=== pikapika is now known as old_mcdonald [15:52] hi [16:00] hi [16:01] hello gnrp [16:20] yesterday I had diogene helping me for an issue which I thought was solved, but finally wasn't [16:21] it is about this message at the end of shutdown or reboot: "systemd-shutdown : waiting process: exe" [16:23] he thought I would get the right behavior with a acpi_osi=! on the kernel command line, this one : "acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2012\"" [16:23] but after a third reboot the issue was back [16:23] so diogene not being here this evening, I did a search and found this page at Manjaro : https://forum.manjaro.org/t/how-to-choose-the-proper-acpi-kernel-argument/1405 [16:24] so I am changing now a detail: from "acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2012\"" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=! acpi_osi='Windows 2012'" [16:25] you can see I only removed the anti-slash parts and used single quotes around the "Windows" part [16:25] I updated grub and will do a cold shutdown or 2 shutdows perhaps. [16:26] The machine is a Dell 3010 with a proc i5 3470, 8 GB RAM DDR3 non ECC (1.35v) [16:26] and Xubuntu 20.04 al [16:27] also meets with a strange issue : once the main hard drive is seen as sda, and another time as sdf, which is kind of weird [16:27] what do you think? [16:30] ok, bbl [16:55] hi again [16:56] with what I said just before the only kernel that seems to work without causing any trouble is 5.4.0-72-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP x86_64 [16:57] considering the addition to the kernel command lines [17:00] hi diogenes_ [17:00] hi melodie [17:00] I came back to report what happened on the same computer yesterday evening it has been weird. [17:01] I said just before you arrived that : [17:01] " the only kernel that seems to work without causing any trouble is 5.4.0-72-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP x86_64" [17:02] and I also had to modify the line you gave me yesterday for this : ""acpi_osi=! acpi_osi='Windows 2012'" (single quotes around the windows part, and no anti-slashes) [17:03] yesterday evening the systemd-shutdown waiting happened again and also in the journalctl messages I got lines of "usb 1-1.2: device descriptor read/64, error -32" but this happed with the new linux-image-generic kernel , the one that ends with the number 77 [17:04] when reverting back to the 5.4.0-72-generic it does not happen anymore [17:04] melodie, is it hwe kernel? [17:04] I removed the "generic" meta packages and blocked the former kernel to keep it [17:04] no it is not hwe [17:05] maybe try an hwe? [17:05] which one? [17:06] generic-20.04 I guess? [17:06] ok I'll try [17:06] yep [17:07] it will install this: http://pastebin.fr/92580 [17:08] I'll bb tomorrow for the results. Do you know if you will be here tomorrow? [17:08] it's normal. [17:08] sure it's normal [17:08] yes i will be here. [17:09] nice, I'll come and tell you if that helps then. will you be around at the same time as now, or maybe earlier? (France here, 19:10 now) [17:10] earlier maybe. [17:10] nice, have a good evening (or day?) a good one anyway! :D [17:10] I'm out [19:33] so quite in here [19:33] guess no one comes for support on irc for xubuntu [19:35] some do .. [20:08] av2156: it always has been quiet in every channel, it declined due the fact that kids and other users jumped over to discord, telegram and matrix [20:09] true [20:09] but that discussion is something for the offtopic channel [21:12] I guess the people who use already IRC nowadays know how to fix many problems by themselves [21:12] and if these problems are not fixable, they are usually not related to xubuntu