
alkisgHi, where can I report launchpad spam? Last comment in https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/220460, I guess the bot automatically posts one spam per launchpad question?05:43
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
cjwatsonalkisg: There's a link in the topic09:17
alkisgWhoopsie, thanks :)09:17
cjwatsonalkisg: That one seems to have been dealt with already though09:17
alkisgIndeed, but now I know where to report it if it happens again ;)09:18
alkisg5 "permission denied" before succeeding09:31
alkisg*sorry wrong tab09:31
ogra`OMG !!!!15:50
* ogra` just discovered a little pen icon in a bug comment he made ... 15:50
ogra`whoever implemented editable bug comments, hugs and kisses to you !!!!15:51
cjwatsonogra`: That was pappacena :-)  Sadly he left a month or so ago, but I'll pass on your thanks if I see him16:30
ogra`hah, yeah, please do !16:30
sarnoldaww :(17:58
amurraydoes launchpad provide any support for enforcing signed commits on git repos? I can imagine that since LP already has support for gpg keys in user accounts, perhaps it wouldn't be too much work to have it then enforce that new commits which are pushed to git repos have valid signatures? :)23:53

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