalistic, his BIOS might be configured to use his hard drive as the first boot device. he may have to change it to USB or something else :)16:39
Ringtailed-Foxbut that's more of a hardware configuration thing than an ubuntu thing16:39
calmartiyep ringtailed-fox I now remember there used to be an option in BIOS to do that16:39
Alabalisticcalmarti:  share the goal fo your exercise16:39
calmartito choose the boot device16:39
Ringtailed-Foxwhat motherboard/BIOS do you have?  becuase i can help walk you through it if you need help16:40
calmartilet me see16:40
Ringtailed-Foxeven model of machine if it's something like a Hewlett-Packard16:40
SofSPolicykit is installed and pkexec seems to be working, what could be causing the GUI prompt to not work?16:41
Ringtailed-FoxSofS, if it's running as a service/daemon, it might not need to ask you for root permissions16:41
calmartithis is the output from inxi: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6V7rjk5K62/16:41
Ringtailed-Foxsame as if it's running as a regular user program... no elevation needed16:41
calmartiI do need help, thanks ringtailed16:42
Ringtailed-Foxthat just shows your processor type16:42
calmartiit's an hp laptop16:42
Ringtailed-Foxdo you see a model name or number or somethign on the bottom or lid?16:42
Ringtailed-Foxusually you can access BIOS during boot by pressing F10 or F8 or Escape or DEL...16:42
EriC^^calmarti: you should be able to press f9 when the pc boots, then choose "usb" or "uefi usb" to boot the live usb16:42
calmartilet me sess ringtailed, brb16:42
Ringtailed-Foxany luck, calmarti ?16:45
SofSThe real issue is that whatever needs the GUI sudo promt is crashing. Just tested a number of other things. Launching them from the command line with sudo works. I am updating this way as I type this.16:46
calmartiEric, when I hit shift when booting I get a UEFI menu which is a lot different from the BIOS menu I got the first time I boot (with a FREEDos) just before installing Ubuntu16:49
calmartiRingtailed i'm still trying to find the damn name of the HP, i know for sure the series start with 15 something16:49
EriC^^calmarti: what about when you press "f9" ?16:49
calmartifor the time being I collected some data from running lshw16:50
calmartiin case it helps16:50
calmartiI'm going to keep looking for the laptop model16:50
calmartihaven't tried that Eric, but will16:50
EriC^^calmarti: if you just want to run fsck, i think you can do that from the recovery menu in ubuntu (your installed one)16:50
EriC^^grub>advanced>recovery  then choose fsck, i think it should work cause it hasnt mounted anything read-write by that point, worth a shot anyhow16:51
calmartigot it, it's a  HP Laptop 15s-fq2xxx16:52
calmartiI found out by using dmidecode16:53
calmartiEric I already have data and software installed ,been using the laptop for 2 months now16:54
calmartioh I see what you mean, that at the booting point hasnt mounted anything16:54
calmartigot it , got it16:54
calmartiI already tried entering grub / access as root then on prompt: fsck -f /16:55
calmartiit refused16:55
calmartisays the drive is mounted or somethng16:55
EriC^^there should be a menu option about fsck at the top16:56
EriC^^you'll want to go straight to it after the recovery menu appears16:56
calmartiyes, it's kind of 'do a fsck on all fs'16:56
calmartiI also clicked on that and it also refused16:56
EriC^^give f9 a shot, it should work16:57
calmartii'm going to16:57
calmartithanks a lot man16:57
calmartii may be back in a while16:57
EriC^^no problem16:57
SofSOk, solved it, ty. The issue is with policykit-1-gnome, using lxpolkit instead works fine.17:06
RupertEvertonI believe my /etc/resolv.conf is broken -- I followed a guide (https://support.nordvpn.com/Connectivity/Linux/1134945702/Change-your-DNS-servers-on-Linux.htm) to change DNS but then sudo was displaying an error (sudo: unable to resolve host *: Name or service not known) which I fixed by editing /etc/hosts. I tried to restore the old resolv.conf17:12
RupertEvertonwith timeshift but all the relevant sybmolic links are broken. I also installed the resolvconf package and got the error (Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)17:12
RupertEverton) -- How can I revert everything back to what it was before the DNS change?17:12
Alabalisticis what is my resolve.conf you need to write down your dns in my case my router17:14
leftyfbRupertEverton: ls -l /etc/run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf17:14
leftyfbRupertEverton: do you have that file above?17:14
RupertEvertonleftyfb: ls: cannot access '/etc/run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf': No such file or directory17:15
leftyfbRupertEverton: what version of ubuntu?17:15
RupertEvertonUbuntu Budgie 21.0417:15
