[16:47] Hello from Ubuntu again (finally!) [16:47] I don't hate Plasma! (so far) [16:47] Well, I don't love the alt-tab behavior [16:48] but other than that it does everything the way I like (and or can be set that way easily) [16:50] wonko: The alt-tab behavior is completely customizable, so do whatever you want with it. [16:50] Ok, I'll have to look at the options [16:50] that "bar" along the left is kinda meh [16:50] but I don't know what I would like better. :) [16:50] There's a cover flow-like behavior and the old default is somewhere in there as well. [16:51] And there's others that can be downloaded. [16:54] Hmmm, jack seems to die when I do something memory intensive? I'm not sure, just a guess. [17:01] Ok, so using s-tui if I choose stress and just let it to the default sqrt one, it's fine [17:01] If i disable that and do the malloc/free test jack falls over [17:02] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/XjpSH0K9/ [17:05] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/65m5g6prFK/ [17:05] rtirq status [17:05] firewire isn't at the top either. :( [18:05] Oh, seems I'm putting that somewhere that is no longer used by rtirq [18:07] There we go, that's better [18:07] now, will this kill it again [18:11] That didn't fix it. :( [18:13] OvenWerks: ^ Your expertise. I have no firewire. [19:20] Went to eat came back to a crashed jack. Here's a full jackdbus.log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vWNSKNCrQM/