=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [10:36] good morning everyone [10:36] RikMills: frameworks being finished, but LP got slow yesterday in the night [10:37] I have updated a patch in solid, feel free to review [10:37] santa_: yeah I saw. lots of private builds last night [10:38] I expect fw will be ready at some point today, though [10:38] the rest of the FTBFS things were symbols updates and such [10:39] in karchive some were hidden by https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/karchive/-/commit/33e00deb6b6a8524592d2bce380e13c69f80f83a [10:39] Commit 33e00de in frameworks/karchive "K7ZipFileEntry: remove purposeless export macro from private class" [10:41] fair enough. thanks [13:38] Hi all [13:56] almost there, but dammit, they are building a big bunch of private jobs again [14:05] I noticed! [14:07] hmm I also noticed there is a big openldap transition [14:07] we have 4 pkgs stuck in proposed because of that [14:07] not a big drama, just saying [14:10] santa_: waht is stuck? [14:10] *what [14:10] RikMills: http://tritemio-groomlake.duckdns.org/ka-iron-hand_reports/applications_archive/21.04.3_impish_proposed_migration.pdf [14:10] oh, PIM [14:10] some pim things yes [14:10] kmail works btw [14:10] great [14:30] RikMills: frameworks *might* be finished already, we just need to verify the last packages build fine when LP is kind enough to build them [14:30] I'm starting a test rebuild of everything from _staging now on my server [14:31] santa_: sounds good. I will give it few hrs to see what happens [14:31] last one I did from _archive was fine, so if something breaks it must be either the new fws or something else updated recently [14:32] santa_: oh, kimageformat got a respin. I guess that is not in the PPA? [14:33] the respin was not for an issue that impacts us, but it was done [14:33] RikMills: ok, will do that one now... [14:38] donme [14:38] * done [16:39] santa_: looks like all done. can you check there is nothing left to do? [16:43] RikMills: just a couple of missing uploads of kcmutils and knewstuff, this will be the last [16:43] ack [23:04] RikMills: everything from fw 5.84 tested, also no acc test fails and such [23:04] you might need to update some symbols for riscv [23:05] also kmail seems to be working in all my tests