[10:27] jphilips: indonesian add [10:28] bluesabre: thanks [10:31] jphilips: darkbar only works for window managers support variants (dark, light, etc). It works on elementary and probably GNOME, but can't work for Xfwm for instance because the window decorations are static images. The dark theme stuff it does is also exclusive to elementary currently, but they're working on getting that into a cross-desktop standard. [10:33] jphilips: I think ristretto 0.11.x is a development series (corrent if I'm wrong), so we're less likely to pull it in since we're 10 months away from the next LTS. [10:33] *correct [10:34] bluesabre: thanks for the info about darkbar [10:34] ...Dang, 22.04 already... [10:35] ristretto isnt a dev series from the announcement https://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce-announce/2021-June/001044.html [10:35] its been 2 years since the last release of ristretto [10:36] We just need to make sure of that. The standard Xfce release versioning is that if the second number is odd, it's a development series. [10:40] Pretty sure Skunky kind of did an oopsie there and was poked by gaston maybe? [14:58] i checked with skunnky and he said it was an oversight === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn