
=== thomas_ is now known as thomasb
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Bashing-omGuest32: Hello - you have an ubuntu support question ?04:45
Guest32Yes with Lubuntu04:45
Guest32Whats the best way to update?04:45
Guest32sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?04:45
Bashing-omGuest32: That is I admit my preference :D04:46
Guest32Does ubuntu have a dedicated sercurity team04:46
Bashing-omhueYhough apt-get is depreciated in favor of ' apt update .... ' .04:47
Bashing-omGuest32: Yeah, See: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/ .04:47
Guest32so whats the ful command to update now?04:48
Bashing-omGuest32: Termianlly ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' .04:48
oerheksyour 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' should work fine too04:48
Guest32sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade ?04:49
oerheksand perhaps apt-get dist-upgrade04:49
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.04:49
Guest32fully updates =)04:49
alkisgapt upgrade doesn't fully update the system, prefer apt full-upgrade05:18
ubottuTo ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.05:19
blahboybazDoes the 20.04 release of ubuntu require that garbage collection be configured for ssd drives (the way it used to be needed with oder releases)?05:34
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alkisgHeya lotuspsychje, that factoid isn't appropriate, it should recommend full-upgrade instead, otherwise important updates may not be applied05:50
alkisgblahboybaz, you mean trim? It's automatically ran from cron afaik, no need to worry about it05:52
WallyI'm getting this error when fetching qbittorrent for libqt5xml Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/q/qtbase-opensource-src/libqt5xml5_5.14.2+dfsg-6_amd64.deb  403  Forbidden [IP: 80] is there something messed up with the AU Ubuntu mirrors right now? Speeds seem to be slow06:07
WallyAveraging at 170kb/s ATM06:08
Wallyfor updates06:08
Guest25Hello. I have a set of ~600 directories named dir.1, dir.2, dir.3 etc.... and I want to merge them into one directory so that I can see all the files without having to jump between all of them. How do I achieve that?06:37
oerheksguest cp with the -R recursive option06:46
Guest25oerheks: yes I figured I'd go with "cp -rl dir.*/* merged" but I'm getting an error: bash: /usr/bin/cp: Argument list too long06:48
EriC^^Guest25: you can use find -exec06:49
Guest25EriC^^: could you elaborate please? not very familiar with it06:50
EriC^^Guest25: find -type d -maxdepth 1 -name 'dir.*' | while IFS='' read -r dir; do rsync ${dir}/ merged"; done06:52
EriC^^sorry, find -type d -maxdepth 1 -name 'dir.*' | while IFS='' read -r dir; do rsync "${dir}"/ merged; done06:55
Guest25Ahh yes I was stuck with ">"06:55
Guest25I got a lot of "skipping directory ." and no files were copied06:58
Guest25EriC^^: "find: warning: you have specified the global option -maxdepth after the argument -type, but global options are not positional, i.e., -maxdepth affects tests specified before it as well as those specified after it.  Please specify global options before other arguments."06:59
EriC^^oh ok07:00
EriC^^find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'dir.*' | while IFS='' read -r dir; do rsync "${dir}"/ merged; done07:00
Guest25EriC^^: I keep getting "skipping directory ."07:04
EriC^^Guest25: what happens if you add echo to see what it's doing07:05
EriC^^find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'dir.*' | while IFS='' read -r dir; do echo rsync "${dir}"/ merged; done07:05
alkisgmv dir*/* merged/07:06
Guest25EriC^^: I get a bunch of reassuring lines "rsync ./dir.*/ merged"07:07
EriC^^Guest25: rsync ./dir.1/ merged etc? or literal dir.* ?07:08
Guest25EriC^^: actually now that I see that, would it matter that the directories are not in ~/ but in ~/Documents ?07:08
Guest25I mean, before running the commands I did cd so..07:09
EriC^^nah it's happening here as well, wonder why07:09
Guest25and rsync dir* etc didnt work07:11
alkisgguest25, try: echo mv dir*/* merged07:12
alkisgNo for loop required, if I understood you correctly07:12
Guest25alkisg: I cant run mv because I get this error: bash: /usr/bin/mv: Argument list too long07:12
Guest25I have >500 folders07:12
EriC^^Guest25: this works here, find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'dir.*' | while IFS='' read -r dir; do rsync -a "${dir}"/ merged; done07:12
alkisgDo you want to copy/rsync the files, or move them?07:13
Guest25EriC^^: the directories are actually called "saved_dir.*" What exactly do I need to change in your command07:14
EriC^^Guest25: find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'saved_dir.*' | while IFS='' read -r dir; do rsync -a "${dir}"/ merged; done07:14
Guest25alkisg: doesn't matter as long as I'm able to see the files in the same folder07:14
alkisgDoes this bypass the argument list limit? for f in dir*/*; do echo mv "$f" merged/; done07:15
ducassei'd use cp and delete when done07:16
Guest25ducasse: already tried, too many arguments -- EriC^^: your command seems to be working07:17
ducassein case it goes fubar07:17
Guest25All solved with Eric's command -- cheers everyone, thanks for the help07:19
ducasse!cookie | EriC^^07:19
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!07:19
EriC^^no problem Guest2507:20
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toddcshadow_master_: welcome08:26
shadow_master_can anyone help me?08:27
toddcshadow_master_:  yes but we all have different skills so post your question and some that has a answer will reply08:29
shadow_master_since  i did update my ubuntu from 20.04 to 21.10, i have sliced flashing triangles on my screen, even  after i installed 20.04 again ,it doesn't fix08:36
Mekaneckprobably graphics card related08:37
MekanecknVidia or AMD in it?08:37
shadow_master_but  i don't have that triangles on windows, i didn't do anything on ubuntu, i just recently installed ubuntu08:38
shadow_master_it is intergrated intel08:39
Mekaneckme too on both machines but i don't have that issue08:40
=== gr33n7001 is now known as gr33n7007h
sentimentmy pc keeps shutting down in a random fashion and the message I get is :thermal thermal_zone0: acpitz: critical temperature reached, shutting down08:54
sentimenta couple of points:08:55
sentimentthe components are not overheating. I have attached sensors to the heatsinks and I have re-applied heat paste to the CPU heatsink as well. No discrete GPU either, just integrated into the north bridge.08:55
sentimentThe message does not mention the temp, which is weird to me.08:56
sentimentthe sensors command lists only two items, one is the CPU which is always cool enough and the other is a constant 30c value.08:56
toddcsentiment: run sudo sensors-detect to look for more sensors https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-check-cpu-temperature-on-ubuntu-linux/08:58
sentimenttoddc: I have. Still two sensors.09:01
sentimentand that's not my question.09:01
sentimentI'm inclined to disable the automatic shutdown because it seems like a software bug.09:04
tomreynshadow_master_: if you're back on 20.04, see whether the oem kernel fixes it.09:07
TJ-sentiment: k09:07
TJ-sentiment: that ACPI thermal zone should show up under /sys/class/thermal/ -- be good to check what values its nodes show09:08
sentimentyeah, I've checked that as well, no difference.09:09
sentimentI may post this question on the Ubuntu forum.09:09
TJ-sentiment: what nodes/values does it report? it looks likely one of them is generating spurious values09:09
TJ-sentiment: see "man thermal-conf.xml" and "man thermald"09:11
sentimentoh os I neeoh so i need to use custom config?09:12
sentimentI've glanced over that file but I thought it was unneeded...09:12
sentimentanyways thanks09:13
ThaurwylthAlkisg, you here?09:24
shadow_master_tomreyn : im a beginner , can you tell me exactly what should i do ?09:26
alkisgThaurwylth, yup although from phone09:26
tomreynshadow_master_: sudo apt update && sudo apt install linux-oem && sudo apt purge linux-generic-hwe-*09:29
TJ-shadow_master_: do you see those triangles on the greeter screen, before logging in the user?09:29
tomreynshadow_master_: and reboot afterwards. but check with TJ- first, he's got more of a clue than i do.09:30
TJ-tomreyn: as it appears to hit 2 different installs I'm wondering if common $USER configs have been carried over - else i t makes no sense if MS Windows is fine09:31
TJ-tomreyn: although... there's another explanation. original 20.04 had the pre-HWE kernel. 21.04 has newer kernel with problem. Reinstall fo 20.04 comes with newer HWE kernel (same version as 21.04)09:32
TJ-shadow_master_: do you have a record of what kernel version was in use for the original 20.04?09:32
ThaurwylthAlkisg, do you have something to say about my journalctl output?09:34
tomreynTJ-: that's a good theory there.09:36
shadow_master_TJ: your first question: no , i just see it when i run any program other than system programs09:36
alkisgThaurwylth, can you repaste it? I can't scroll up that much09:36
alkisgshadow_master_, create a new user and login there, to see if its a system issue or a user settings issue09:37
TJ-shadow_master_: OK, as alkisg  suggests, try a new user account - it sounds like some $USER config created whilst running 21.04 is affecting 20.04 too09:40
shadow_master_TJ: second: yes, you can see all information in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/193027909:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1930279 in mesa (Ubuntu) "[Ivy Bridge] flashing sliced triangles on screen" [Undecided, New]09:40
alkisgThaurwylth, do you have many desktop environments installed, or is that plain kubuntu?09:43
alkisgThis message might be an issue: No agents were available for this request09:43
ThaurwylthU. Studio, which is today Plasma/KDE based. But that's the only one.09:43
ThaurwylthWell, yeah, that same line also has the 'no secrets' message. And 'Couldn'ty get secrets' is also the human readable error message that appears as a system prompt on the graphical interface.09:46
alkisgI would test with a livecd (ubuntu mate is a good choice, it has vanilla network-manager and nm-applet), to make sure its an installation misconfiguration issue09:46
ThaurwylthI only have Studio 21.04 easily available, everything else is going to take some time.09:48
ThaurwylthAnyways, it is important to note that nothing on the system has changed since May, apart from a probable sudo apt full-upgrade resulting in a slightly newer Ubuntu kernel.09:48
TJ-Thaurwylth: is kwallet installed?09:49
alkisgTry to google about nmcli, it allows connecting to wifi while providing the password in the command line09:49
alkisgYeh kwallet or some similar agent missing sounds probable09:50
TJ-!info kwalletmanager | Thaurwylth09:50
ubottuThaurwylth: kwalletmanager (4:20.12.3-0ubuntu1, hirsute): secure password wallet manager. In component universe, is optional. Built by kwalletmanager. Size 807 kB / 2,467 kB09:50
TJ-!info plasma-nm | Thaurwylth09:51
ubottuThaurwylth: plasma-nm (4:5.21.4-0ubuntu2, hirsute): Plasma network connections management. In component universe, is extra. Built by plasma-nm. Size 1,206 kB / 8,544 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)09:51
Thaurwylthkwalletmanager/hirsute,now 4:20.12.3-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed,automatic]09:52
ThaurwylthI have actually never entered password into KWallet and I have wondered what it does. Is it supposed to be in use?09:53
TJ-Thaurwylth: try starting the manager GUI ... that may give you a clue. My guess is you've changed passwords and it it has become desynced from the wallet, so the wallet isn't unlocking09:53
TJ-Thaurwylth: generally the wallet password is set when the user first sets their Linux user account password09:54
TJ-Thaurwylth: sometimes, after changing the user password, they don't get synced and the wallet remains locked09:54
TJ-Thaurwylth: this may not be your issue but it is a common thing09:54
ThaurwylthError Code 9 - possibly wrong password [Translation.]09:55
TJ-Thaurwylth: have you altered your user login password since the account was created?09:55
TJ-Thaurwylth: do you recall what tool you used? I know when done from the shell with 'passwd' wallet/secrets libraries don't usually get updated09:56
ThaurwylthYes, passwd.09:56
TJ-Thaurwylth: to access the manager you'll need to be able to recall, and enter, the original password09:56
TJ-Thaurwylth: ** enter into the wallet manager's password prompt09:57
ThaurwylthArgh! Luckily I remember it, but this is seriously annoying. Can't be helped, I guess.09:57
=== denningsrogue8 is now known as denningsrogue
TJ-Thaurwylth: yes, it is not an obvious side-effect of 'convenience' of the passwords being silently synced originally, and the user not being warned09:57
ThaurwylthNow my wireless connection works. Thank you.10:00
ThaurwylthA side note: the password it accepted was not the original one but the one I had changed to in the middle.10:01
ThaurwylthI mean I have had two passwords since the creation of the system.10:01
TJ-Thaurwylth: I'd guess your 1st password change was done using the GUI tooling, which generally 'knows' about the linkage to the wallet10:03
TJ-whereas 'passwd' is the low-level system tool with no knowledge of desktop environments and GUIs10:04
ThaurwylthI am 95 % sure I did both of them with passwd.10:04
TJ-Thaurwylth: ahh well, at least it is fixed now10:04
TJ-(until next time!)10:04
ThaurwylthYay for getting it fixed!10:05
shadow_mastertomreyn: it  dosen't fix10:05
shadow_masteralkisq: i tried this as well but i still have this problem10:07
shadow_masteri have that triangles even on my xfce desktop that i installed on my ubuntu10:08
alkisgWhat's the oldest kernel that you have? ls /boot | nc termbin.com 999910:09
alkisgAnd if you have a live cd, test if it works ok there, and if so, mark the kernel version10:09
alkisgThat's the latest, don't you also have earlier ones?10:11
alkisgWhich one are you booted with, now?10:12
TJ-!info linux-image-generic focal | shadow_master10:12
ubottushadow_master: linux-image-generic (, focal): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 3 kB / 18 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)10:12
tomreynshadow_master: cat /proc/version    tells you which kernel you're currently running10:14
shadow_mastertomreyn: 5.8.0-5910:16
alkisgTry to reboot and select 5.4 in grub10:16
alkisgSee if the problem happens on 5.410:17
TJ-shadow_master: I'd recommend you update the motherboard BIOS to latest version too, that may be having an effect. https://www.asus.com/supportonly/P8H61-M/HelpDesk_BIOS/ (current 1204 latest 4801)10:18
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
tomreynshadow_master: when you're done testing, you should undo the oem change then, since it did not help. remove the linux-oem* packages then and install linux-generic-hwe-20.04 again.10:21
shadow_masteralkisq:  i don't think that my motherboard has any updates cuz i have my pc for 10 years  but i will check it out  for new updates10:30
shadow_masteroh i did wrong :) excuse me alkisq10:32
tomreynshadow_master:    journalctl -b | grep DMI:     tells ayou what you have10:33
shadow_mastertJ:i don't think that my motherboard has any updates cuz i have my pc for 10 years  but i will check it out  for new updates10:34
TJ-shadow_master: I already checked, and told you10:35
tomreynTJ stated "current 1204 latest 4801", so i assume he must have spotted this 1204 version on some logs / output you shared previously10:35
TJ-shadow_master: use the link I gave you10:35
TJ-tomreyn: info was in the bug report shadow_master gave earlier10:36
tomreynTJ-: was it shadow_master's bug report, though?10:36
shadow_masterTJ: ok, i ll do it10:37
ilmais1nis there any change for packages.ubuntu.com to work ever again?10:38
tomreynshadow_master: is bug 1930279 your report?10:38
ubottuBug 1930279 in mesa (Ubuntu) "[Ivy Bridge] flashing sliced triangles on screen" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193027910:38
tomreyni mean, did *you* report it?10:38
shadow_mastertomreyn: i thought it is a bug cuz i didn't see that problem in any place10:39
shadow_mastertomreyn: yes10:39
tomreynilmais1n: it's community maintained by a very busy person, has been returning 500 errors for many pages on the first request for a year or two, so i don't strictly expect it to get fixed soon,. you can use rmadison, / dak ls, though10:40
ilmais1nperhaps it should be retired altogether if there are no resources to keep it running. keeping broken stuff around looks unprofessional10:41
tomreynshadow_master: it's certainly a bug, it's just no9t certain where exactly. you should definitely do the bios upgrade with such an old version.10:41
tomreynilmais1n: well, it still has its uses. what does not work for you?10:42
tomreynilmais1n: BIOS version 4702 changelog states  "2.Fixed onboard & add-on VGA card compatibility issue."10:46
shadow_masteralkisq: i can't believe it , it has finally fixed , i did boot ubuntu on 5.4 and it fixed but it is still a bug for 5.8. thank you so much alkisq11:25
ThaurwylthIt's a g.11:26
shadow_masterand thank you too tomreyn and TJ11:27
tudor_hi, i need help to describe my problem so i can search for bugs. When I use the bluetooth or airplane mode keys on my thinkpad t470, fn-f10 and fn-f8, these don't switch on and off, only off. using rfkill manually works as expected. apparently these keys are not handled by the os directly, at least xev does not shows any keypress, so I don't know where to look for logs.11:30
tudor_ubuntu 21.0411:31
ThaurwylthIs this related to the reported issue of the keyboard sending, uh, somethingsomething message code above 255?11:35
ThaurwylthI heard about this yesterday, here on this channel: https://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~klada/?site=projects&id=logitechkbd11:36
tudor_Thaurwylth: i doubt it, it's more like reacting to the rfkill state coming from bios/HW, but let me check. after all my problem is that I don't know how this called :)11:36
tudor_not even evtest shows any keyboard activity when i press fn-f10, but bluetooth gets disabled. And gets disabled again and again, without any enabling.11:48
OnkelTemHi folks. I've get a VPS with fresh Ubuntu 20.04 and I cannot start docker there and it fails11:49
OnkelTemThe reason is:11:49
OnkelTemRunning iptables --wait -t nat -L -n failed with message: `iptables v1.8.4 (legacy): can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)11:50
OnkelTemSo Ubuntu 20.04 doesn't have nat table or, actually, appropriate module not loaded? what?11:50
OnkelTemI've got*11:51
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
=== gr33n7001 is now known as gr33n7007h
goddardhow can you turn ubuntu desktop into ubuntu server?13:40
goddardor remove the desktop and login screen?13:40
Mekaneckgoddard: better to install the server edition instead of going through all the hassle13:40
Mekaneckfaster too13:41
goddardubuntu server wouldn't boot13:41
goddardbut ubuntu desktop did just fine13:41
Mekaneckweird that ubuntu server won't boot13:42
goddardyeah so just easier to uninstall the desktop13:42
goddardi did it before13:42
goddardbut that was with taskel13:43
goddardtaskel isn't in the repos when i searched13:43
Mekaneckgoddard: maybe google it and if you did it before you'd know how to do it13:43
goddardi think the way i did it before is unavailable now13:43
Mekaneckwhich version are you using?13:44
