[11:17] happy Saturday all \o [12:16] o/ [12:25] yaaaawwwwnnnnn - my music player is playing Santana's Guajira which is certainly helping [12:26] :D [13:11] * penguin42 looks at the way the fedora installer has built his lvm and hmm [13:12] it's done small partition->md->lvm rather than big partition->lvm->lvm raid1 [13:17] * penguin42 does unspeakable things with fdisk and pvmove [13:58] seems to have worked; https://paste.centos.org/view/25deae25 [14:55] daftykins: What are your preferred flavours of ether card, and do you need any other PCI cards? [15:06] daftykins: http://www.treblig.org/daveG/pcicards.jpg one of those should do [15:12] when i stored cards not in use. i use to attach a paperback sized piece of cardboard with a rubber band so that they were isolated from one another [15:12] storing them loose them loose like that makes my ocd twitchy :-) [15:14] that's probably fair; although probably better than a big pile; this is a convenient PSU box [16:09] penguin42: any Intel Pro 10/100 or 3com 3C905-TX ones should be good [16:10] 3c905-tx... there's a name i haven't seen in a long time... [16:10] :) [16:11] we used ne2000 compatible jobbies... i can still remember the dipswitches for irq5 base 320h :-) [16:12] hehe [16:30] just visited wealthy client's new HQ, none of the telephone DP is labelled :| https://i.imgur.com/HXYuXog.jpg [16:33] labeling wires costs extra :-P [16:34] means muggins here will be forced to pick up a tone generator and work out which cable runs to each room... if i can't convince the client to move to all IP phones [16:44] opened up my backpack before heading out earlier and discovered a blueberry muffin i'd forgotten about :D what a great surprise [16:45] someting similar happened once to me onsite. but all i found was a 3week old banana sandwich. i drank it anyway :-D [16:45] xD [17:00] daftykins: Any idea what the difference is between a 3c905c and a 3c905cx ? [17:00] hmm let's have a look [17:01] daftykins: and is i82550ey OK for Intel - I think that's a Pro/100s [17:02] the 3c905cx looks about 5 years newer [17:03] can't work anything out between the two 3coms from a cursory glance, looks like wikipedia has a snap of the intel - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Intel_PRO100_S.png [17:04] yeh that's the Intel [17:05] i wonder if it's got built-in support, because the intel download page seems to only speak of drivers for Linux and DOS [17:07] e100's have been about since adam was a lad [17:07] :D [17:07] yeah i bet it's easy to get going in many situations, the intel [17:08] do you have anything of that vintage to try them out in to verify they're alive at all? [17:12] i think the intel might win it [17:15] just tested both on f34 on the machine I was using when this Ryzen died; f34 sees both and pings [17:15] :D [17:15] early i7 with one PCI slot [17:15] [which hadn't been used in the 12 years I'd had it] [17:15] xD [17:15] sounds great, thanks for checking those out :) [17:16] did you say his address looked complete, or is it worth my sending you a copy anyway just in case? [17:19] please send me it [17:22] sorted [17:23] got it [17:41] * penguin42 redirects via configuring printer on newly reinstalled machine to be able to print the royal mails qr code postage [17:41] ooh high tech [17:43] 1st time I've used it [17:43] (the print stamp thing) [17:44] mm, good alternative with things as they are [17:52] right, I've bought books of standard stamps from the postoffice, but not done one of these before [17:52] daftykins: OK, all jified up with label and stuff, I'll drop it in a postbox on Monday [17:52] magic! thanks :) [17:53] i best warn him of my evil plans now i suppose [17:57] you're collecting a whole kit from dozens of people aren't you? [17:59] lol, nah just hoping for some RAM from a pal in Canada eventually too, but really i have so much work on i don't have a chance to muck about with that Pentium III Dell [17:59] ok time to put some food on [18:00] oh, you should have said, I probably have some somewhere [18:02] although I'd be less confident of finding that [18:21] that's cool, he already did a lot of testing and what not - just waiting to bug him about it again :D [19:49] daftykins: Righty, arctive liquid freezer ii 280 ordered [19:50] air is fiiiiine ;) [19:53] daftykins: Next week, we see the scientific experiment of difference in temp [19:55] :D [22:26] to bed!