[01:56] good morning [06:30] good morning [08:10] Good morning [16:36] Why is so much software so broken nowadays? In almost every case I deal with now, it's due to lack of engineering design. [16:37] greetings TJ- \o hope all is well with you and yours, bad software aside :) [16:38] grrr! wasted a day so far trying to solve CUPS/IPP issues ... bugs all the way down! [16:38] :( [16:39] sometimes you cannot make it up how ridiculous it gets [16:39] when it concerns printing/printers, all bets are off :D [16:42] I've had a wonderfully reliable Samsung CLX-6220FX colour laster/MFP for nearly 10 years. Very capable, does IPv6 properly (RA prefix and/or DHCPv6) to boot. Been working fine. Today we lost ability to print via CUPS, so reinstalled on PCs many times with 0 progress. Printer talks. Eventually spotted that latest CUPS defaults to talking IPP v2.0 but printer only talks v1.1 (thanks [16:42] Wireshark!) so fixed that, only to hit more errors. [16:43] Turns out although printer listens/responds on IPv6, that for IPP it expects its IPv4 URI to be embedded in requests, and of course when PC talks to printer over IPv6 it embeds the IPv6 URI! [16:43] seems like a pretty basic oversight [16:45] So now using 'ipptool' and .test files form ippsamples to selectively query printer and was pleased the ipptool allows an option -d name=value to set a variable, and the .test script passes $uri variable ... but now find ipptool also assigns any uri= to an internal variable that is also used to receive the actual URL on the command-line, and therefore refuses to set it a 2nd time! [16:46] so now having to hack ipptool to allow this to prove the hypothesis that the printer expects the IPv54 URI in requests :D [16:46] Started on this at 0700 this morning [16:48] :S [16:50] and proved! Grrr [16:50] I think I'm going to write a book about these incidents; it'd be the longest novel ever, eat your heart out Tolstoy! [17:04] OK, adding insult to injury, they're definitely out to get me. Had a garden bench delivered. Thought, great, get away from bugs, i'll put it together... turns out there are supposed to be 2 boxes and I only have 1!! [17:07] D: [17:08] "you've been IKEA'd" (though i'm sure it's not from them) [17:08] oh, you noticed the discount [17:09] Grrr :D [17:09] TJ-: customer: im seeing a brown screen... support: did you unpack your computer out of the box? [17:09] xD [17:09] I had jokingly said, just before opening the box, "what's the betting there's a screw missing!?" [17:09] lol [17:09] lotuspsychje: :P [17:09] hehe then you got a whole lot less than you bargained for [17:10] indeed [17:10] I ordered a wall-mounted hose reel... turns out it isn't wall mounted! [17:10] I also ordered a 4-wheel hose trolley - I bet it only has 3 wheels [17:11] new and trendy, trike mode! [17:12] 2 weeks ago bought an Atheros 802.11ac mini-PCIe card for my APU2 gateway... turns out the firmware in it refuses to change region code, won't operate in the GB regulatory domain as an AP! [17:13] ah i still buy those, love them - although pfSense is limited to single queue PPPoE, so can't push more than about 450 Mb on my friend's 500 Mb FTTP on an APU4 [17:13] So far I've had to hack the ath10k driver, or rather the underlying 'ath' driver that contains the regulatory domain bits, to persuade it to cooperate, and still not got it completely correct [17:13] Even borrowing the 3 patches openwrt carry to help with this isn't enough [17:14] i still do the WiFi externally [17:14] Saturday I discovered this amazing open-source multi-monitor application 'deskreen' that uses standard modern web browsers as additional displays, looks amazing [17:15] Installed it ... "no network connection" - turns out it doesn't do IPv6 at all so having to write patches for that as well! [17:15] But I highly recommend it - amazingly good [17:15] https://github.com/pavlobu/deskreen/issues/38 [17:15] oh, not the issue, look at the project main page [17:16] am i understanding correctly, that it means you can turn separate physical computers into an extended desktop by just full-screen-ing a browser on each one and connecting into the service? [17:16] https://deskreen.com/lang-en [17:16] daftykins: tablets, phones, anything that can do modern webRTC [17:16] very interesting! [17:16] I'm wanting to use it as a training share-my-screen simple aid [17:17] also, to 'bond' several wall mounted advertising/info displays and drive them from a single system easlily, with messages that can scroll across multiple screens easily [17:18] at bhive we've got info screens on walls and i want messages/info to 'follow' people as they progress into the building [17:20] In other news, our development of a replacement for k8s is coming along nicely (and simply). Been doing some amazing things with overlayfs + systemd-nspawn + standard network technologies to use bog-standard distro-included software rather than external NIH devops amateur mish-mash [17:21] we decided on calling it k18s, for keepitsimple,stupids [17:22] :D [17:22] sounds like impressive efforts [17:23] It's been a lot of R&D but we've taken it bit by bit with PoCs to validate it at each stage [17:24] i'm still enjoying the XCP-ng route i went with that friend in Exeter's in-home server, unfortunately he stuffed it in a hot loft so i have to bully him into insulating and installing air-con now :P [17:25] pesky clients [17:26] haha just remove some tiles :) [17:26] :D [17:27] i may even pop over and run some of that, as my friend is too time-poor to progress things in a timely fashion... and i'm getting nervous about impending heatwaves [17:29] yup, 25+ from next week [17:31] ooh dear, the Dell was reporting intake of 33 deg C at his the other week, not great at all [17:38] did you see that CVE for Dell last week? 138 million PCs potentially vulnerable [17:39] hrmm don't think so [17:39] and the WD Nas books [17:39] they are old generation (12th) servers so it's kind of accepted they'll be behind, question is whether or not it matters [17:42] oh, I exagerated a bit, it's only 30 million ... 129 models https://www.theregister.com/2021/06/25/dell_secureassist_biosconnect_vulns_rce/ [17:43] TJ-: oh yeah one of those junk bundled software things, stories like those make me ever increasingly happy that i nuke new machines before beginning using, to get rid of all factory image traces :D [17:43] BIOS update function didn't validate the domain of X509 certificates! [17:43] sorry, not BIOS, UEFI [18:12] we'll let you off :) [20:00] UWN: Issue 689 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue689 :D [20:03] 😄 [20:04] every time i see these messages i think an exploit was found in the wild [21:29] 2nd part of bench arrived at 20:00 ... just finished assembling it ... 4 screws left-over, and 1 nut without a thread. Not too bad :) [21:30] lol [21:31] not too many bugs... but about 6 snails on it already! [21:32] I just jut bug #1781418 once again - could have sworn I fixed that 2 1/2 years ago [21:32] user groups not being set at log-in === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn