
hggdhah well00:01
hggdhoh, we do not have remove in libera :-(00:04
hggdhnot even time to ban? Or is it my memory?00:06
FlannelUpgrades from the old 2D IRC of yesteryear00:06
sarnoldI've never seen it before00:06
sarnoldI don't know if that means it doesn't exist, of course :)00:06
hggdhFlannel: yeah, back to school for me00:07
hggdhsarnold: we were able to specify a ban period on the /ban00:07
sarnoldwas that an autobleh feature? I've got that installed but never actually used it, and have no idea if it works on libera or not..00:08
hggdhnot sure, I just happily used it :-)00:08
* hggdh goes walk the dog00:09
sarnolddogs love walkies00:09
sarnoldlucky doggy00:09
elwar: why are you joining here?01:53
elwar: i am removing you from the channel until you tell me why you are joining01:57
=== o is now known as niko

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