
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: gnome-desktop3 (hirsute-proposed/main) [3.38.5-1ubuntu2~21.04.1 => 3.38.5-1ubuntu2~21.04.2] (ubuntu-desktop)01:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ibus-avro (hirsute-proposed/universe) [1.2-2 => 1.2-2ubuntu21.04.1] (no packageset)07:20
sil2100juliank: hey! The shim set that's in hirsute-proposed, that's all good to go, right?07:58
julianksil2100: yeah, xenial one too07:58
sil2100juliank: okay, what about the fwupd situation? Is that only re: focal's fwupd? Xenial is fine (since it's also still using fwupdate)?08:01
julianksil2100: I wasn't aware we had a signed *fwupdate* on xenial08:02
julianksil2100: this would break, surely08:03
julianksil2100: people told me xenial would be fine because there's no signed fwupd in xenial, I guess nobody checked for a fwupdate08:04
julianksil2100: so I guess we have to block-proposed-xenial and discuss :/08:05
julianksil2100: hirsute is definitely good to go, though08:05
sil2100juliank: re: xenial, I guess someone with more experience with how it was done in xenial would have to take a look, since I don't really remember what the situation was there - but I think we still had fwupdate there going on08:20
sil2100I'll proceed with hirsute for now and wait a bit with xenial just-in-case08:20
cpaelzerHi ubuntu-archive people, anyone around to unblock open-iscsi that is in impish-new queue?08:25
cpaelzerthat was a late addition to Debian (we had this for quite a while) under a slightly different name - hence it now is in NEW08:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted fwupd [amd64] (impish-proposed) [1.5.11-0ubuntu1]08:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted fwupd [armhf] (impish-proposed) [1.5.11-0ubuntu1]08:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted fwupd [arm64] (impish-proposed) [1.5.11-0ubuntu1]08:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted open-iscsi [amd64] (impish-proposed) [2.1.4-0ubuntu1]08:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted open-iscsi [armhf] (impish-proposed) [2.1.4-0ubuntu1]08:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted open-iscsi [riscv64] (impish-proposed) [2.1.4-0ubuntu1]08:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted open-iscsi [arm64] (impish-proposed) [2.1.4-0ubuntu1]08:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted open-iscsi [s390x] (impish-proposed) [2.1.4-0ubuntu1]08:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted open-iscsi [ppc64el] (impish-proposed) [2.1.4-0ubuntu1]08:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntu-release-upgrader (hirsute-proposed/main) [1:21.04.13 => 1:21.04.14] (core)08:58
tjaaltonthe focal daily image is from Friday, should it have been built over the weekend or is there some issue holding it back?09:11
laneytjaalton: llvm-12 needs promoting09:12
laneyit's YOU!09:12
tjaaltonha! :D09:13
laneyin general you can find the logs under https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntu/focal/09:13
tjaaltonbut, I'd have thought it was already?09:13
laneywhich then link you to the actual log on LP09:13
tjaaltondoko: ^ kernel-packages team has subscribed to the bugs09:13
laneycheck rmadison, it's just that it needs to be done in focal too09:14
laneyI can do that09:16
tjaaltonok that'd be great09:17
laneyor if doko has the command handy that would be easier, so I don't have to work out exactly which packages to prmote09:17
laneyalright nm, I did it, it should be good in an hour or so09:32
tjaaltonsweet, thanks09:32
laneybe good if pg13 could move over so we can drop 11 out of main09:34
tjaaltonannoying how common it is for sru-review to miss spamming/tagging the bugs09:45
sil2100xnox: hello! Will you have some time to verify LP: #1933093 ? Sadly, from what I see the current pi-gadget build process doesn't respect the snappy image PPA when pulling in flash-kernel10:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1933093 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu Focal) "Drop old UC20 boot args" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193309310:35
sil2100...maybe that's actually something we'd want to fix, let me take a look10:39
xnoxsil2100:  i think it doesn't respect building from -proposed at all. last time i had to hack it locally _a lot_ to make it use something from -proposed.10:50
xnoxsil2100:  or we could copy the -proposed flash-kernel into the right PPA and then rebuild and test.10:50
xnoxsil2100:  I am planning to look into it today/tomorrow. I have a lot of SRUs to verify.10:50
xnoxbut currently doing a battle with greenhouse.10:50
laneydon't throw stones10:51
sil2100xnox: yeah, currently the pi-gadget build doesn't respect *any* PPA, just the main archive (and non-proposed), but I'll try to get that fixed10:53
julianklaney: Is britney not checking build-depends when doing migrations? I'm wondering how grub2-signed migrates if it breaks cd-boot-images-amd64:  * cd-boot-images-amd64                     build-depends on missing grub-efi-amd64-signed:amd64 (= 1.169+2.04-1ubuntu45)10:55
juliankmaybe people hacked that manually10:56
juliankmaybe it's only checking the opposite direction10:57
laneyjuliank: No it's not. Steve disabled that.10:59
juliankmakes me sad11:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected nova [source] (bionic-proposed) [2:17.0.13-0ubuntu3]13:00
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted nova [source] (bionic-proposed) [2:17.0.13-0ubuntu3]13:15
utkarsh2102ubuntu-archive: hello, would you have time to take a look at LP: #1915445, please? (MIR of python-aws-requests-auth)14:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1915445 in python-aws-requests-auth (Ubuntu Hirsute) "[MIR] python-aws-requests-auth package" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191544514:04
laneytjaalton: I rebuilt ubuntu-desktop/focal/amd64, looks good now14:06
utkarsh2102similarly, LP: #1152187 (last 5 comments), please.14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1152187 in systemd (Ubuntu Bionic) "[MIR] systemd" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115218714:07
laneytjaalton: do you know why libllvm9 is still being pulled in?14:07
tjaaltonlaney: yeah I tested it already, is good. and no I don't know about libllvm9..14:22
laneybe good to get it off14:24
tjaaltonshouldn't be due to any package dep14:25
tjaaltonwhere can I find the source for the cd build?14:34
tjaaltonthe tool that builds it14:34
tjaaltondunno if it matters, but there's a typo for the libllvm exclude rule14:36
tjaalton! Excluding packages from extra: ['lldb-*', 'liblldb-*', 'clang*', 'libclang*', 'libllvm-*', 'libfuzzer-*', 'liblld-*', 'libomp-*', 'lld-*', 'libc++-*', 'libc++abi-*', 'llvm-*']14:36
ubottutjaalton: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:36
tjaaltonit says 'libllvm-*' but should be 'libllvm*'?14:37
laneyNot sure it's right to fix that, I feel like it would break stuff14:54
laneyalthough I forgot exactly what Extra-Exclude does14:54
laneyactually not break, it's just for supported isn't it14:55
laneyanyway I think the libllvm9 problem is because we can't really remove things from images, the Task: problem14:55
laney(later images in a stable series, when they have a Task field in the release pocket)14:56
sil2100waveform: https://github.com/snapcore/pi-gadget/pull/76 <- could you take a look at that?15:15
ubottuPull 76 in snapcore/pi-gadget "Fix builds using proper image PPA and without proposed" [Open]15:15
waveformsil2100, will do15:15
sil2100xnox: ^ also, wow, I was not aware we were building pi-gadget snaps with -proposed enabled all the time right now...15:15
sil2100That didn't sound safe for me, so uh, I'd prefer to get that changed with the PR15:15
waveformsil2100, sure -- I'll cherry-pick across to 20-armhf as well once I've reviewed15:16
sil2100Yeah, so basically I'm not even sure if our cross-compiling stuff works, so maybe this could be cleaned up - but this is a good start15:17
xnoxsil2100:  i wonder if anonymouse should check that too.... given his alternative / competing merge proposal.15:20
xnoxsil2100:  ideally we'd copy the proposed from the host, i.e. if snap build in launchpad is triggered to build with proposed do that; otherwise build without it, etc.15:20
waveformxnox, does https://github.com/snapcore/pi-gadget/pull/73 actually compete with this?15:22
ubottuPull 73 in snapcore/pi-gadget ".travis.yml: drop the package repositories experimental flag" [Open]15:22
sil2100xnox: yeah, that's what my PR does, at least for non cross-compiling15:25
sil2100If one is cross-compiling, I assume the developer can change the cross-sources to enable/disable proposed as they wish15:26
sil2100waveform, xnox: yeah that PR from Ian wouldn't really help here, it's like a separate thing15:27
sil2100Since pi-gadget does a few crazy things to pull in the sources in the Makefile15:27
waveformsil2100, I got the impression it's "related" in that it's dealing with the snappy-dev ppa, but doesn't deal with the -proposed stuff15:28
dokolaney, just promote the source and the one library package. did you already start?15:33
laneydoko: yes, done, I copied what was done in impish15:38
sil2100waveform: yeah, it's related but also not, since it does add the ppa to the snapcraft.yaml pieces, but it won't have effect on any of the stage_package calls we do - which is what my PR tries to tackle ;)15:45
laneyjuliank: unknown thing seems to work, will merge it15:46
laneysil2100: you can have staging back15:46
julianklaney: +115:47
laneyI had to hack runner/autopkgtest to make unknowns btw15:47
laneypinning doesn't work because of that crazy embedded script which calculates the version15:47
waveformsil2100, okay -- all looks sane -- just going to try a couple of builds on a pi and on a PC to double-check then I'll merge and cherry-pick it over to the armhf branch15:48
waveformsil2100, is it worth dealing with anonymouse's at the same time? (given it's related)15:49
laneydon't `charm build` with uncommitted stuff :(15:58
* laney silly15:58
laneyw00t first card done16:15
tewardwhat's the process for requesting a sync blacklist again?17:36
tewardgot something that probably should be sync blacklisted for a bit17:36
seb128teward, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+junk/sync-blacklist18:34
tewardE:NoAccess so i'll just have to open a bug.  and then point AA at it18:34
tewardthinking the latest stuff with Audacity deserves a sync blacklist18:34
teward'cause of GPL violations too18:34
tewardjust my two cents18:34
teward(even if it's Universe, it's still something we should probably cease syncing at the moment, and just keep copying until a valid 'ng' alternative comes out)18:35
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ubuntu-release-upgrader [source] (hirsute-proposed) [1:21.04.14]20:43
sergiodjhi there, I'd appreciate if someone could look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiodj/britney/+git/hints-ubuntu/+merge/405209 please.  thanks21:21

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