leftyfbRupertEverton: oh, sorry, it's /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf17:16
RupertEvertonleftyfb: I have that file17:16
leftyfbRupertEverton: ok, run this: sudo rm -rf /etc/resolv.conf && ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf17:16
RupertEvertonleftyfb: rm: cannot remove '/etc/resolv.conf': Operation not permitted17:17
waltmanHi. I work in a small research lab in a university. I'm doing a little admin on a former postdoc's ubuntu box today. After updating it to the latest version of 18.04, I see that there are two processes getting a ton of CPU running `pop-upgrade release check`. Anyone have any idea what those are?17:17
leftyfbRupertEverton: sudo rm -rf /etc/resolv.conf && sudo ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf17:17
RupertEvertonleftyfb: same error -- rm: cannot remove '/etc/resolv.conf': Operation not permitted17:17
leftyfbRupertEverton: are you sure you're using sudo for the first part?17:18
RupertEvertoneven tried typing it17:18
leftyfbRupertEverton: ( ls -l /etc/resolv.conf ; cat /etc/resolv.conf ) | nc termbin.com 999917:19
oerheksdirty filesystem, most likely, use fsck to correct this?17:19
oerheksor touch <somefilename> see if there are errors17:19
RupertEvertonleftyfb: this is the output of ls -l /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf :         -rw-r--r-- 1 systemd-resolve systemd-resolve 738 Jun 24 18:53 /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf17:19
leftyfboerheks: dmesg should tell us that17:19
leftyfbRupertEverton: ( ls -l /etc/resolv.conf ; cat /etc/resolv.conf ) | nc termbin.com 999917:19
oerheksoh, true17:20
leftyfbRupertEverton: also:   dmesg -T | nc termbin.com 999917:20
leftyfbRupertEverton: looking at your termbin output you PM'd me, I don't see any permission issues with your /etc/resolv.conf17:24
leftyfbRupertEverton: sudo rm -rf /etc/resolv.conf | nc termbin.com 999917:24
RupertEvertonrm: cannot remove '/etc/resolv.conf': Operation not permitted17:24
SofSRupertEverton: Are you using NetworkManager? If yes try changing the DNS from there "/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf" then below "[global-dns-domain-*]" something like "servers=,::1" but with your server instead.17:25
EriC^RupertEverton: what does "lsattr /etc/resolv.conf" give?17:26
EriC^any "i" there or just an "e" ?17:26
RupertEvertonSofS: is that a package? Because I don't use anything to change network settings if not my vpn app17:26
RupertEvertonEriC^: ----i---------e------ /etc/resolv.conf17:27
leftyfbRupertEverton: ignore SofS's suggestion, it's. It related to your issue17:27
leftyfb*it's not17:27
EriC^RupertEverton: it's set immutable for some reason, maybe your server provider or something has set it17:29
calmartiEric, it worked, I hit f9 and a different UEFI menu appeared17:29
EriC^RupertEverton: i think sudo chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf   should remove it17:29
calmartiand I did the checkdisk , everything is fine17:29
EriC^calmarti: great17:29
calmartifor some reason when I press SHIFT instead of F9 the UEFI menu is different17:30
RupertEvertonEriC^: I ran that command and checked with lsattr... and this is the output: --------------e------ /etc/resolv.conf17:30
leftyfbOk, now try my command to remove it and relink it to resolvconf17:31
calmartiI've had some frequent crashes lately so I'm planning a memory test for next weekend, does anyone know if the memtest must be done from a live CD/USB?17:31
RupertEvertonleftyfb: do you need the termbin or do i just run the first part  sudo rm -rf /etc/resolv.conf | nc termbin.com 999917:32
leftyfbRupertEverton: sudo rm -rf /etc/resolv.conf && sudo ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf17:33
RupertEvertonleftyfb: I ran that command and it didn't produce any output17:33
leftyfbGood, your dns should be fixed now17:34
ograRupertEverton, rule of thumb in linux -> no output = no error 😉17:35
sixwheeledbeastwhat if the monitor is blank ;)17:36
RupertEvertonperfect, thanks a lot leftyfb and EriC^ -- now I wonder, is timeshift not supposed to sync /etc/resolv.conf and hence the symbolic links are not working be default or were they broken by the dns change I did?17:37
RupertEvertonbecause those are still broken17:37
leftyfbRupertEverton: the instructions you followed told you to delete and file/link and recreate it17:37
leftyfbRupertEverton: ls -l /etc/resolve.conf # are you saying its broken?17:38
RupertEvertonleftyfb: resolve.conf doesn't exist; resolv.conf : lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 Jun 24 19:33 /etc/resolv.conf -> /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf17:39
SayonaHello, I have a problem with the Sound on my ubuntu 20.04. I have a background noise when I don't play video/music on my ubuntu... in my speakers... but if I play a video it's stops.17:39
