
lotuspsychjegood morning01:53
ducassegood morning06:15
stevenm__bigpod, yeah13:30
stevenm__but still RDP instead?  ick13:30
bigpodwell in windows it works realy well and its realy quick13:30
bigpodso rather that than something that is crap13:31
stevenm__I know the days of drawing instructions (early RDP and X11 forwarding) are over as codecs are now more efficient ... but still *some* alternative to RDP would have been nice13:31
stevenm__something more home grown in the linux camp13:31
bigpodwell something realy good like that is kinda hard to make require a lot of time13:31
goddarddepends on your client13:31
stevenm__not unless RDP gets an RFC :P13:31
goddardVNC has a ton of clients13:32
goddardand different servers13:32
goddardits just a protocol 13:32
stevenm__well unless VNC gets a crap load quicker - it's poop13:32
goddardwhat do all those game streaming services use?13:32
stevenm__probably some patent-laden video codecs no one has heard of13:33
goddardvalve has been pretty open lately13:33
daftykinsxrdp has been workable for me for a tinkering desktop Linux VM i occasionally reach over a VPN13:33
goddardhe wants a rdp server for linux13:33
daftykinsthat's what xrdp does13:34
stevenm__who is 'he' ?13:34
goddardoh really i thought it was only a client13:34
goddardi use xrdp before it was good13:34
daftykinsinstall it on a desktop install, log out of the session... instantly you can reach that host using the Windows RDP client (mstsc)13:34
daftykinsi haven't dug into the level of security it employes, just seen it work13:35
stevenm__daftykins, does the xrdp version have multi monitor support and remotefx?  because the freerdp server implementation in gnome 40 doesn't13:35
daftykinscouldn't tell you13:36
daftykinsi mean those are backend features when RDP is used from Windows hosts, so expecting it to be in place on a Linux desktop would seem unlikely13:37
daftykinsnot both necessarily but certainly the latter13:37
stevenm__actually they're working on it from what I've heard13:37
daftykinsspecifically the xrdp 'project'?13:38
stevenm__no I'm referring to g-r-d using freerdp13:38
ducassea quick search indicates remotefx works with intel and amd when xdp is built with glamor support13:39
ducasse*xrdp, sorry13:40
bigpodthose streaming services generaly build with the codecs we heard of but they use stuff like GPUs too speed encoding and such13:41
bigpodwell microsoft has been doing some pull requests on freerdp lately13:42
stevenm__spoke with the guy who wrote this... https://gitlab.gnome.org/-/snippets/177813:42
stevenm__but I don't think it's xrdp related (as I think xrdp is specific to x11... and this is wayland territory)13:42
stevenm__maybe we can get pipewire clients for windows - and somehow do it that way? :D13:43
stevenm__course pipewire would have to carry the graphics, the sound & things like keyb/mouse, printers, etc...13:44
stevenm__but at least it wouldn't be us recreating some shitty MS proprietary protocol13:44
stevenm__a worthy successor to X11 forwaring / NoMachine 3 / X2Go 13:44
daftykinseasy on the language please, no need to get like that over software politics13:45
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