
mborzeckimardy: that goes through fakestore in the tests?05:31
mardymborzecki: hi! Yes! I'm using the make_snap_installable_with_id(), and that function creates a snap who belongs to "developer1"05:35
mardyand for some reason this causes the snap to be uninstallable05:35
mborzeckimardy: this is in spread?05:49
mborzeckiah, well i see the task so it must be05:50
mborzeckihm and it's done after the account key of developer1 has been acked05:51
mardyI will try to move things around. But the installation itself is done later, in the "execute" step05:54
mborzeckimardy: can you run `snap known account` and `snap known account-key` to make sure that the developer assertions are there?05:59
* mardy tries soon06:16
mborzeckimardy: can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10465 ?06:40
mardymborzecki: looking. Meanwhile, here's the relevant part of the output for the "snap known" commands: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NdYn4bYFc5/06:59
mardymborzecki: +107:01
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:13
mardypstolowski: hi!07:14
pedronishello,  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10458 needs reviews08:03
pedronishttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10448 also needs 2nd reviews08:05
mvopedronis: just finished an interview, will have a look08:59
zyga-mbpgood morning09:32
=== pedronis_ is now known as pedronis
mborzeckipedronis: is there a way to generate assertions that can be correctly encoded using assertstest package?13:53
mborzeckiha, got it13:53
mborzeckihmm hmm, i'm getting `internal error: content cannot be empty` when trying to Encode() a model generated by boottest.MakeMockUC20Model13:53
mborzeckido i need the whole store stack for this?13:53
mborzeckimvo: can you land? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10465 this should fix lp builds13:53
pedronismborzecki: yes, if you need to Encode them, yes13:54
pedronismborzecki: FakeAssertion is just meant for consumption that doesn't need serializing or being put in an actual assertion database13:54
pedronismborzecki: mvo: that log is already in 2.51 afaict13:57
pedronisat last it's on the release branch13:58
pedronisso it needs a backport13:58
mvopedronis: +1 - thanks so much for checking14:04
mvopedronis: I cherry picked this now14:10
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, figured as much, the pr that's up does exactly that15:14
mborzeckimeh, calling seedtest's MakeSeed() in managers tests isn't such a good idea, i get the impression thtat both the managers test set up and seedtest tries to add the same snap and revision declarations15:33
mborzeckiand those bits are actually working against each other15:33
pedronismborzecki: mmh,  you should be able to control what happens, it might be that SetUp does too much for your case, but I don't think it adds snaps to the system, but it might sign assertions for them15:42
=== Ringtailed_Fox is now known as RingtailedFox
* cachio_ afk20:43

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