RupertEvertonleftyfb: the problem that hasn't been fixed is that the snapshots created by timeshift do not have working /etc/resolv.conf symbolic links17:40
oerheksSayona, hardware issue, not shielded wires, close to a network cable, no proper grounded computer/power17:40
leftyfbRupertEverton: the command I gave you recreated the link17:40
oerheksthere has never been a software fix for that,. AFAIK17:40
oerheksor you use the line out, and control it like analog volume17:41
leftyfbRupertEverton: ( ls -ls /etc/resolve.conf && cat /etc/resolve.conf ) | nc term in.com 999917:42
Sayonaoerheks, on windows all is ok :)17:42
RupertEvertonleftyfb: I just checked all the snapshots, all the symbolic links to resolv.conf are broken17:42
leftyfbRupertEverton: at the moment, we're not troubleshooting snapshots.17:43
RupertEvertonleftyfb: ( ls -ls /etc/resolv.conf && cat /etc/resolv.conf ) | nc termbin.com 9999  did not produce any output17:44
oerheksSayona, then most likely it is the lineout thing?17:44
oerhekssomething is different from windows..17:44
oerheksi never understood why lineout could be adjusted, it is one function17:44
leftyfbRupertEverton: does your DNS work?17:47
RupertEvertonleftyfb: I'm currently not experiencing any issues beside the inconvenience of the symbolic links being broken so I believe the DNS work. I will try rebooting17:48
Sayonaoerheks, no know :) this give me headache17:50
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GreyAreaDoes anyone know how the post-install SSH host key generation works?  I'm trying to create templates of an 18.04 server and obviously it checks once after the install but then the script must kill itself as subequent key removals do not recreate host keys automatically.18:00
akikGreyArea: you can create them with ssh-keygen18:04
GreyAreaSure, I was just wondering the specifics of the post-install process.  I guess I can recreate the behaviour by popping something in rc.local, running `dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server` and then killing rc.local but if someones done a nicer job of it already, I could just use that :)18:06
akikGreyArea: you don't have to kill rc.local18:07
akikit runs and then ends18:07
Sayonaoerheks, do you know how I fix it? :D18:12
IHasFingerhi everyone my python post request are not getting sent out. I am wondering if it because ufw is disable?18:20
Sayonaoerheks, found the issue "sudio interface going into power save." Solution: echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save_controller and echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save18:22
oerheksSayona, does that fix the crinkle/noise?18:23
Sayonaoerheks, yap18:24
oerheksSayona, noted, maybe worth an 'askubuntu post' too18:28
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oerhekslarge audience..18:28
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KonHow did I get a libc6 version 2.31-0ubuntu9.3 from focal-updates but another Focal system is only on 2.31-0ubuntu9.2 ?18:43
ice9the whole system freeze and i have to hard reset when notifications arrives multiple times while the screen is off and session is locked; the screen turns on and after the timeout it switch off; another notification comes and screen turn on then crash/freeze; any idea?18:44
Kon!show libc618:44
oerhekskon, not, 9.3 is removed18:45
rfmGreyArea, the host keys are generated when opensshd-server is configured, which normally happens near then end of install. it doesn't run again at boot or sshd start.18:45
oerheksmaybe the proper update is out now, not sure18:45
Konoerheks: It was shipped and then removed afterward?18:46
oerhekslet me check the logs18:46
Guest54is check-confi for the generic kernel or low latency?18:46
KonThanks. I discovered this after realizing there's a lot of software I can't currently install18:46
rfmGreyArea, if :"dpkg-reconfigure opensshd-server" is run later it checks if host keys already exist and skips recreating them if so18:47
oerheksapt install libc6=2.31-0ubuntu9.2 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/192691818:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1926918 in glibc (Ubuntu) "cannot install libc6-dev, requires old libc6 version" [Undecided, In Progress]18:47
denza242is .net core in the repos yet18:48
Guest54is check-config for the generic kernel or low-latency kernel?18:48
KonThanks oerheks18:48
oerhekshttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc .. no proposed yet, Kon18:48
KonI have the same question as this person tbh https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/1926918/comments/518:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1926918 in glibc (Ubuntu) "cannot install libc6-dev, requires old libc6 version" [Undecided, In Progress]18:48
