[12:47] Hi all [13:52] https://twitter.com/kubuntu/status/1413133184485642253 [14:09] Was Gear a codename? [14:14] mparillo: They bizarrely changed 'KDE applications' to 'release service'. Then as no one had a clue want that meant really, they changed it again to 'KDE Gear' [14:15] all a complete promo disaster IMO [14:19] TY. I thought KDE Software Compilation was easily understood. Then the split between Apps, Plasma, and Frameworks I suppose was to allow for broad upgrades without forcing an entire monolithic upgrade. allowing (say) Frameworks to deploy more quickly than (say) Apps. [16:14] 👍👍👍 (re @RikMills: https://twitter.com/kubuntu/status/1413133184485642253)