
daftykinsalrighty time for bed, g'night folks \o01:11
daftykinsgonna get my first coffee out of the way, then i'll need to pop outside and tape up that window11:06
zxm-pihow often has a window been broken by louts?11:20
daftykins3 times total in the 8 years i've been here, 2 in the past 12 months11:21
zxm-pithat sucks11:21
zxm-pisame people?11:21
daftykinsno way of knowing, by the time i hear it and get down the stairs without shoes on, someone can be away11:22
daftykinspretty much can't use my ground floor lounge from Thursday to Sunday due to how bad the lane has gotten in the last few years11:22
zxm-piprobably super hard to put a camera outside if it's listed. but a camera inside looking out perhaps?11:23
daftykinsi've been tempted, but i feel like since you have to put up a sign to say you're recording, it may invite more trouble11:23
zxm-pidoesn't have to be obvious camera. 11:25
daftykinsi probably should do something, at least i have a good window guy i've been having a trade with :D as i've looked at his iMac a couple of times11:41
zxm-pithat certainly helps11:42
penguin42a window guy running on Mac11:46
MrSidhello. i am having a problem with editing the network-config file. i have had it working in the past and i remember to get it working the indentation has to be just right... but this time i just can't get it right. if anyone has some advice i would be very appreciative to know it. i`m setting it up to install on a raspberry pi 3 btw14:04
daftykinssupport is more likely in #ubuntu 14:04
MrSidthanks. i asked there as well. 14:05
daftykinsok so cross posting is a no-no on IRC14:05
MrSidwhy is that?14:05
daftykinsnothing worse than giving advice to someone who's allowing too many cooks to spoil the broth in parallel14:06
MrSidah i see14:06
MrSidi joined the ubuntu-uk for the time zone.. i thought someone would be active 14:06
MrSidi tried ubuntu-au but, i think i`m the only one still awake14:06
daftykinsthe regional spins are mostly a legacy now, support's in main :)14:07
penguin42.au people I know tend to be a lot more random than that :-)14:07
MrSidah ok. thanks14:07
daftykinswhat a decent day of chore slaying and work doings21:56
daftykinshard to know what to pack for the morning, doing a mystery subcontracting jerb for an electrician21:56
diddledanpack the emergency hobnobs22:00
daftykinsooh good call22:00
daftykinscurrently murdering the Sunday night Bahlsen Choco Leibniz discount milk choc pack22:01
daftykinsthe cat tried her best to rub her tail on them, but i saved things!22:01
daftykinsi test upgraded a VM of bionic to PPA versions of apache, PHP 7.4 and mariadb 10.2 just earlier... worked pretty smoothly22:03
daftykinsthey're deps for Nextcloud 2122:04
daftykinspesky web-apps going EOL! (19)22:04
diddledanoof. WordPress is about the only webapp you can run on older PHP these days22:06
daftykinsi think even it was warning me recently22:06
diddledanbut even they are looking at bumping the minimum requirements (already bumped to php5.6 as of WP5.0)22:06
diddledanthe anticipation is to be bumping to 7.0 or 7.1 or 7.2 sometime soonish22:07
daftykinshave some cats: https://imgur.com/gallery/UjQ2tSj & https://i.imgur.com/fNlBqWP.mp422:47
daftykinsg'night \o22:59
diddledanhah. that first one. like a boss!23:37
diddledanhave you seen the cat? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/eUYdz0PL/image.png23:43
zxm-pithey'll learn :-P https://i.imgur.com/x7Yg9Te.jpg23:56

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