
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
zyga-mbpwhat is required to edit wiki pages?10:24
zyga-mbpI'm trying to edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZygmuntKrynicki and I get "you are not allowed to edit this page"10:25
ograthere is some special LP team you need to be in (i forgot which)10:27
zyga-mbpso how can I prepare my ubuntu membrship application?10:28
zyga-mbpone's supposed to edit a personal wiki page10:28
ograzyga-mbp, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wiki-editors i guess10:29
zyga-mbpokay, I've applied to be a member10:29
zyga-mbpI'd like to have per-package-upload rights to maintain my personal libraries in Ubuntu, like I do in Debian10:30
zyga-mbpthe process is tad convoluted though10:30
zyga-mbpI wonder if the docs are just stale10:30
zyga-mbpor if that _is_ the real process10:30
ograwell, you need to apply for membership first ... then at the DMB for per-package-upload ... i dont think that has changed10:32
ogradeveloper membership board ...10:32
* zyga-mbp needs to read on that10:32
zyga-mbpwhat I'd really like to do is to fix a bug in my package by requesting a sync from debian10:33
zyga-mbpan I think to do that, I need to go through the whole process10:33
cjwatsonSince when was it necessary to apply separately for membership first?10:33
cjwatsonGoing through the DMB always used to be one of the paths to membership in its own right, I'm pretty sure.10:34
ograwell, you can apply for both at the same time but need the same paperwork10:34
laneyIt's almost always implicit10:34
ogra(signing CoC ... member endorsements on the wiki etc)10:34
zyga-mbpI need to read the wiki to know what to do :)10:34
zyga-mbpit's been years when I looked at that the last time10:35
ograthey are working on improving the process ATM (on discourse) ... but that might still take a bit10:35
zyga-mbpon forum.ubuntu.com?10:35
zyga-mbpmy account there got disabled after I left, perhaps that's something I can work on though10:36
zyga-mbpoh well10:36
zyga-mbpbrand new account it is10:36
ograyou can surely help exercising it on the applicants side i guess ...10:36
zyga-mbppopey to the rescue :)10:55
zyga-mbpokay, my wiki is up to date10:55
rbasakWe (the DMB) don't actually check for the CoC being signed before granting membership. Perhaps we should.11:02
rbasakAnd we've never required endorsements from non-developer members.11:03
rbasakzyga-mbp: are you looking to just get your bugfix synced? Maybe getting sponsorship would be more appropriate for that?11:35
zyga-mbprbasak hmmm, perhaps11:35
rbasakzyga-mbp: which part of the process seems convoluted to you?11:35
zyga-mbpI was outside of Ubuntu packaging for a long while, I don't quite know the process today11:36
zyga-mbpI'm familiar with Debian packaging and I happily dput to sid where stuff syncs over11:36
zyga-mbpI have a pet project library for Make11:36
zyga-mbpimpish has 0.5.1 with the bugfix, hirsute has 0.4 with the bug11:36
zyga-mbpI'm also happy to do an isolated bugfix for 0.411:37
rbasakCherry-picking is the most straightforward11:37
zyga-mbpI'd like to be able to help people who chose to use my library by offering a way to fix bugs in Ubuntu, where they are using it11:37
rbasakhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure is the process to follow for that11:37
zyga-mbpthank you, let me read that11:38
zyga-mbpdo I need to mirror the relevant bug from gitlab to launchpad?11:38
rbasakYes please11:39
rbasakSince the SRU tooling uses Launchpad bug statuses for tracking11:40
zyga-mbpand the bug should be on the package, not on the upstream project, right?11:40
ograzyga-mbp, and your changelog should also reference the bug ...12:03
zyga-mbpogra: which changelog?12:04
zyga-mbpin the debdiff?12:05
zyga-mbpyeah, I'm working on the correct bug report now, with test case and stuff like that12:05
ograright, in the debdiff for the SRU12:06
zyga-mbpokay, let's make the debdiff12:09
zyga-mbpI can make a 0.4 update that just changes one line enough to fix the issue12:09
zyga-mbpapt-get update on super weak internet link is just painful :)12:13
zyga-mbpokay, so I had a look at this and this is what I came up with: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zmk/+bug/193382712:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1933827 in zmk (Ubuntu) "Symlink incorrectly installs to a sub-directory related to source name (github: 80)" [Undecided, New]12:38
zyga-mbprbasak: is this the right format?12:39
zyga-mbpI've verified that the package builds and tests fine with this12:39
zyga-mbpoh, spoke too soon, .pc upsets local makefile which uses find12:42
rbasakzyga-mbp: I've only time for a quick glance, but yes, that looks about right12:45
zyga-mbpI'll upload one more version with quilt workaround and read upon the rest of the process12:45
zyga-mbpthank you for looking12:45
zyga-mbpokay, I think that's all I can do13:00
zyga-mbpI've subscribed ubuntu-sponsors13:00
zyga-mbpattached the debdiff13:00
zyga-mbpI've referenced the bug from the debdiff13:00
zyga-mbpI cannot upload so that's all13:00
ddstreetslyon you're the new owner for systemd right? any more updates planned for systemd in impish?13:35
slyonddstreet: basically yes. But I need some more time to get fully into it.. For now we only plan one update in impish (mid August) to enable the cgroups v213:36
ddstreetthat's a pretty huge change, any testing happening before aug on that?13:36
slyonwe have a tracking bug about this here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1850667 linking some testing PPA and discussing certain issues (especially with containers).13:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1850667 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Switch to 'unified' cgroup hierarchy (cgroupv2)" [Medium, In Progress]13:39
slyon My plan is to set up a Bileto PPA in July and let it run all the corresponding autopkgtests13:40
ddstreetok, since i'm not product engineering i don't have access to bileto but i assume that will cover things, hopefully13:46
ubottuddstreet, rafaeldtinoco, rbasak, sil2100, slashd, teward, tsimonq2: DMB ping14:59
tewardexcept rafaeldtinoco who is recovering from COVID14:59
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mwhudsonutkarsh2102: congrats!23:00
utkarsh2102mwhudson: thank you so much! \o/23:07
Unit193utkarsh2102: Aha!  You made it then?23:10
utkarsh2102Unit193: hehe, yep,  I did! \o/23:16
ubottu♫ samba rumba bueno la conga cha cha cha23:16
utkarsh2102hehe, thank you!23:23
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