
DFPIs this the Bazaar channel? Looks desolate.08:18
PengThis is the closest thing Bazaar has to a channel.08:21
Peng(Breezy has a channel, though.)08:21
DFPDo you use Bazaar?08:31
DFPThe consensus seems to be that Bazaar is unused, or at least underused. Although there are some daily downloads on the site.08:33
jelmerI think most people who were still using bazaar have migrated to breezy at this point08:36
DFPBreezy doesn't have a GUI plugin though, right?08:38
DFPSeeing how nice Bazaar GUI is, I have hard time imagining people would give that up for terminal commands.08:38
PengI use bzr and brz depending on OS version. :D08:39
DFPDo you use any kind of GUI, or just the terminal commands?08:39
DFPI would be surprised to learn that I'm in the minority for using graphic interface.08:41
pabs3DFP: there is qbrz in Debian https://launchpad.net/qbrz08:46
DFPOh! Nice. Not sure how I missed that one. Thank you, pabs3.08:48
DFPNow I have a faint hope someone forked Bazaar Explorer.08:48
jelmerI'm pretty sure there isn't a fork of breezy-explorer yet08:49
jelmerqbrz is also a one-person project at the moment08:50
DFPI guess I could look into forking it myself later. In the meantime, I'll stick to my hacky Bazaar installation due to GUI.08:54
DFPThank you for the information. I wasn't following Bazaar and Breezy developments at all. Was surprised to discover that there is no easy way to get Bazaar Explorer working on Linux. On Windows, I think, it was all installed via one automagical installer.08:56
pabs3so the bzr guis were just explorer and qbzr?08:58
pabs3bzr-explorer used to be in distros, got removed due to bzr dying due to Python 2 dying08:59
jelmerThere was bzr-gtk as well, but that hasn't been ported to breezy09:01
pabs3that was removed from Debian in 2013, FTBFS09:04
DFPExplorer depends on qbzr.09:07

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