
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
BluesKajHi all13:15
IrcsomeBot<qwerty> OGYH15:09
IrcsomeBot<qwerty> XOKW15:09
BluesKaj@qwerty yes it works, do you have a support question?15:14
MekaneckBluesKaj: that was a chapta from telegram15:16
BluesKaja captcha, Mekaneck?15:19
Mekaneckthey have Chapta bot on Telegram to prevent other spambots from invading15:22
BluesKajyeah, makes sense...I tried telegram quite a while back, but I don't recall having to go thru a captcha15:26
BluesKajanyway, gotta go...later, take care15:27
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
Spectre-63Hi all - struggling to get the SDDM setup "right" for my laptop.  Once I login, the desktop works as expected.  On initial boot prior to login, I get a mirror of the laptop screen on the secondary monitor that covers the secondary monitor partially - it results in it looking like this: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZxojAMDv3BvSG83D8  I've looked for a17:32
Spectre-63conf file for SDDM that I can use to modify the screen resolutions and layout to match what xrandr sees, but no success.  Tried autorandr and a fresh install of 21.04 with no change.  Any help?17:32
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Ensure Display setup in System setting match your xorg layout. Sometime they are not always synchronized.17:35
Spectre-63tried synchronizing with no effect17:35
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> In display settings, how are the monitors organized? (i.e. smaller monitor on the left, top/bottom , etc?)17:38
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Also, what video card and driver?17:40
Spectre-63Smaller monitor to the lower right - video card is on-board Ryzen for laptop, Display port from Nvidia 2060 mobile for secondary monitor.  Driver for NVidia is currently nvidia-driver-465 - I've also tried 460 - nouveau didn't work17:45
Spectre-63Xrandr output: DP-2 connected primary 3840x1600+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 879mm x 366mm17:47
Spectre-63eDP-1-0 connected 1920x1080+3975+857 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 382mm x 215mm17:47
Spectre-63I had also tried the solution provided here on 20.04, but it had no effect: https://blog.victormendonca.com/2018/06/29/how-to-fix-sddm-on-multiple-screens/18:01
Spectre-63I tried re-applying the settings in the above link - gotta reboot to check 'em.  Fingers crossed that it works and that I can get back into the chat ;)18:20
Spectre-63modifications done using instructions from https://blog.victormendonca.com/2018/06/29/how-to-fix-sddm-on-multiple-screens/ had no effect :(  - I actually had to roll back off of the nVidia 465 driver to 460 - 465 didn't work :(18:36
Spectre-63thanks to those who tried to help - I'm going to try posting in the forums, provided the validation email shows up :D18:57
=== denza242 is now known as denza252
=== what is now known as Guest4339
user217_ hello. How I can identify app that running,  but not displayed in task bar ?22:39
user217_any tool like 'xkil' but with identify functions?22:39
user217_*or like 'kcolorchooser' for colors identifier22:39

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