
goddardgnome builder has project suggestions in it00:06
goddardhow can i modify the gnome text editor?00:07
goddardit isn't listed in the suggested projects00:08
sarnoldrfm: oh hah :) I hadn't considered NAT. nice.00:14
svm_invictvsWhy is it when I do echo $SHELL it shows /bin/bash but if I put echo $SHELL inside a Makefile, it shows /bin/sh00:56
sarnoldsvm_invictvs: because make uses /bin/sh to execute things -- you can override that in your Makefile by setting the SHELL variable00:58
svm_invictvsIt doesn't honor your settings in /etc/passwd?00:58
sarnoldit does not, Makefiles would not be portable if they used tcsh on one system, fish on another, and zsh on a third01:01
sarnoldso it uses sh unless you tell it to use something different01:01
j2bv16Sudo apt update its giving:  https://linux.teamviewer.com/deb/dists/stable/InRelease  403  Forbidden [IP: 443]01:04
sarnoldj2bv16: you'll have to contact whoever owns that archive01:05
j2bv16Looks like a recurring problem with teamviewer01:06
oerheksdead jim01:10
mybalzitchI was done with teamviewer after they kept flagging my account as commerical because I left my VPN to home running while trying to fix something remotely on my dads laptop01:13
oerheksnot an ubuntu support issue01:14
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puffI have a thinkpad t580, running ubuntu, I want to buy a thinkpad dock but I'm reading mixed things about linux support. Anyone have a thinkpad and a dock that worked well?02:14
lotuspsychje!hardware | puff02:33
ubottupuff: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:33
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Hanumaan How to mount encrypted home partition through fstab?04:50
HaMsTeRsis there anyway to debloat my ubuntu?05:03
HaMsTeRsis there anyway to debloat my ubuntu? those backgorund apps generated traffics freaks me out and made me feel very very uncomfortable.05:04
toddcHaMsTeRs: YES just remove any programs you do not want but as compared to most OS's ubuntu is very very quiet05:10
toddcHaMsTeRs: programs the automaticlly find printers is not needed how much do you want to remove? auto network detection ? Lubuntu and Xubuntu are lighter faster versions05:16
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wisebrohello. when i type # key on remmina, the 1 character becomes prefixed ,it is a bug. i am connecting to a windows server . basically it prints 1# 1@1$1%1& etc, the '1' getting prefixed07:33
stultusvjoin #zsh07:35
stultusvoops sorry07:35
wisebroany fix1?  -- here the '1' character got prefixed07:36
toddcwisebro: check with the remmina group at #remmina07:37
wisebroi am there, no reply so far07:37
toddcstick around someone will07:38
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GinaloHi. Does anyone know of a utility that types something else I configures when I press keys in the keyboard? I'm trying to find something like this for a movie clip.07:59
ThinkT510sounds sort of like an alias08:03
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PlopsHi, I'm trying to set up UFW on my VPS so that I can block everything except SSH and connections from my VPS IP08:51
PlopsWould I add the VPS IP as localhost or the actual IP?08:51
PlopsI want to be able to run a http server that only I can access while connected through OpenVPN (which is also running on the VPS)08:52
sveinseWhat are ppl using for fileshares across unix/ubuntus these days? I thought it was nfs, but I've struggled for hours getting nfs(4) to work with proper UID mapping to a FreeBSD nfs4 share, and I find very little info about how to setup/debug idmap.conf. Has nfs fallen out of favor?08:57
* ogra uses sshfs for everything since a decade or so 09:00
Unit193sshfs is pretty amazing, rclone can be good for online services though.09:01
mra90is there a way to force dpkg to make the kernel I am installing now to be the default one?09:25
mra90Maybe some flag or sth?09:26
mra90every time I install new kernel with dpkg it puts it behind my current one so effectively after the reboot I am still using the old one09:26
mra90so in essence I want to always boot the one I installed recently09:26
toddcuefi or legacy? edit grub --normally grub will boot to the newest number or you can remove any newer kernel09:29
EriC^^mra90: what's in /etc/default/grub ?09:29
mra90EriC^^, https://termbin.com/pzv809:31
mra90toddc, UEFI"? There is sth like uefi kernel?09:32
toddcno but the grub edit changes09:38
TytanHello everyone, I am running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server on amd64 and I have setup a SMB4 server and a IEEE 802.3ad LACP bond0 interface in netplan. Even though the bond works perfectly fine I don't see any additional bandwidth for the SMB users. If I do iperf3 in parallel though I see the benefit. What am I doing wrong with samba here?09:39
EriC^^mra90: edit /etc/default/grub and change GRUB_DEFAULT=saved to "0"09:40
EriC^^then sudo update-grub09:40
mra90EriC^^, will try, btw, update-grub or update-grub2?09:42
toddcif you added a or want to use a older kernel as I assumed boot to the kernel you want to use then run dpkg --list | egrep -i --color 'linux-image|linux-headers'09:43
mra90EriC^^, it works, thanks a lot09:44
EriC^^mra90: no problem09:44
alterjsive2lost connection09:55
ThinkT510alterjsive2: glad you found it again09:56
alterjsive2haha oops wrong window09:57
BT643This feels like a stupid question (sorry, still a relative Linux noob!), but which kernel is "default" in Ubuntu 20.04.2? I'm currently on 5.4.0-77-generic but stuff I'm seeing online says the default should be the 5.8 kernel? Worth noting that I got here via Ubuntu 18.04 originally.10:09
TytanI am on 5.8 with Ubuntu 20.04 but as long everything works for you, don't worry too much about the kernel version10:10
BT643It's not working well which is why I noticed! haha. It was working fine for the past few months but recently I'm getting apps crashing a lot, and the system locks up occasionally (especially around "Suspend" mode)10:11
TytanOh so it is not a server I assume?10:12
BT643No, desktop :)10:12
TytanAh I am sorry. I have no experience there then. Have you tried looking at the logs to figure out what is causing the issue?10:13
zambaanyone found a way to open/run .desktop files from outside of the applications folder?10:13
BT643I'm considering a fresh install but want to avoid it ideally! Seems various different problems / errors but they're usually individual apps segfaulting. For example this morning all snap apps were segfaulting. I restarted my machine and it was all fine after that.10:14
BT643But because it's different software that crashes each time (non snap related too), it's tricky to pinpoint exactly what the cause is10:14
Tytanconsider this "sudo apt install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-20.0410:14
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack10:14
TytanBT643: I made a mistake! 5.4 is the correct kernel for 20.04!10:17
ThinkT510as is 5.810:17
TytanI am on HWE and not on the standard Kernel here rn but the other servers are running 5.410:17
BT643Hmm, thanks. I'll have a read through the HWE stuff10:18
TytanPlease check journalctl to figure out what may cause your issues though10:18
fredrikHey i tried to install mysql on a system where a database service already was running the port, and now i have partially install mysql, what is the easiest way to remove the package?10:31
sveinsewow, mounting nfs4 share from a freebsd machine with rootfs files is hard! freebsd names gid 0 as "wheel" and nfs4 serves names not numbers. idmapd.conf on ubuntu seems to be unable to map group names only uid :(10:36
sveinseThere is one hack thou: Rename gid 0 to "wheel" on the ubuntu10:39
goddardanyone else find it a little odd the top thing gedit roadmap is get it working better for windows? https://github.com/GNOME/gedit/blob/master/docs/roadmap.md10:58
ograwhy ?10:59
sixwheeledbeastI think there is a market for it10:59
sixwheeledbeastI mean it's probably nicer that notepad++ or whatever they use on windows currently11:00
ograits opensource ... why should windows users not use it11:00
goddardsome of the stuff on here seems pretty simple11:00
goddardI especially want this feature11:02
goddardBe able to quit the application with all documents saved, and restored on next start11:02
ograso send a PR to get it fixed asap 😉11:03
goddardi imagine i would do it in a hacky way11:03
goddardsince i dont really use C at all in my normal work11:04
ograwell, only PR reviews from others will teach to to stop doing that11:04
ogra*teach you11:04
* ogra is curious why gedit is on github though11:05
ograah, thats just a mirror of https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gedit11:06
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sveinseWill ubuntu break if I rename gid 0 to wheel? - Hmm. I suppose there are scripts that assume gid "root" is available11:21
pycodeis anyone using vokoscreen ?11:38
pycodei can record screen and microphone but i would also need the audio of the heandset11:39
pycodeis that possible somehow?11:39
sveinseOh wonderful. Ubuntu has disabled static user mapping from upstream sources for some reason. That's why I'm struggeling to get it to work :( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnfsidmap/+bug/181228011:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1812280 in libnfsidmap (Ubuntu) "Static ID mapping not functional in NFS" [Undecided, New]11:40
sveinseIt implies I cannot do a simple serve nfs4 from BSD to Ubuntu due to the group name mismatch. What next to try? kerberos might be unavoidable11:44
rbasaksveinse: I don't see anything in libnfsidmap being altered by packaging in a way that seems relevant. I don't know why that's not working for you, but I don't think it's anything actively done by packagers.11:49
sveinserbasak: ok, yeah. I might be wrong that its altered by ubuntu packaging and rather done upstream. Pardon for that.11:51
rbasaksveinse: you might want to explore eg. https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnfsidmap/log/?h=applied/ubuntu/bionic11:52
Walex_sveinse: things are completely different between NFSv3 and MFSv4 as to user mapping. It is a complex subject.11:58
Walex_sveinse: the recent solution to these issues is to to user mapping in 'cgroups', but that IIRC was only merged in  5.12 or 5.14.11:58
sveinserbasak: thanks11:59
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sveinseWalex_: yes it indeed is. And the server is BSD which which insists on nfsv4 outside my control, creating mapping issues to ubuntu :(12:00
Walex_sveinse: Ganesha NFS *might* help12:00
Walex_sveinse: two links follow that *might* help12:01
Walex_sveinse: https://serverfault.com/questions/812813/nfsv4-user-mapping/812829#comment1292945_81282912:01
Walex_sveinse: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/438939/how-to-get-nfsv4-idmap-working-with-sec-sys#comment1034090_46495012:01
sveinseAre there any other fs than nfs that can be used for root on linux?12:01
Walex_sveinse: network root is not a common requirement... Most people prefer dataless rather than rootless. SO I suspect if there is anything other than NFS it might be not well tested or supported.12:02
Walex_sveinse: technically, SMB/CIFS with POSIX extensions is totally POSIX-compliant and could be used.12:03
Walex_sveinse: note that your question is also slightly misplaced, because of 'initramfs'12:03
sveinseWalex_: yes, the root cause (pun intended) is that BSD insists on "wheel" as gid 0, so when nfs4 is used that is name based, confuses the ubuntu client12:03
sveinseAs I said earlier, considering renaming gid 0 to "wheel" to remedy the problem. Then nsswitch resolves the group correctly and everything is fine12:04
Walex_sveinse: 'libnss_extrausers' might offer a workaround12:04
sveinseWalex_: thanks, let me check that12:05
Walex_sveinse: that allows to avoid modifying '/etc/group' itself12:05
Walex_sveinse: but please note the content of https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/438939/how-to-get-nfsv4-idmap-working-with-sec-sys#comment1034090_464950 for 'auth=sys'12:06
Walex_sveinse: which is a bit old, so things may have changed.12:07
sveinseWhen I think of it, nfs4 for rootfs might not be a good fit. One wants a file store which can preserve uid/gid as the client sees fit, NOT an elaborate username/group translation scheme between the client and the server. For this to work, everything in /etc/password on an ubuntu client must be mapped, which is a daunting task.12:12
Walex_sveinse: that is "ambitious" :-)12:13
Walex_sveinse: in any case because of 'initramfs' the real "root" can in theory be *any* filesystem type after 'pivot'.12:14
sveinseWalex_: yes, I see that now. Thanks for your help12:15
Walex_sveinse: sveinse: the builting support for NFS-as-root is a legacy from UNIX where there was no 'initramfs' and the system booted directly into the real 'root'...12:15
