
barrypricemaswan: can do, got a rough idea of the start/finish times?01:45
masACCblahdeblah: 18 - 20 CEST05:14
=== masACC is now known as maswan
hloeungbarryprice: ^ :)05:15
maswanah, yes, sorry05:15
maswanI'm in the office after 3 weeks of vacation at too early o'clock, so I'm not exactly my best. :)05:16
blahdeblahThe old b-Tab trick, eh?05:23
blahdeblahIf I had a dollar for every time I was confused for barryprice...05:24
maswanusually my client is clever enough to match last interaction, but not today05:28
barrypriceblahdeblah: it's the beard :)05:31
barrypricemaswan: ok, that's today? I'll make sure we drop it from DNS by then, with a note to check back in with you here tomorrow05:32
maswanyes, today05:32
blahdeblahbarryprice: That's it, I'm sure.05:32
maswanI meant to give longer notice, but I've been very busy on vacation up until today05:33
maswanbut now I'm back in the office with a huge pile of mail backlog, so I'm spending some time in here :)05:33
barrypriceno problem at all, any notice is better than none :)05:36
=== axino` is now known as axino
maswanftp.acc.umu.se should be back online now and ready for se.archive.u.c etc action17:44
alejdg@maswan, se.archive.ubuntu.com is pointing to ftp.acc.umu.se again.18:10
maswanalejdg: thank you18:11

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