oerheksdenza, as snap probably18:49
KonThis has been done many times before in a better and non-breaking way18:49
KonYou can add the Microsoft repository but Snap is probably the "officially supported" way18:50
oerhekssudo snap install dotnet-sdk --classic --channel=5.018:51
oerheksor do you need LTS 3.118:51
denza242eh i need _something_, preferably in date and working18:52
oerheks3.1 sudo snap install dotnet-sdk --channel=lts/stable --classic18:53
denza242what a world, microsoft has apt repositories nowadays18:53
oerheksyeah, wicked18:53
denza242and I can install KDE software through the MS store18:53
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Sven_vBhi :) do we have a checklist of all the possible settings that might cause my Ubuntu focal with xfce to put my screen to sleep when idle?19:02
rfmSven_vB, I don't, but if I disable screensaver and lock screen (Screensaver settings) and urn off display power managment (Power manager settings) it stays on for me19:12
Sven_vBmy ~/.xscreensaver has "mode: off", xfce4-settings-manager > "Screensaver" has "Mode: Disable Screen Saver", xfce4-settings-manager > "Power Manager" (seems identical to xfce4-power-manager-settings) informs me that "Xfce4 Power Manager is not running, do you wish to launch it now?" so I wonder, do I need to run xfce4-power-manager running? it feels off that I need to run a power management daemon to *avoid* power management actions.19:20
matsamanI can't imagine why you wouldn't want the DE's power management package19:23
Sven_vBmatsaman, I try to only run programs that give me a benefit that I can understand. why would I want my DE to interfere with power management?19:24
Sven_vBwhen I want to turn my screen off by software, I use xrandr19:24
matsamanbecause it does exactly what you're wanting your system to do, so it isn't interfering19:24
matsamanokay, so why are you even using a DE19:25
Sven_vBmatsaman, it helps me align VLC and pavucontrol on my screen19:25
matsamanyou can do this without Xfce's power management, but there's not much reason to19:25
Sven_vBmaybe I should check what xfce4-power-manager would do, to trace what causes the screen to turn off in the first place.19:27
ice9the whole system freeze and i have to hard reset when notifications arrives multiple times while the screen is off and session is locked; the screen turns on and after the timeout it switch off; another notification comes and screen turn on then crash/freeze; any idea?19:27
Sven_vBice9, what did you observe to conclude it freezes? might it still respond to network? do you see an increase in CPU or RAM usage before the freeze?19:28
sarnoldice9: can you still ssh in?19:29
ice9Sven_vB, sarnold i cannot access the machine, even I cannot switch to another VT, even alt+ctrl+delete doesn't reboot19:30
sarnoldice9: ouch :/19:30
ice9after fresh installation of ubuntu 21.04 on brand new laptop, i experience random services crashing, is it just me or it's a known issue?19:33
ice9"system problem detected"...19:33
Sven_vBice9, there are many cases where a system fails to process keyboard input in time, or fails to update the image on the screen in time, so usually the first step is to try to access it by other ways than keyboard and screen.19:33
sarnoldice9: is there anything in journalctl output that looks funny? have you run memtest86 or memtest86+ on this machine yet?19:35
Sven_vBit seems like the mechanism that turns off my screen might be dpms, configured by lightdm. I'll try and disable that and observe.19:42
ice9sarnold, nothing strange in the journal and i haven't ran memtest yet, should I?19:43
oerheks xset -dpms19:43
Sven_vBoerheks, yeah, that would be what I'd had in mind. however, when I query "xseq -q", it says "DPMS is Disabled"19:45
oerheksthen you should be fine?19:45
Sven_vByes. so the mechanism that had turned off my screen must have been something else.19:46
oerheksmixing dpms tools can be surprising too..19:46
Sven_vBI tried to read in the xfce4-power-manager sources what it would do to stop my screen from turning off. had hoped there would be some message sent to some daemon to tell it "stop it" but I couldn't find anything like that19:47
Sven_vBI still believe it's a better approach to fix the offending mechanism, rather than run additional software to block that mechanism19:48
sarnoldice9: yeah, I think running memtest86 or memtest86+ would be useful; one of them is included on the ubuntu install images, but only works from CSM / Legacy / BIOS boots, not uefi -- the newer one works on uefi but isn't opensource, I've heard it is free to download from their website with a registration or something similar..19:51
