
DocMorsthe brightness applet isn't 19:35
DocMorsworking on my 18.04.5 mate, any suggestions?19:36
alkisgSometimes this is a kernel issue, not an applet issue. If brightness keys were never working in your ...laptop? I would then try with a live 20.04.2 CD to see if the newer kernel can handle it19:42
DocMorsalkisg, found a little app that works  charm. find it here https://learnubuntumate.weebly.com/brightness-controller.html19:44
DocMorsthe rgb part is another nice feature19:45
MekaneckDocMors: Ubuntu Mate 18.04 is EOL since end of April20:05
Mekanecktime to upgrade20:05
sixwheeledbeaster 2023 it's an LTS20:07
Mekanecksixwheeledbeast: again, only main Ubuntu LTS is supported for 5 years, all other flavours with LTS 3 years20:08
MekaneckThus support for Ubuntu MATE, Xubuntu, Kubuntu etc. 18.04 has ended20:10
sixwheeledbeastthought this was #ubuntu sorry20:11
Mekaneckno problem20:12
DocMorsit still say VERSION="18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" in /etc/os-release20:15
Mekaneckstill, desktopwise, it's not supported anymore20:17
Mekaneckswitch to a supported version, 20.04 LTS or 21.04 (only supported for 7 more months)20:18
DocMorsgonna sit out till 22.0420:23
DocMorsthis keyboard drives me nuts, it's missing full words20:23
Mekaneckwhy wait until 22.04? Makes no sense to me20:33
Mekaneckif you want to keep using Ubuntu MATE 18.04 don't expect to get support for it20:34
DocMorsMekaneck, I'll life21:14
DocMorshmm even live21:15

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