B0g4r7Why does the interactive console login treat usernames that begin with + or - differently than others?12:56
B0g4r7If I enter a username that begins with + or -, it just says "invalid login", and never prompts me to enter a password.12:57
B0g4r7I haven't found any other characters that do that.12:57
B0g4r7Lots of weirdness today.12:59
B0g4r7Just a minute ago while I was using tab completion in the shell it told me "*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated".13:00
guivercB0g4r7, "+" is not a valid character for a username according to POSIX - refer https://serverfault.com/questions/73084/what-characters-should-i-use-or-not-use-in-usernames-on-linux & POSIX link of valid username characters for portability found therein13:01
guivercnote: hyphen or '-' is suggested to be avoided too13:01
B0g4r7Hmm, 'k, thx.13:03
PnyHi, when setting up ubuntu 20.04 server, i got an 240gb ssd, and 2 tb hdd. during new install, shall i do / + /boot on ssd and /home on hdd, or just install normaly on ssd, then mount hhd to /home ?13:19
sixwheeledbeastWhatever you want13:21
sixwheeledbeastI suppose it depends on the application of the server and the data13:22
DrJreally depends on what data is going on the hdd13:22
Pnylinke now, i have one box running with 1 ssd and 1 hdd, i need to spesicif the libery on hdd, if i dont then it start to "download" new to ssd.13:23
sixwheeledbeastI mean as a server sometimes I would just default install on SSD and then mount HDD to /srv. It's down to what you want to achieve.13:25
Pnytrue that. :P13:28
BluesKajHi all13:29
sixwheeledbeastit also depends on how FHS fussy you are. I have no issues in making a /data* per drive in / depending on the usage.13:35
sixwheeledbeastPeople argue it's not FHS, but FHS has limited scope, local files = local issues. ;)13:36
rbasakIt's a pain to have to put files in particular places (or arrange bind mounts, symlinks etc) based on available space and performance characteristics though.13:37
rbasakbcache is a nice way to avoid having to do that13:38
dan01Is ZFS optimized for SSD?13:38
webchat94not sure if someone can help, I have a laptop at home with ubuntu running headless, and I'm currently away and noone is at home. I did an apt upgrade, and while doing update-initramfs the file system went into Read-only mode and I can't do anything, I can't even establish a new ssh connection or restart the OS (I have the original SSH connection13:39
webchat94open, but nothing works)13:39
TJ-webchat94: first things first - be very careful!13:45
TJ-webchat94: have you checked for any logged errors? "journalctl -b 0 -p warning --since="1 hour ago"13:45
webchat94TJ- here's the issue... almost nothing works. journalctl (as well as apt, mount etc) return "command not found"13:46
webchat94even "ls" is not working in my home user directory (ls: reading directory '.': Input/output error13:47
TJ-webchat94: oh, so "echo $PATH"13:47
TJ-webchat94: does the PATH look sane?13:47
webchat94yeap, totally sane, even has a subdir I added a while ago13:47
TJ-we "Input/output error" suggests storage  hardware failure13:48
webchat94that's what I suspect. I just want to shut it down somehow, but not even shutdown works, and I thought I ask here13:49
TJ-webchat94: try "dmesg -Tx"13:49
webchat94command not found on this as well13:49
webchat94if I execute /bin/dmesg, I get "input/output error" again13:50
TJ-webchat94: that won't touch the file-system but will read the kernel's ring-buffer where the most recent logging is stored ...oh hmmm let's try calling it directly with /usr/bin/dmesg ...13:50
TJ-webchat94: OK, looks like a hardware fault13:50
webchat94so I guess I'll have to wait until I get back home or have someone go over my place to shut it down13:51
TJ-webchat94: are you already root? if so, you should be able to do that with "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger"13:52
webchat94no I'm not unfortunatelly, and sudo doesn't work as well13:52
TJ-"o" means shutoff (it's one of the magic sysreq key sequences)13:52
TJ-i can't think of a way, without UID 0 access, to trigger anything useful.13:54
webchat94ok, thank you very much for trying though :)13:54
mra90how to install iotools?13:55