=== Guest7 is now known as henrique
goddardwould be really cool if gnome shell remembered the last session automatically and it didn't matter if you saved the files or not20:19
goddardfor the text editor20:19
oerheksorg > gnome > gnome-session > save session https://vitux.com/how-to-automatically-remember-running-applications-from-your-last-session-in-debian/20:24
goddardoerheks thats cool20:25
goddardi kind of said what i meant strangely20:25
goddardi was talking about the gnome text editor20:25
goddardyou know how in like sublime text and stuff it will actually save the stuff you type even if it is closed20:26
goddardthen when you open it restores those files and tabs20:26
goddardthe gnome text editor needs that feature20:26
oerheksnot sure sublime text can20:27
goddardoh yeah it does for sure20:27
oerhekssee software > installed  > sublime text > permissions?20:27
oerheksor in 21.04 there is a gnome menu entry for this20:27
goddardopen gnome text editor20:29
goddardtype text20:29
goddardthen close gnome text editor20:29
goddardnow open gnome text editor20:29
goddardit doesn't restore your text you typed20:29
leftyfbgoddard: https://itsfoss.com/how-to-enable-auto-save-feature-in-gedit/20:30
leftyfbgoddard: autosave has been a feature of gedit for years20:32
goddardit doesn't really work the same20:32
goddardit requires you to have a file already saved20:32
goddardwhich kind of defeats the purpose20:32
goddardctrl + s is pretty much reflex20:33
goddardif i already have a file saved you know?20:33
goddardin sublime text it actually just saves everything20:33
goddardeven if the file isn't on the disk and manually saved by the user20:33
leftyfbthen use sublime20:35
leftyfbgoddard: or report the bug to the gnome project20:35
goddardisn't it written in C?20:35
leftyfbgoddard: what does that have to do with filing a bug for your feature request?20:37
oerheksthis works, after logout/login >.org > gnome > gnome-session > save session20:48
srcis there a way to get a list of set env variables like $PATH21:22
srcleftyfb: ty21:25
matsamansrc: still working on your path?21:28
matsamansrc: a dumb temporary hack you could use is to strip the komodo bit from your path in your ~/.bashrc, dynamically21:29
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srcnot directly an ubuntu question, but is anyone using whatsapp web? I used to share screenshots as .png which always worked, now suddenly whatsapp says "file you tried adding is not supported"22:13
srcthis is frustrating; searching online for anything with whatsapp in the search string sadly yields ton of clickbait crap results that it's hard to really get info on it it seems22:13
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mrvdvjust wondering, with ubuntu, i noticed if im logged into a shell (whether its root or not) and someone is say putting in the wrong password, it halts the ssh access (even those already logged in). then times out the ones thats login... what could be the issue?23:30
Sebzmrvdv: Is there anything in your .bash_profile that would trigger that?23:33
mrvdvnot that i'm aware23:33
SebzI did a quick google search and the first thing I found was an 'exit 0' string in .bash_profile. Check for that.23:34
sarnoldmrvdv: which process is handling the wrong password?23:35
mrvdvjust the terminal23:35
mrvdvwhen using putty23:35
sarnoldthe terminal will never ask for a password23:35
sarnolda program within the terminal, might..23:35
sarnoldor perhaps your putty client asks for a password to give to the ssh server?23:35
SebzI think he's referring to authenticating into the server via putty.23:36
sarnoldthat was my first thought too, but it's ambiguous enough that I thought it made sense to clarify :)23:36
mrvdvbasically if someone is tryin to log into my server via ssh 22, (at this time with putty), wrong password by them leads for everyone being logged out23:36
toddcare they useing the same user account? then yes but each user should have their own user account then no23:38
mrvdvno they aint23:38
sarnoldmrvdv: hmm... I wonder, are you using a fail2ban setup that notices the failed auth attempt and installs some fairly heavy firewall rules?23:39
mrvdvi know ive got fail2ban installed... its happening on my vps (hosted by a vps provider). ill contact technical support and see if they can look int oit23:40
sarnoldcheck your fail2ban logs, check your firewall rules -- perhaps it's blocking far more than just the one bad IP address, maybe it's blocking large netblocks or something similar23:42
mrvdvno worries cheers23:43
rfmif all the users are behind the same NAT they'd all have the same IP to the server, thus all get banned...23:45
mrvdvyeah they are all on the same network23:45
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