
=== darkblueb2 is now known as darkblueb
wuutHas anyone ever seen such an error? "Stderr: passwd: Libuser error at line: 124 - data not found in file."06:30
wuutThe exact log can be found here: https://github.com/stackhpc/a-universe-from-nothing/issues/65#issuecomment-70708306606:30
ubottuIssue 65 in stackhpc/a-universe-from-nothing "Incorrect sudo password when running [singleplatform-eng.users : Per-user group creation] on the seed VM" [Open]06:30
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
ainolaHello! Do all the scripts in /var/lib/cloud/scripts run as part of the boothook process or *after* the boothook process. i.e. Can I expect a per-instance script to be run after any boothooks?18:42
falcojrboothook will run before any scripts in /var/lib/cloud/scripts19:16
falcojrso yes, a per-instance script will run after19:16
ainolafalcojr: Thank you!19:18

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