
lubot[telegram] <Deleted Account> Okay (re @kc2bez: This is the development channel. You should join the support channel for support. https://lubuntu.me/links)01:24
guivercNo hurry, but can I get a dev to quickly look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxqt-session/+bug/1882411 and confirm my filed package is correct  etc.. ie. last questions on my final comment (#13) .. ie. I'm after where to file upstream01:28
ubot93Launchpad bug 1882411 in lxqt-session (Ubuntu) "lubuntu monitor settings touching screens with gap between" [Undecided, New]01:28
teward@kc2bez kc2bez: ^^01:29
kc2bezI am reading through it now01:30
lubot[telegram] <teward001> 👍01:30
teward*kicks the bridge around for reasons*01:30
guivercthanks guys :)01:30
kc2bezcouple of comments: Groovy, where this originated, would've been LXQt 0.15, Hirsute is 0.16 and the latest upstream is 0.1701:33
kc2bezI've never noticed an issue as far as a gap (not saying you are not) so this looks tough to re-create01:34
guivercthanks Dan/kc2bez, appreciated...  I'll re-test on opensuse then to confirm (assuming it's got 0.17)01:34
kc2bezMy monitors are both horizontal though01:35
guivercIt would be tough to re-create I believe... I know what I'm looking for yet takes me quite some time to re-create..01:35
guivercthough on that box it's dead-easy to re-create; b/c of how I've positined those screens01:36
guivercanother box d780 shares same screen but doesn't have the issues; it sees the left-monitor as on the right though ie. position reversed thus no issues there..01:37
kc2bezI feel like the key to the issue is the one monitor in a vertical position. I can test that a bit tomorrow.01:43
guivercthanks kc2bez, I think most efficient is for me to re-test in opensuse on .17 when I can cope with wrong screen orientation (my monitors aren't portrait on box with suse) which isn't now... too fearful of headache currently..  I think yes it's portrait+landscape & the left-right HAS to be one way for issue, other is no issue (why screens don't give issue on other box that shares them)01:46
guivercthe issue is not significant; I first filed it in mid-2020 & no-one has hit 'affects-me-too' !01:47
kc2bezIt is a bit of an edge case but a bug nonetheless 01:48
kc2bezI think the package to file under should be lxqt-config or lxqt-config-monitor though.01:52
* guiverc going with lxqt-config ; didn't find a lxqt-config-monitor ;)01:56
guivercthanks 01:56
guivercI see ref to LXDE in ubuntu-archive/seeds/lubuntu.impish/desktop ; libfm-modules; rdepends lxpanel, lubuntu-desktop, libfm4, libfm-tools etc..  ; I haven't found why it's there, why not libfm-qt - I wouldn't mind knowing :)  (what I missed as I followed rdepends looking..)07:18
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Ref bug = https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluedevil/+bug/1928924 - this appears to be fixed but noticed that bluetooth is disabled by default in Lubuntu Impish13:15
ubot93Launchpad bug 1928924 in bluedevil (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth adapter is not pairable" [Undecided, New]13:15

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