goddardThis disables the gui right?13:46
goddardsudo systemctl set-default multi-user13:46
Mekaneckthat i don't know, sorry13:48
goddardyeah it works13:49
Mekaneckgoddard: by the way, isn't it called tasksel? Not taskel13:49
goddardalthough i would expect it to show a login prompt like if you pressed ctrl + alt + F3 or something13:49
Mekaneckif you want to remove the desktop i guess this is the way to go: sudo apt purge ubuntu-desktop -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt autoclean.13:50
Mekaneckaccording to what i found on the web so far13:51
goddardcool thanks13:51
goddardtasksel is so nice13:51
goddardit lists like everything13:51
Mekaneckyou're welcome13:52
goddardnow i gotta learn how to launch a shell script on boot that i can also have ran as my user and view the process as if I pressed ctrl + z in the term and then fg13:54
goddardis @reboot in crontab -e good?13:54
goddardcan you send a process to the background with a shell script so it is on when the user logins via ssh?13:56
NokajiI have a problem/feature with ubuntu but not on windows, when using dual monitors. I have moniutors side-by-side, same resolution - with windows I can move left/right anywhere on the screen however ubuntu has a barrier for the first third (approx), so I have to effectively jump this hurdle to move from screen to screen, which i find a pain13:59
alex_do you mean your mouse gets stuck for half a second while dragging a window from a monitor to the other?14:00
tomreynubuntu release, graphics driver, kernel version could help there.14:01
NokajiI mean I cannot slide from one screen to another (right to left) at the bottom of the screen, If there are say 1200px heigh, I cannit slide through the first 400px (appx)14:02
NokajiI can in one direction but not the other14:02
tomreynlsb-release -ds; lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | grep driver; cat /proc/version14:02
NokajiI'll take a look tomreyn , thanks - is there a better way to describe this issue or a page about it somewhere?14:03
tomreynNokaji: i think your explanation is good so far, just lacking those details - which you can gather with the commands provided above14:04
tomreynyou could optionally record a video, too14:04
alex_i thought you had something like the old sticky edges14:04
Nokajiit's a permanent barrier14:05
Nokajisorry, can;t get commands to work - says "Command 'lsb' not found, did you mean:14:06
Nokajiif I slide along the bottom of the left monitor, it appears about 300px high on the r.h.s. monitor14:07
Nokajibelow 200px on the r.h.s.is where the wall is and i cannot slide to the left below it14:08
tomreynNokaji: i had a typo there, try this:   lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/version; lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | grep driver14:08
NokajiIt's an inspiron laptop, I didn't see any upgrade driver for it14:08
Nokaji>>> Linux version 5.11.0-22-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-025) (gcc (Ubuntu 10.3.0-1ubuntu1) 10.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.36.1) #23-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 17 00:34:23 UTC 202114:10
NokajiUbuntu 21.0414:13
tomreynNokaji: have you tried running the three commands (it's safe to copy and paste them to your terminal)? they would gather all the info for you.14:31
darsiehi brokenscript14:35
brokenscripti have a problem with firefox, since i installed Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS today14:40
Nokajitomreyn; ah, ... I pasted it as one ...14:40
brokenscripttext and symbols show strange rectangular white artefacts14:41
NokajiUbuntu 21.0414:42
NokajiLinux version 5.11.0-22-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-025) (gcc (Ubuntu 10.3.0-1ubuntu1) 10.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.36.1) #23-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 17 00:34:23 UTC 202114:42
NokajiLinux version 5.11.0-22-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-025) (gcc (Ubuntu 10.3.0-1ubuntu1) 10.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.36.1) #23-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 17 00:34:23 UTC 202114:43
Nokajilspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | grep driver14:43
NokajiKernel driver in use: amdgpu14:43
brokenscripti have a problem with firefox, since i installed Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS today;    text and symbols show strange rectangular white artefacts;   https://postimg.cc/2LpLpVfz  https://postimg.cc/crFYC1Rc  https://postimg.cc/bZjXG8qs  ;  ideas?14:47
ioriabrokenscript, never happened to me; might be a video driver issue or webrender.force settings; i suggest to restart FF in Troubleshoot mode  and state your video card and module in use14:49
brokenscriptSymbols on the page show the artefacts always;  text shows the artefacts when marked;  and the cursor in textfields shows it too14:50
brokenscriptI tried the same pages with chromium ---> no problem14:50
brokenscripti used ubuntu 18.04 before on the same hardware --->  no problem14:51
darsiebrokenscript: lsmod (and lspci) may be what ioria is asking for.14:58
tomreynNokaji: can you take a screenshot of the (gnome) settings application where you arrange the monitors?14:59
jushurbrokenscript: use a fresh user profile for firefox14:59
Nokajitomreyn; I can but you just pointed me to where the problem is, I have/had scaling on the laptop display set to 125% ... when I set it to 100% I no longer have the problem!15:05
Nokajiso both now at 100%15:05
Nokajitomreyn; I'm happy to call that a fix and I'll rejig the display sized through other means, if required15:06
darsiewb bro (kenscript)15:06
Nokajitomreyn; thanks for your patience and efforts and help on this one15:06
tomreynNokaji: hah, glad you worked it out!15:16
Nokajitomreyn; I notice I can also adjust where that barrier is by shifting the relationship on the graphic, showing two monitors side by side, e.g. I can have that hurdle/barrier at the top, instead ... anyway, v. glad to have resolved it15:23
tomreynNokaji: i'm glad YOU did. ;-)15:26
brokenscripti created a new profile in firefox. did not seem to help. the artefacts are still there.  i did a refresh of firefox. did not seem to help.  lspci gives me this:  https://pastebin.com/dqujUg7z  ;  lsmod gives me this: https://pastebin.com/qfQWe6jv15:31
brokenscripti have gone to FireFox troubleshooting mode.  and now?15:41
brokenscriptint FF troubleshoot mode there are no artefacts in the marked text. and no artefacts in symbols15:42
brokenscripti have gone to FF truobleshoot, check.  posted modules and graphic card, check. tried creating new profile, check. and have done a refresh of FF.  what else can i do?15:45
jailbreakbrokenscript, turn off gfx.web all in about:config to see if that helps.15:45
brokenscriptthe problem with the artefacts is not present in troubleshoot mode.  to check if it helped, i have to go back to normal mode15:48
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
brokenscriptin about:config  i have:  gfx.webrender.all     is it that what you mean jailbreak?   it was set to "false" to begin with15:51
jailbreakbrokenscript, search for force disable gfx.webrender.all15:57
jailbreakbrokenscript, make sure to exit ff and re-open to see if it helps.15:58
jailbreak3 lines, exit.15:59
brokenscriptsearch for force disable gfx.webrender.all  ???  what do i serch for?16:01
brokenscriptgfx.webrender.all is set to "false" to begin with. ican set it to true and then to false again.  what else could i do with it?16:04
ioriabrokenscript, Troubleshoot Mode turns off hardware acceleration , features and   customizations so i'd start from them; if it 's  an Intel bug (sna/uxa)  you should have errors in your syslog/dmesg16:07
darsiewb brokenscript16:07
sixwheeledbeastI have gfx.webrender.all true on ubuntu, what hardware?16:07
brokenscripthttps://pastebin.com/qfQWe6jv  lsmod16:08
ioriabrokenscript, Troubleshoot Mode turns off hardware acceleration , features and   customizations so i'd start from them; if it 's  an Intel bug (sna/uxa)  you should have errors in your syslog/dmesg16:08
brokenscripthttps://pastebin.com/dqujUg7z   lspci16:08
brokenscripti have turned gfx.webrender.all to "true" and back to "fals2.  then i have restarted FF in troubleshoot mode. and restarted again in normal mode. the artefacts are there in normal mode. i have to go ask what a syslog/dmesg is16:11
jailbreakbrokenscript, it's really not hard mate. just disable force acceleration. I don't know the exact name (google will) but search for web.render.force.disable or something iirc.16:12
jailbreaksec let me ss.16:13
jailbreakbrokenscript, there you go: https://i.postimg.cc/L4cQkTxM/Screenshot-from-2021-07-03-17-13-24.png16:13
jailbreakdisable that, fully exit FF and re-open. see if it still happens.16:14
brokenscriptthx.  will do16:15
ThinkT510jailbreak: out of curiosity, what are you using for your i3status?16:15
jailbreakThinkT510, custom.16:16
ThinkT510jailbreak: looks good16:16
brokenscriptthank you very much. i have set gfx.webrender.force-disabled to "true"  and then restarted.   the artefacts are gone. thank you jailbreak.  does it have any sideeffects?16:20
darsiebrokenscript: *If* (I'm not sure) it disables hardware rendering, it would slow down rendering. Maybe break some webpages, dunno.16:27
brokenscriptif it is just slower, then i am happy with that. if it "breaks" websites, then hopefully i will remember, that i changed this setting.16:29
brokenscriptthank you all for yor help and for your time.16:30
mrusdoes anyone know what gsettings set command is needed in order to set the dark version of a GTK theme?17:41
alkisgmrus: no, but you can run `dconf watch /`, do the change, and see the key in the output of dconf18:02
=== Avago_Broadqual3 is now known as Avago_Broadqual
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:48
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit18:49
=== Avago_Broadqual7 is now known as Avago_Broadqual
olleHm, seems like dmesg doesn't detect at all when I connect my Samsung tablet via USB. My USB keyboard works fine. I've tried multiple ports.19:00
olleThe tablet reacts with a loading popup19:00
olleI'm running a minimal window manager, openbsd-cwm. Hm. mtp-detect detects nothing.19:01
ollefdisk -l doesn't show it either. Maybe I'll reboot the tablet and see.19:01
Mekaneckchange the usb setting on the tablet....19:02
alkisgudevadm monitor19:02
alkisgIs the strongest there is. Like hulk19:02
ollealkisg: no such package?19:02
olleOh, it's installed19:02
olleMekaneck: Running with debug on, on usb19:03
olleReally weird, udevadm shows *nothing* when plug in or out the tablet ><19:05
olleMaybe go via router instead, wifi?19:05
olleOr bluetooth19:06
Mekaneckif you were pn Gnome you could use GSConnect instead19:10
olleTesting Samba now :d19:11
user217_what is pastebin hat put output  derectly from terminal to online raw ?19:17
alkisgdate | nc termbin.com 999919:18
olleSo both Firefox and Chrome blocks access to default Samba port 137 and 139?19:26
ollePort 445 just loads with nothing happening19:26
user217_alkisg: thanks here :)19:29
olleSamsung doesn't like protocol SMB2 it seems20:04
olleHad to set NT120:07
olleBah, running a file server with a Ruby one-liner worked out of the box, `ruby -run -ehttpd . -p8000`20:21
tomreynolle: is this a web log, or are you looking for help with something?20:21
tomreynsomething ubuntu related, ideally20:22
olle"Public learning" xD20:26
olleI'm done now, sorry20:26
olleBut, I prefer to solve my solution after I've found it.20:26
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
alkisgSolve the solution? :)20:30
Guest39Hi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 21.04 on my mom's laptop but I'm having weird screen "glitches" that makes it unusable. The whole screen is shaky/wavy. On the live USB I have no issue, this is only after installing Ubuntu and booting on it.21:04
Guest39The laptop has an Nvidia graphic card, using ubuntu-driver autoinstall didn't solve the issue.21:04
Hypervisor1Try Lubuntu, its lighter-weight/faster21:05
Hypervisor1Similar in function21:05
toddcGuest when you boot the installer add the nomodeset option21:05
Guest39toddc where do I add that?21:06
toddcGuest39: grub menu 1sec I am looking for a guide21:07
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.21:09
Guest39I just had a look at nomodset, is this to disable the graphic card ?21:09
toddcGuest yes it will just work with minimal grafics then after install you add the nivdia driver done21:10
tomreyn"nomodeset" is to temporarily disable "kernel mode setting", a mechanism used by the proprietary nvidia graphics driver for interfacing with the kernel.21:11
tomreynit would enable you to install all the pending updates, which *may* make the proprietary graphics driver work properly on the next reboot21:11
tomreynGuest39: bios updates can also help with such problems. this command, run in a terminal window, would return your mainboard / laptop model and its current bios version:  journalctl -b | grep DMI:21:14
toddcGuest39: when the grub menu come up during install press E and it open a new window to add teh nomoset option tehn do normal install and after reboot go to addl drivers and add teh nvidia21:15
toddcEdit my bad spelling21:16
Guest39tomreyn, Bios is a bit old, from 2015, I might try updating it at some point21:17
Guest39toddc, I'm still trying to get into the grub menu. Pressing Esc at startup takes me to grub command line21:17
toddcGuest39: e at grub menu not esc21:18
Guest39I know, I can't get into the grub menu yet21:19
EriC^^Guest39: try holding shift21:19
Guest39Did that too, no luck, I have UEFI21:19
toddcGuest39: are you booting from the install media?21:20
Guest39nope, I installed to disk already21:20
toddcif you have no data it a bit easier to reinstall or if you can open the addl drivers and install the new nvidia driver that will work too21:21
EriC^^Guest39: you mentioned esc gives you a grub command line, type "configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg" there and it should load the menu21:22
EriC^^try "normal" first as that might work too21:23
Guest39Thanks for the suggestion Eric^^ but I finally got in. I was messing around with the BIOS earlier and had turned on Legacy BIOS option. Switching back to UEFI fixed the issue, I'm in the grub menu now.21:24
EriC^^Guest39: great, press "e" to edit the ubuntu entry, and add "nomodeset" in the line that says "linux /boot/vmlinuz...... quiet splash"21:26
Guest39Alright just did it and I can already see the wavy are there :/21:30
Guest39They appear on the splashscreen even before ubuntu GUI appears21:30
EriC^^what driver do you have installed right now?21:32
EriC^^if you can get a terminal open, type "lshw -c video" and pastebin it somewhere21:33
Guest39I should have installed nvidia-driver-460  using ubuntu-drivers earlier. Will send the pastebin in a sec21:35
tomreynGuest39: while you're at it, also post    dmesg | nc termbin.com 999921:37
tomreynnvidia 460 is likely too new for this hardware21:39
Guest39tomreyn I checked compatibilty on nvidia this should be supported. Also the issue appears at the very first boot after installing ubuntu21:40
Guest39tomreyn http://termbin.com/hwdv21:41
Guest39I see some reference to "nvidia_modprobe" in dmesg, does that mean the 'nomodset' in grub didn't work?21:43
bailsmanlibmysql-java seems to be gone from ubuntu20 - anyone know why? I found a reddit post telling me to install libmariadb-java but not sure if that's actually a drop in replacement21:45
tomreynGuest39: indeed, the proprietary driver was loaded21:46
Guest39hmmm, ok let me try that again21:47
KonXorg upgrades used to be part of the HWE stack up through 18.04. Are there any plans to include Wayland upgrades for HWE?21:49
tomreynGuest39: regarding bios upgrade - this probably won't help, you're just one version behind, and the latest doesn't list any fixes: https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles/abcn96ww.txt21:50
bailsmanHow do I search packages that don't have a repo? I have mysql-server-5.5 installed apparently, because it shows up in dpkg -S /etc/mysql and apt-cache policy mysql-server-5.5 shows it is not from any repo. But it does not show up in aptitude search ~o21:50
bailsmanI want a full list of packages on the system that don't have a repo21:50
tomreynKon: this might be a question for #ubuntu-x (if your patience lasts for a day or two)21:51
tomreyn!yy.mm | bailsman21:52
ubottubailsman: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle21:52
bailsmantomreyn: Thanks! That's very helpful.21:52
bailsmanFound the reason - they're packagse marked residual-config21:53
tomreynbailsman: so which ubuntu version do you have? lsb_release -ds21:53
bailsmantomreyn: Thanks, I appreciate it.21:53
Guest39tomreyn oh ok, thanks for checking. I re-tried setting nomodset in grub and I still see nvidia_modprobe in dmesg.21:54
tomreynbailsman: mysql 5.5 on any ubuntu release whose version number starts with "20." seems wrong for sure21:54
tomreynGuest39: it's "nomodeset"21:54
Guest39tomreyn jesus christ.... Ok I'll try that again, my bad21:55
Guest39One more thing, I noticed I get an error message every time I restart "package shim-signed 1.47+15.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade ...." Not sure if this could be related?21:55
tomreynGuest39: maybe. you should probably disable "secure boot" in bios.21:57
Guest39will gladly do.21:57
Guest39Riiiight, using nomodeset I don't have the screen glitch anymore21:57
Hypervisor1Try Lubuntu21:57
Guest39Hypervisor1 I might give it a try if I can't fix the issue.21:59
tomreynGuest39: you also no longer have hardware accelerated graphics with it. so this is really just a workaround to regain control of your graphical user interface to enable to fix whatever needs fixing to make the nvidia proprietary driver work well. or to remove it, if you want to try your luck with nouveau.21:59
Hypervisor1Lubuntu is light weight21:59
Hypervisor1It may be easier on your laptop21:59
bailsmantomreyn: That's very helpful, thank you.21:59
Hypervisor1Or if the graphical glitch is debian specific21:59
Hypervisor1Try Debian22:00
tomreynGuest39: lubuntu uses the same kernel, graphics stack, i don't see how it would help  you with the graphics issue.22:00
Hypervisor1Lubuntu uses a different DE22:00
Hypervisor1You can also Try Debian, though Debian feels like a 2008 OS22:00
Hypervisor1it still works properly22:00
Hypervisor1Or Trisquel22:00
tomreynGuest39: i suggest focussing at the issue at hand before trying out other linux distros.22:02
Guest39tomreyn that's my plan yeah. I think I got excited too quick, nomodeset fixed the wavy lines on splashscreen but it's now stuck on the splashscreen22:03
tomreynGuest39: you probbaly don't need to play with nomodeset because - from what i understood - you were still able to access and use the terminal when the proprietary nvidia driver was loaded.22:04
Guest39I could use the laptop normally, just the scree was all messed up.22:05
Guest39it' like horizontal lines on the whole screen, or like the edge windows, letter, images that get all "jumpy"22:06
Guest39I could make a video but not sure where to upload it22:06
tomreynGuest39: make sure you install any pending upgrades, though. and i'd still suggest trying an earlier proprietary nvidia driver. another option would be nouveau, the (incomplete) open source driver, which you'd get after fully uninstalling / deconfigurng the proprietary driver.22:07
Guest39I ran apt upgrade and I'm fully up to date, I'll try an older version of Nvidia driver. Also keep in mind I had this issue even before I installed the driver.22:07
Guest39Right after the fresh install the issue began22:08
tomreynyour dmesg suggests acpi issues with the nvidia graphics card22:08
tomreyn!acpi_osi *might* help22:08
tomreyn!acpi_osi *might* help | Guest3922:08
ubottuIf your system is unstable or power management does not work well and logs show ACPI issues, you can try to make the Linux kernel pretend it was Windows during boot (which can help on hardware which was only tested with Windows): http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html22:09
Guest39tomreyn Just tested "acpi_osi=!" in grub and that didn't work, I'll try with "acpi_osi=! acpi_osi=Windows 2015" as mentioned in your article ubottu22:15
Guest39If that doesn't work either I'll try an older driver and if that still doesn't work I'll try Nouveau22:16
tomreynGuest39: "acpi_osi=! acpi_osi=Windows 2015" in the article is an example. the article also explains how to determine suitable values for the second parameter.22:16
tomreynGuest39: did you disable secure boot, yet, and have you tried whether that fixes it already?22:17
Guest39no doing it now since I need to reboot anyway22:17
Guest39nope no luck with secure boot, I'll grab the correct Windows version and will try the acpi_osi thingy22:19
oerheksif that lenovo gives GTX840/860, use a lower driver? 430 or 440 ?22:19
Guest39right acpi_osi method didn't work, I'll try a different driver.22:23
jackeanyone tried slimbook pro x? what is your experience of it compared to other?22:35
Guest39Well I think I'm gonna give up ...22:50
Guest39I've tried the latest nvidia driver 460, an older one 440, disabled everything and apparently ubuntu automatically loads Nouveau. Nothing worked.22:51
Guest39I might try Ubuntu 20.4 I've heard a few complaint about 21.422:52
Hypervisor1what was wrong with 21.422:53
Hypervisor121.4 has documented/reported graphic glitches?22:54
Hypervisor1Try Debian... its old, it feels old, but its still fully funtional22:54
Hypervisor1And Debian is pretty stable and well supported22:56
Guest39Something to do with Wayland, Xorg and the Nvidia driver. And some stability issues. As I said, ultimately my mom is going to use it so I want to make it appealing and esay to her.22:56
Hypervisor1Try Trisquel.info, Trisquel 9 MIni22:57
Hypervisor1Trisquel 9 Mini22:57
Hypervisor1Its light, fast, and stable22:57
matsamanGuest39: what was wrong with nouveau?22:57
Guest39matsaman I'm having screen issue since I installed Ubuntu, I've tried multiple drivers including Nouveau and none fixed the issue22:57
matsamanwhat kind of issues22:58
jushurGuest39: do the liveimage have the same issue?22:58
Guest39jushur no live image is fine22:58
jushurso it is a config issue.22:59
matsamanwell, or the live image was using another device, like onboard graphics22:59
Guest39matsaman it's kind of hard to explain, the whole image is like shaky/wavy with what looks like horizontal lines.22:59
Guest39On the right edge of the screen I can also see artifact of the window I have open22:59
matsamanGuest39: that does sound like merely a software issue22:59
jushurid advice against running it like so, that means bad config wich can destroy your hardware.23:00
matsamanhardware failure looks different, IME23:00
Guest39It was running win 10 earlier today and no display issue23:00
matsamanwhat you can do is boot the live OS and see which driver is being used23:00
jushurGuest39: what does logs say?23:00
Guest39jushur, which one?23:01
Guest39I posted dmesg earlier, apparently there was some acpi issue another user spotted so I tried messing around with acpi_osi to no avial23:01
jushurX/Wayland dmesg nvidia?23:01
matsamanwhat make/model computer?23:02
jushuracpi dont make this kind of issue23:02
koala_manI was about to ask how to get the gui interface for vlc, but I installed vlc-plugin-qt and there it goes23:02
jushurbad EDID read can do, bad driver config can.23:02
Guest39Lenovo Z7023:03
matsamanGuest39: that's a geforce 840m?23:06
jackeWhat are ppl using Wayland or X?23:07
matsamandoesn't matter23:07
matsamanGuest39: which nvidia driver version/s did you try?23:07
Guest39matsaman 460/440/390 and Nouveau is apparently loaded automatically by Ubuntu when no other drivers are being used23:08
tomreynGuest39: indeed, nouveau should be used automatically if the configurations for the "nvidia" driver (which niclude a configuration that explicitly prevents loading "nouveau") had been been removed23:10
tomreynso it's good to verify that nouveau is actually being used when you're trying to23:10
jushurGuest39: do you have a toggle in bios for enabling/disabling IGP or deciding what GFX card is master? i see i915 in the dmesg log so it is loaded.23:11
Guest39tomreyn it was selected in the driver list so I'm assuming it was23:11
tomreynmatsaman: the termbin log says 460.8023:11
tomreynGuest39: i would also assume it to work then23:12
Guest39jushur not sure I'd need to check23:12
matsamanmay as well try 460.8423:13
jushuronly the latest driver should be used, the old ones has verfied/known exploits..23:13
Guest39I was just using the one marked as recomended by the ubuntu-drivers utility23:14
tomreyni guess i'd install 20.04 LTS and try the vanilla kernel with either nouveau or 39023:14
tomreyn(after making another note to never again buy nvidia)23:15
matsamanor, again, check what driver the live OS is using (although it might be for your onboard graphics instead of the nvidia)23:15
Guest39I ran "lspci -nn | grep -E "VGA|Display" on both the live image and the installed Ubunutu and I get the same result "VGA Compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation HD Grpahics 5500"23:15
matsamanGuest39: grep -i for nvidia shows nothing?23:16
jushurim betting its using the intel i915 modeset driver23:16
matsamanjushur: fair bet23:16
Guest39jushur I have a Graphic Device Setting in the BIOS and it's set to "Discrete"23:18
jushurGuest39: that is the nvidia one then23:18
Guest39Other option is "UMA Only" (Enable integrated graphic only)23:18
jushurdo you have "auto" option?23:18
matsamanif your BIOS has a 'set to defaults' option, that might be worth a go, too23:18
matsamanand if your bios has an update, unfortunately sometimes that will matter also23:19
matsamanusually the changelog will tell you, though23:19
Guest39It's a pretty old BIOS and I'm only one version behind the latest23:19
jushurGuest39: i think you need to block intel modeset also, block its driver from loading23:20
tomreyni don't think so23:21
matsamanalternatively, the intel graphics will almost certainly be fine for your use case23:21
matsamanand will use less power23:21
tomreynunless she wants to play game son it23:21
jushurany modeset in kernel driver will interfere with nvidia driver23:22
matsamanshe'd probably be the first person with a GNU/Linux-installing age child in history to want that23:22
jushurGuest39: just uninstall nvidia, go bios and set it to UMA mode by default.23:23
Guest39She most definitely won't, but I don't have access to my gaming desktop right now so I might ^^23:23
jushurwell then there is an issue :D23:23
tomreynyes, the issue that you don't have access to your gaming desktop23:23
Guest39I'll try the UMA only option though for science23:24
tomreynthat'll work fine23:24
Guest39I ran lspci on live image grepping for nvidia and I see the same thing as with the installed one, 3D controller: Nvidia [.....] Geforce 804m23:26
tomreynlspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 9999     would tell you which driver is loaded23:28
Guest39will do, just turned on "UMA only" option and I still have the issue ...23:29
tomreyndoh, sorry then, bad prediction. ;)23:29
jushurGuest39: boot the liveimg on it23:30
Guest39live image still good with UMA only23:31
Guest39I'll go back to discrete since it doesn't make any diff and will run tomreyn command23:31
Guest39By the way thanks everyone for your help <323:32
jushurGuest39: id say reinstall with UMA only, skipp all driver install of nvida..23:33
Lutinhi guys, does the docker-ce package add the iptable rules ?23:33
Guest39tomreyn http://termbin.com/9uk2 That's on the installed ubunutu, I see the i915 that jushur was mentioning earlier23:37
Guest39I'll try on liveimg now23:37
IRCMonkeySetup Installation [partitioning] question: So when I'm down to specifying my [last] Root partition size, do I allocate it with everything remaining —like down to the last MB in free space or ?23:37
IRCMonkeyHow much do I allocate for /var & /tmp ? Also, if I specify Root partition size then I don't need to seprarately specify Home partition size ?23:38
tomreynGuest39: and you don't see the nvidia? that's after undoing the bios option for "internal only", right?23:38
Guest39correct, it's now using the "discrete" setting23:39
Bashing-omIRCMonkey: My thoughts on partitioning - leave 5 or so gigs free for future aspirations.23:39
tomreyndiscrete should be nvidia, though, it should not or not only see the internal one23:40
IRCMonkeyThank you23:40
Guest39tomreyn Nvidia is listed further down the list as 3D Controller http://termbin.com/vu2t323:41
Guest39Same output as with the live image23:41
tomreynGuest39: doh, i need to update that grep, thanks23:41
Bashing-omGuest39: What are you doing that you want to depart from a defaukt partitioning ? ^^ can lead to a lot of un-used disk space.23:42
Guest39Bashing-om I think you meant to ping IRCMonkey23:42
Bashing-omGuest39: OH ! wires crossed again :(23:43
IRCMonkeyI have a 1.5 Ghz Celeron Dual-Core budget Dell lappy with 8 Gigs RAM —will it be able to handle Ubuntu ? Also my Windows 10 takes 20 minutes to boot to desktop, will Ubuntu be faster ?23:44
IRCMonkeyUbuntu minimum requirements say 2 Ghz Dual-Core processor.23:44
Bashing-omIRCMonkey: ^^ wasted disk space - even with large drives in-expensive is still a waste :D23:44
IRCMonkeyWhat if I use MATE Desktop or something.23:44
IRCMonkeyWhat's wasted disk space ?23:45
IRCMonkeyI have a 500 GB HDD23:45
IRCMonkeyOh you meant the allocations ?23:45
Bashing-omIRCMonkey: Ubless you have a real need - I suggest the only seperate partition now-a-days is /home.23:46
cbreakzfs ftw23:46
IRCMonkeyOhhh gotcha23:46
IRCMonkeyNot even "/" Root ?23:47
tomreynIRCMonkey: unless you have broken hardware, ubuntu should boot faster with these specifications.23:47
IRCMonkeySo I just allocate Swap & Root "."23:47
IRCMonkey- "/"23:47
jushurIRCMonkey: you can install ANY desktop enviroment and it should still be faster then windows.23:47
tomreynIRCMonkey: 500 GB HDD sounds like it must be stone age and possibly falling apart, though23:47
Bashing-omxfs for servers with lots of data storage - can not be bettered - desktop still hard to beat ext4 - IMHO :D23:47
jushurIRCMonkey: if you can buy a cheap ssd and put in instead of that hdd it will be blazingly fast compared to now.23:48
IRCMonkeyIt takes 20 minutes for Windows 10 to boot to the desktop.23:49
Bashing-omIRCMonkey: No - a default install will make up a 'swap file' which is much more effecient these days.23:49
IRCMonkeySo if I select default Erase HD & Wipe Everything it will create only 1 parition & all the space will be available for me in Home to save files to ?23:50
IRCMonkeyOr should I manually specify ?23:50
IRCMonkeyI was thinking of:: { 8 GB = /tmp |8 GB = /var |700 MB = /boot |13 GB = swap |80 GB =  /root |390.3 GB = Home }23:51
jackeIRCMonkey: dd your HD b4 you do it..23:51
IRCMonkeydd ?23:51
IRCMonkeySSD ?23:52
tomreynif this is going to be used as a personal computer, then just use the default partitioning.23:52
IRCMonkeySo I will havent 80% of space to use on Home ?23:52
jackedd if=/dev/<you HD> of=myHDbackup.raw23:52
IRCMonkeyOh backup23:53
IRCMonkeyYeah I plan on backing up my ebooks & movies onto USB sticks.23:53
Bashing-omIRCMonkey: A new ubuntu user ? Take the easy route untill you know better and do that "erase disk and install". However there is a lot to be said for good in a seperate /home partition.23:53
IRCMonkeyYeah I have a 500 GB Hard disk, I want around 400 GB for my personal files —got lots to save !23:54
Guest39Bashing-om agreed23:54
IRCMonkeyI've used Ubuntu once before for a short period (Jaunty Jackelope) was having trouble installing via Software Packager, was crashing.23:55
tomreynif you'll really want to install to this hdd then it's probably a good idea to do a SMART check of it before you do.23:55
tomreyn!smart | IRCMonkey23:55
ubottuIRCMonkey: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools23:55
tomreynyou can do so from the installer / live system23:55
IRCMonkeyAll right23:56
IRCMonkeyHow much space will be available to me in my Home if I just select Erase Everything & Install to HDD (the default automatic option)23:58
IRCMonkeyI require around 400 GB for my files to save from my USB sticks […]23:59
Guest39All of it minus what's required for the system (not much)23:59

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