leftyfbmra90: there looks to be multiple projects with the name "iotools". None of which are available in ubuntu via apt or snap. You'll need to seek support for it from the projects support options14:03
mra90leftyfb, yeah I found it I guess14:03
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apteryx_Hello!  Are .ddeb debug symbol archives valid .deb?14:46
apteryx_I.e., can I simply rename .ddeb packages to .deb packages so that I can process them the same with reprepro (which refuses to ingest .ddeb) ?14:46
apteryx_this discrepancy in the way debug symbol packages is handled between Debian and Ubuntu is annoying and unnecessary, it would seem.14:47
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apteryxseems like it's just a regular .deb14:54
apteryxI'll try to rename them before feeding them to reprepro14:55
matsamanI miss gom15:24
pavloshe left in less than a min15:24
Mekaneckplease leave the offtopic nonesense out of the support channel matsaman. We'd appreciate it a lot. ;)15:31
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goddarddoes the ubuntu iso still have memtest?15:37
toddcgoddard: yes15:37
goddardok cool15:37
Guest26It seems I'm stuck as a guest :(  Anyway, when a bug is reported and it says it is for linux-signed-hwe-5.8, should I report it again after the kernel was updated to 5.11?15:45
leftyfbGuest26: only if you are seeing the same issue with the later version15:50
Guest26I tried using ubuntu-bug linux but it redirected to the signed-hwe. The bug in question is bug 1925263, it's a problem with an USB Wi-Fi adapter. It should correctly point to both kernel versions now16:00
ubottuBug 1925263 in linux-signed-hwe-5.8 (Ubuntu) "TL-WN821N V5 does not work" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192526316:00
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ice9every boot some services crash with this message "crashed with SIGABRT in epoll_wait()"; how to investigate and what could be the issue?16:32
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francisice9: have you narrowed down which services? journalctl --boot may help you there if not16:37
ice9francis, nothing bad in that log16:40
francisice9: hmm,16:40
francisoops. can you remember when it happened last, what is ether systemd-logind or another systemd-foo service?16:40
franciswas it, even16:40
ice9francis, systemd_systemd-logind, systemd_systemd-resolved,systemd_systemd-timesyncd16:41
francisaha. thought it sounded familiar16:44
francisis this on baremetal hardware or a virtual machine?16:44
ice9francis, baremetal16:52
francisice9: how often does this happen? it could be related to system'd watchdog but something else going awry in systemd's innards16:57
ice9francis, it's happening almost every boot16:58
francisone thing I'd do next time it happens is: journalctl --boot |grep 'kernel:.*blocked for more than'16:58
francisif that gets a hit it might point to the watchdog16:58
francisahh. that should make tracking it down a bit easier at least :)16:58
francisdoes that journalctl |grep line yeild anything now?16:58
ice9francis, that grep return nothing16:59
plujonI've used Lubuntu for a long time, but I'm trying out Ubuntu's default desktop today.  I'm trying to tweak a few things.17:03
plujonFirst, how do I disable the beep/alert sound?17:03
Mekaneckplujon: what beep/alert sound?17:04
plujonIn a terminal, if I hit zzz<tab><tab>, I hear <beep><beep>17:04
plujonIn emacs, if I hit C-g C-g, I hear <beep><beep>17:05
Mekaneckdon't know, maybe there's something to be found on google17:05
plujonIn Settings > Sound, I can supposedly change the alert sound to | Default | Bark | Drip | Glass | Sonar |17:06
plujonBut, changing that doesn't actually change the <beep> I hear in the terminal or emacs.17:06
francisice9: pity. are you comfortable editing /etc/default/grub? if I were in your shoes the next thing I'd do to try and narrow this down is add "loglevel=8" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/defaut/grub17:07
franciswhich will enable noisier debug messages in dmesg which may help confirm if this is a watchdog issue for sure17:08
francisrequires an update-grub afterwards and a reboot mind17:08
Mekaneckplujon: in the terminal settings you can turn off Terminal Bell17:09
plujonMekaneck: Thanks, instead I did this:17:11
plujongsettings set org.gnome.desktop.sound event-sounds false # sweet relief17:11
plujonSecond, is there a way to move windows using the keyboard without having them fill half the screen (similar to super-left / super-right)?17:14
plujonIn openbox, one can use the command MoveToEdge with a direction such as "west" to accomplish this.17:16
oerheksWhile using an application, press Super and left arrow key and the application will go to the left edge of the screen, taking half of the screen.17:31
SuperLagSo I have a script in /etc/update-motd.d/ called 99-custom, and it's just the shebang line, a comment block, and some printf statements to output some stuff to the screen. It's set to 755, but it's not showing when I "rm ~/.motd_shown" and log back in to the system.17:50
SuperLagit shows the standard MOTD, but not the stuff at the end that I'm trying to include17:50
SuperLagand I've tried it in motd.tail as well... no dice17:50
sarnoldSuperLag: do you have pam_motd configured to print the motd on whatever service you're using to log in? or do you have PrintMotd configured in sshd? or do you have something in your shell startup scripts to print it?17:55
SuperLagsarnold: whatever is the default out of the box. I've not configured anything specifically to do it. I just wanted to include some extra content.17:57
SuperLagI'm not trying to *disable* it. I want to *change* it.17:58
SuperLagI want to add some links to company-specific documentation, and have it included on every login.17:58
rfmSuperLag, the update-motd process only runs on a timer (like daily, I think).  Changes you make won't show up until then.  There's probably a way to trigger it but I don't know what it is offhand...18:00
oerhekssudo systemctl restart motd perhaps?18:04
oerheksor  sudo service motd-news restart18:04
rfmwait, maybe I'm wrong and it's just the "news" on a timer...18:06
rfm 18:06
[code]sudo systemctl restart motd-news.service18:11
rfmI have confirmed I am wrong. only the news (and update notifications) are on the timer.18:19
SuperLagNo systemd at my disposal, because this is a WSL environment, but I have found a suitable workaround by putting the script in /etc/profile.d/ and calling it from .bashrc18:26
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rfmI just did what SuperLag said on a real ubuntu system and it worked fine, so it must be a WSLism18:29
ice9is this a hardware problem or what it could be? https://bpa.st/LGEQ18:31
printfis it possible to install ubuntu server headless, without a monitor18:34
max3is there a nickserv on this network?18:35
max3also what's the deal with horizontal scroll on 20? i'm xubuntu and ticking the box under touchpad settings doesn't activate it18:35
francismax3: yep18:39
max3@francis, re nickserv?18:40
francisice9: hard to say, but something's causing a stall *looks deeper*18:40
francisyeah, it's NickServ18:40
francismax3: if you're unfamiliar you can /msg nickserv help to see what the services here support18:41
max3@francis, i'm familiar - i was expecting to be notified that i needed to auth for this nick but i guess nicks weren't migrated from freenode18:42
francismax3: ahh. yeah libera is totally new wrt nick/chan registrations18:42
max3cool i registered. any advice re touchpad18:43
francisice9: it doesn't look good tbh. hard to say for certain if it's bad hardware, but stalls like that which are happening in multiple processes could mean faulty hardware (eg bad drive) or a corrupt filesystem or ...18:43
francisice9: have you any older kernels installed that you can try out and see if this is only hapening with the kernel you're running now?18:44
max3anyone with some advice on how to get horizontal scrolling to work on 2018:52
hughrawlinsonIs it just me or is https://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html completely out of date? It's talking about bzr, which as I understand it isn't really the default anymore? It's saying to use `bzr dh-make`, which isn't a command on my 21.04 machine, at least with the packages they said to install. Is there some other tutorial I should follow? Should I switch to snap?19:15
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sarnoldhughrawlinson: heh, yeah that page could probably just be deleted and improve the state of the world..19:16
hughrawlinsonI was going to submit an issue, but like, launchpad is full of old unacknowledged issues, so I decided it probably wasn't helpful. Is it enough to just go via the debian packaging guide?19:17
matsamancould even just use Debian19:18
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sarnoldhughrawlinson: yeah, the debian packaging guide is probably a good way to go19:19
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sarnoldhughrawlinson: getting packages into debian is also a good idea, there's millions of users on debian and debian derivatives that would benefit, and it'd get into ubuntu soon enough, too19:20
hughrawlinson> could even just use Debian19:20
hughrawlinsonah that's a great point I didn't think about actually. Thanks!19:21
=== PonyBlocks000001 is now known as PonyBlocks001MHz
=== PonyBlocks001MHz is now known as PonyClocks001MHz
goddardwould be cool if gnome builder had the ability to quickly help you create a gnome shell extension19:48
goddardor is it just 1 file?19:48
oerheksgnome shell extensions requires knowlege of java, afaik19:50
goddardi thought i saw one in rust19:51
goddardor is js the only option?19:51
matsaman${most-trendiest-bs} is always the only option19:52
matsamanyou know that19:52
alkisgjavascript != java. Eh, it's ok for user interfaces as long as there's a good library behind it19:53
goddardoerheks thanks that helps19:57
plujonoerheks: Thanks.  Hmm.  I was hoping to move the window without changing its size...19:58
oerheksPress Alt+F7 to move a window or Alt+F8 to resize19:59
oerhekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/shell-windows-states.html.en and some more20:00
plujonoerheks: Thanks, Alt+F7 is pretty close; maybe I can speed up the rate at which the hand moves...20:01
oerheksthere is gnome settings, and gnome tweaks/ keyboard and mouse20:02
oerheksor some digging with dconf20:03
plujonI'd like to know how much CPU and RAM is being used by glancing at the system tray / task bar / activity bar thing.  Does Gnome Shell have a plugin for something like that?20:31
plujonWhere would I find such a thing, and how do I add it to the task bar?20:32
[code]gkrellm is probably a thing.20:33
matsamanplujon: probably check https://extensions.gnome.org/ for 'monitor', 'ram', 'cpu', etc.20:33
plujonmatsaman: Thansk; I'll take a look.20:35
saba_sedighhello guys I am on ubuntu 20.04 ans build-essential gives me this error20:40
saba_sedighDepends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or20:41
saba_sedigh                            libc-dev20:41
saba_sedigh                   Depends: g++ (>= 4:9.2) but it is not going to be installed20:41
saba_sedighI never had such error with build-essential20:42
saba_sedighdoes anyone know why?20:42
oerheksthis is a current issue, yes, 9.3 is removed20:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1926918 in glibc (Ubuntu) "cannot install libc6-dev, requires old libc6 version" [Undecided, In Progress]20:43
saba_sedighoerheks: should I do something or I have to wait for the new update?20:43
oerheksi think you can only wait, i see no fixed package in proposed20:44
Kingsyif I have a hybrid graphics setup with these -> Intel HD Graphics 620, AMD Opal XT [Radeon R7 M265/M365X/M465], what are my options for using the Radeon card for lutris?20:44
oerheksking just set your AMD gpu as primairy in bios?20:46
KingsyI cant. there are only two options. Hybrid and the other sets intel as primary.20:46
oerheksone could force a launcher;  write DRI_PRIME=1 before any application, it uses the AMD GPU instead. Example: $ DRI_PRIME=1 ./madshaders.py20:47
Kingsywould ubuntu already have the radeon driver installed for me?20:48
oerheksyes amd-gpu i guess20:49
oerheksnot the old open-radeon20:49
matsamanwhatever the case you'd be able to specify your preferred afterward20:49
oerheks lspci -k | egrep -i 'vga|in use' | grep -i vga -A 120:50
oerheksfor newer driver, use at your own risk https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers20:51
yoloon ubuntu 20.04 added 21.04 to sources.list to install gcc-11 but by mistake I used 'apt upgrade' which was installing a lot of new packages, I aborted after a while, now all my clang failed to find their head files20:52
yolohow can I revert back, i.e. remove everything from 21.04 and make my system 20.0420:52
oerheksgreat, yolo, time for a fresh reinstall20:52
oerheksonce 21.04 added, not sure that gives a clean upgrade, and you aborted...20:53
V3n3RiXand lutris already has an option to force DRI_PRIME for a particular game20:55
V3n3RiXall you need is toggle it20:55
oerheksyolo did you use this answer?https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67298443/when-gcc-11-will-appear-in-ubuntu-repositories20:55
Kingsyoerheks: by chance do you know to use it for a game in lutris?20:55
oerheksi would take that answer below, ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test20:55
oerheksKingsy, sorry, not familiar with lutris starters..20:56
yolooerheks: yes, that kills me20:56
oerheksKingsy, see V3n3RiX20:57
yolo{std::tuple p={2,4.0,'5'}; std::pair p={"a",1}; std::map m{std::pair{'b',100},{'a',200}};}21:11
svhey there. https://photos.app.goo.gl/vogjfgL9gvat3SeJ7 - first, second 183 - something must be wrong, right? 5800X running here. second, any idea what the boot problem is and how to fix it?21:20
sarnoldsv: owww21:25
=== wolf2k_huh is now known as wolfman2000
=== pikapika is now known as old_mcdonald
svi can't believe how buggy the current (not the LTS) release is.22:57
svis that a known bug?22:57
svshould i try the LTS build instead?22:58
svinstalling the nvidia driver causes the system to not respond to *any* control inside the controls window. i cannot switch between sections, nor can i click any button or slider inside any section. when i click, it does nothing. same thing with the applications menu button. i click it, it does nothing. the only thing i can do is use the pinned applications and the system menu on the right top.22:59
svi got it running fine actually without the nvidia drivers, which i'm wondering why.22:59
svhow do they interact with hid? do they at all?23:00
svalso, the installer fails to install a working copy of grub unless the disk has no partitions thereinafter the windows efi partition.23:01
svthe error is random, once it boots, once it doesnt, once the error above occurs, and boot takes 600 seconds.23:02
svi can't understand how ubuntu can disappoint their users that much and still be the most used distribution.23:03
svlike what's the problem? my 5800X with a X570-pro e gaming and 32 gigs of DDR3200 rams? which runs like a speedhound and rocksolid on windows for like a year?23:04
svi am willing to try it again. do you have any suggestions that i might try to get everything running? and boot times below 200 seconds? i'm not even demanding boot times of 12 seconds like on windows 10.23:05
svdon't get me wrong, i fokken hate ms. but is it really so hard to work 20 years on a system that has not the ability to EVEN RUN AT ALL on a recent system?23:07
svbased on the number of replies to my issues, i can only imagine the number of rants of this kind you get per day and the level of depression that arises from it.23:08
sarnoldsv: nah, it's just late on a friday, not many people still here this time23:13
sarnoldsv: be sure to file bugs for the issues you've found23:13
sarnoldsv: as for the number of problems like yours, one other guy in the last week had a similar problem..23:14
sarnoldsv: https://bpa.st/LGEQ .. but he's had so many problems this last week that I suggested he run memtest86 or memtest86+ -- afaik he never got around to trying that23:14
svyeah, one guy. and it's his fault.23:17
svand this attitude since the beginning of the project.23:17
svyour intentions are notably. your performance is poor.23:18
svi will now install debian, apt-get xfce and everything will work.23:18
oerhekssv what driver are you using? standard or oibaf ppa?23:18
svhow can you garble debian this much?23:19
svoerheks: i tried it with both.23:19
svat least they provide a netinst and don't make their users download an over 2 gig image and then after the installation still ask for performing updates for "improving performance with software"23:21
svinb4 "look at this directory index: ..."23:22
svyeah sure.23:22
svi surely will.23:22
svi'm so disappointed you know.23:22
svubuntu once worked fine, it looked nicely and had good performance.23:22
sv5 hours wasted.23:23
svno more again.23:23
=== old_mcdonald is now known as fatpointer

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