=== popey6 is now known as popey [02:11] is this window active? [02:25] Hmm? [02:27] hmm, did that actually make it through? [02:28] I found two #ubuntu-ops windows in my mess and one of them just had day change notifications for a few weeks or something similar [02:47] I mean you're here talking. [02:48] yes, well, you know the feeling when you think you're asking the abyss if anyone is out there, and instead you find that you're in an auditorium with 30 people? [02:51] And logged at that! I talked about pruning a channel on OFTC, and the only other resident spoke. :3 [02:54] irc. spooky. === Mamarok is now known as Mamarok_ === Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok