
sarnoldGuest5210: heh, that's not great :(00:01
Guest5210Honestly even setting the device as managed doesn’t set the device as managed :/00:02
Guest5210And there is no /etc/network/interfaces file which could interfere00:03
sarnoldOH NO :(00:04
sarnoldif guest5210 returns, could someone paste this along? https://askubuntu.com/a/1075112/33812 :)00:05
sarnoldGuest5210: YAY you're back00:07
sarnoldGuest5210: https://askubuntu.com/a/1075112/3381200:07
sarnoldGuest5210: I don't actually understand this answer00:07
sarnoldGuest5210: all I know is that it masks the /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf file that includes some gibberish about managing devices00:07
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Guest5210Yeah i found it myself a second ago and it worked. But wth, why is it set as default that nm doesn’t manage _any_ device00:09
sarnoldoh good ;)00:09
sarnoldthat might be worth a bug report00:09
Guest5210Hm, lol now snap doesn’t have completion :/  I guess that’s an issue for another day00:11
sarnoldI wonder if that's one that'll Just Work after yet another reboot00:13
Guest5210Let’s see ^^00:13
Guest5210Sarnold yes you are right00:14
Guest5210!eol 20.1000:26
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:26
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Guest5210sarnold did I understand you correctly that you are running lxd?01:29
sarnoldGuest5210: yeah; I mainly use it to have easy access to a bunch of different ubuntu versions, not in any real application hosting sort of way01:31
Guest5210sarnold that's fine, i use multipass for ubuntu and lxd for every other distro. I was trying to figure out what is going on with my autocompletion.01:32
Guest5210as I use this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RWQYjTqThc/ and when I start a gnome-terminal I get _have command not found and as I said earlier i need to resource my .bashrc01:33
sarnoldGuest5210: _have is defined in /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion01:38
Guest5210sarnold: I also have that default01:39
Guest5210which doesn't enable lxd autocomplete01:39
sarnoldGuest5210: okay, how about an /etc/bash_completion that sources /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion?01:40
Guest5210here is my whole .bashrc, which only adds multipass and lxd for bash_completion (at the bottom where .bash_aliases gets sourced) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gKCC6J2cxp/01:42
SaxleIs there a benefit to using a newer kernel from https://kernel.ubuntu.com ? I'm on 20.04 LTS HWE and want to try it.01:44
Guest5210Saxle they are mostly only recommended if you have issues with your kernel01:45
sarnoldGuest5210: move lines 117 through 126 to line 108 and see how it goes01:45
SaxleGuest5210 Thanks.01:45
leftyfbGuest5210: /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/lxd.lxc -> /snap/snapd/current/usr/lib/snapd/complete.sh01:46
Guest5210sarnold: oO it's working now01:47
Guest5210leftyfb: what does /snap/snapd/current/usr/lib/snapd/complete.sh do? is it autocompletion for all snaps?01:48
leftyfbGuest5210: I assume so. Either way, I think that is what's required for it to work. Regardless, that's what I have on my 20.04 install by default and completion works for me without me having to write my own01:49
sarnoldGuest5210: hmm I don't have a /snap/snapd/current/usr/lib/snapd/complete.sh ... what's in it?01:50
Guest5210leftyfb: hm, on my system the link is set, but still didn't work01:51
leftyfbsarnold: https://termbin.com/vtzh01:51
leftyfbsarnold: that's on a pretty simple 20.04 server which mainly just hosts containers01:54
sarnoldthanks leftyfb01:54
sarnoldcripes I've read it and I'm still not sure :)01:55
sarnoldI think it scrapes the snap --help ... output for each command to figure out what options are available01:56
leftyfbI don't think so. I think it ends up translating the snap name(lxd) down to /snap/lxd/current/etc/bash_completion.d/snap.lxd.lxc01:58
leftyfbwhich is the actual bash completion file01:58
Guest5210where can I ~~rant~~ talk about enhancement of phased updates?02:16
leftyfbGuest5210: #ubuntu-offtopic maybe02:17
Guest5210leftyfb: i had the idea to give them an idea to improve on that idea, as the way the implemented it right now, can hinder new installs (while there is a phased update)02:18
leftyfbGuest5210: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/02:19
Guest5210thanks :)02:19
sarnoldGuest5210: or perhaps even a bug report! :) installing things should work imho02:19
Guest5210yeah on my other pc, i had issues getting wine installed as mesa-vulkan-drivers had the new version, but mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386 had the old one :/02:20
sarnoldI would have expected all the binaries from one source package to be phased identically02:22
sarnoldI've seen variations on this for years and never figured out that phasing might be involved02:22
Guest5210sarnold this is what I figured, but seems like they didn't think about i386 packages (i mean it's already a bit of a backburner nowadays)02:23
sarnoldand installing both i386 and amd64 packages at once isn't very common02:25
sarnoldit's mostly if you've got steam games that haven't rebuilt yet..02:25
Guest5210I don't use steam, so no idea, I only noticed it because I was installing lutris, wine and my printer drivers (which are i386)02:27
chownI am trying to update my repo manager but it is yelling at me about yarn not having a sighned GPG key02:35
chownHow do I allow un verified repos to be installed?02:35
Guest5210chown easiest would be to get the gpg key to verify the repo+packages02:37
sarnoldchown: I think replacing 'deb' with 'deb [trusted=yes]' in your sources will do the trick02:40
chownI tried that and that is giving me more errors02:42
chownGuest5210: How would I go about doing that?02:43
Guest5210chown about which version are we talking about?02:44
chownofff ubuntu?02:44
chownI am using ubuntu server 20.402:44
Guest5210huh? okay wait, I thought you added the outdated official yarn repo02:44
chownI am following this manual02:45
chownI am actually in the middle of trying to set up a mastodon instance02:45
chownSo I installed whatever yarn file this one is pulling02:46
Guest5210ahh so it is yarn classic02:46
sarnoldhah, they've got a command to curl | apt-key the key..02:46
Guest5210yup curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -02:46
chownI did that t.t02:46
sarnolddid you get any error messages from it?02:47
chownnu uh02:47
chownHang on02:47
chownok wtf02:47
chownI ran it again and it02:47
chownit's working now***02:47
chownSorry that was weird02:47
chownI mean, you think they would have me install it and then curl the keys02:48
sarnoldcurling the keys is how you know bits weren't flipped in transit02:48
chownwell now I need python-certbot-nginx and it says there's no package for it02:50
Guest5210chown python3-certbot-nginx02:51
chownbased thanks Guest521002:53
Guest5210hm, is there a way to tell ubuntu dock to show on another display? as of right now, it's showing up on my non-primary display02:53
Guest5210my preferred monitor is already set to primary :/02:55
GSMarquisDoes anyone know how to change window scroll bar widths in Ubuntu?02:56
Guest5210GSMarquis idk if this helps https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=28690802:58
chownCan you sudo with a user who doesn't have a password? o.o03:06
chownDo I need to edit the sudoers file?03:06
soreauchown: if you have root access, you can use `su - user`03:07
chownand then the command?03:07
soreauyes and then `exit` to get back to the root prompt03:08
chownok, lol, now I am getting "unrecognized option --no-document"03:09
chownFor gem03:09
chowngem install bundler --no-document is what it is telling me to install03:09
GSMarquisThanks, I will check it out. I just cant seem to land my mouse on the bars.03:19
chownw e w04:18
chownMy user avccount is "not in the sudoers file"04:18
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Guest99I have my 20gb partition root already full, may I erase swap partition and add to root partitio? I use Ubuntu 20.0405:08
rowzhi i just installed guest additions on xubuntu 20.4.2 but it didn't work, i tried reinstalling then i found it says system currently not set up to build kernal modules please install gcc make perl packages, how can i fix this?05:57
ducasserowz: try 'sudo apt install build-essential'06:19
ducasseGuest5210: how much ram do you have?06:19
loganleeguys you know how ubuntu's dock used to have icons get stacked towards the bottom? do you know how to enable that in ubuntu 20.4?08:10
tomreynloganlee: i think this was a feature of the unity (launcher) feature (which you can still install). but maybe you'll find a gnome shell extension doing this as well.08:14
tomreynsearching for "stack" on https://extensions.gnome.org/ doesn't yield results, though08:16
newhoaUbuntu package servers are very slow the last day. Is this happening for anyone else?08:32
newhoaTo download package data it is estimating over an hour at 26Kb/s and failing to download many package lists.08:33
jailbreaknewhoa, it's fine here. have you tried restarting your router?08:34
newhoaI can try that but speed tests put me at 30Mbps and everything else is playing/downloading fine.08:36
newhoaIf I select a mirror in Software & Updates it works fine. It's just the Main server. Yesterday it downloaded the package lists fine but the actual downloads were crazy slow or failed.08:38
sixwheeledbeastyesterday it did seem to take longer than usual when I tried but seems temporary.08:38
sixwheeledbeastnothing failed or errored.08:39
tomreynnewhoa: what's the "main server"? they conveniently have hostnames assigned to them. ;-)08:39
tomreyndomain names even08:39
newhoasecurity.ubuntu.com, us.archive.ubuntu.com sorry, in Software & Updates it just says Main Server08:40
tomreynah, then i'm sorry, too, i wasn't aware it said that.08:40
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Hirsute, and help keeping the servers' load low!08:41
tomreynhmm not exactly what i was looking for08:41
tomreynhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors is a list of mirrors and their update states, click on them to see the update state for a specific ubuntu release08:42
tomreyni guess a mirror in eastern or central U.S. would be best for you08:43
newhoaThanks. The mirrors are working fine. I just didn't know if others were having a problem or if there was a place to check status of the official servers.08:44
newhoaFinally got the package list to update but if I try to update (Firefox for example) I get "404 Not Found"08:44
tomreynhmm, this hints on a different issue, though. can you run   sudo apt update    and then pos tthe full output to    https://paste.ubuntu.com08:45
tomreynnewhoa: or, you could run all of this, which would gather some useful info and post it online, and just return a url for you to post here. but don't do it if you don't understand what it does (don't trust strangers on the internet handing out commands to you to run):08:49
tomreynsudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} 2>&1; sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog08:50
newhoaWill do (after the estimated 4 hours it's giving me lol, I'm sure it'll just abort on some lists here soon)08:53
tomreynnewhoa: you could meanwhile run this in a separate terminal, just to check how well you can reach one of the security.ubuntu.com servers:    ping -c3 security.ubuntu.com 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999908:58
tomreynit should not noticibly impact the other transfer08:58
newhoatomreyn here are termbins for security.ubuntu and us.archive.ubuntu09:09
newhoahttps://termbin.com/u3iju and https://termbin.com/q37g409:09
arch_userhi all.I have a question. How to dispaly [add] of the bottom of terminal color code?09:09
tomreynnewhoa: hmm those are looking fine09:10
newhoaI'm going to restart and see if that does anything. Then I'll try the full set of commands you asked.09:12
tomreynnewhoa: just looks broken right now, i don't think it's you. just use a different mirror server.09:13
tomreynnewhoa: banjo (this server you were connecting to) had an archive update going. this was probably the cause (though it should not normally be the cause of such issues, it's a mirror server problem). but the server update is done for now, so it may be working well for you again.09:18
newhoaCool. Is there a way I can check for stuff like that in the future (so I don't needlessly bother people lol)?09:20
tomreynnewhoa: if you *can* still access the server(s), you can load http://us.archive.ubuntu.com and see whether there is a file there saying that an upgrade is in progress.09:22
tomreyn(it should have a recent modification time, too)09:22
newhoaAh okay. Sorry for any trouble. Hopefully it'll get back to normal soon. Thanks for the help!09:25
tomreynyou're welcome, newhoa. your best option is to just wiat some 5 or 10 minutes when it happens next time, or to temporarily switch to a different mirror server.09:27
=== Europa is now known as Europa[away]
=== Europa[away] is now known as Europa
=== Europa_ is now known as Europa
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lotuspsychjewelcome mint12:13
Mekaneckprobably in the wrong channel and on the wrong server mint?12:16
mintI am using chat application for the first time.. i use linux mint xfce. live cd12:20
cbreakand you want to switch to ubuntu? Good choice :D12:20
Mekaneckmint: impossible since Hexchat in Mint points to Spotchat #linuxmint-help12:20
Mekaneckby default12:21
Mekaneckmint: so if you seek support with Mint you'll have to switch to Spotchat and the channel i mentioned12:25
Mekaneckhere is only Ubuntu support12:26
Mekaneckhi kinosa12:26
kinosahow are you?12:27
Mekaneckneed support with Ubuntu kinosa?12:27
Mekaneckif not join #ubuntu-offtopic for casual talk12:27
BluesKajHi all13:38
coz_BluesKaj, hey guy %)13:39
BluesKajhi coz_13:39
FreeBDSMhi, what's current linux version in ubuntu 20.04?16:04
quadratFreeBDSM hwe or not?16:04
quadrat5.4 for normal, hwe 5.816:04
quadratedge 5.1116:04
FreeBDSMquadrat: what's hwe?16:04
quadrathardware enablement16:04
quadratdesktops use hwe per default16:05
MekaneckFreeBDSM: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:05
Mekaneckgoogle is your friend ;)16:05
FreeBDSMthanks, quadrat and Mekaneck16:07
Mekaneckyw :)16:07
FreeBDSMI hoped for >=5.1016:07
quadratwell if you install the edge kernel you can have >=5.1116:08
quadratah 5.1016:08
FreeBDSMquadrat: how's that? LTS version of OS but with edge version of kernel?16:09
quadrateh, edge  (which is based on 20.10 in this cycle) is just the release which will be the next "normal" hwe stack, which gets released in fall this year.16:10
quadratoops i meant 21.0416:11
quadratthe hwe stack we have right now is 20.1016:11
FreeBDSM21.04 is not LTS16:12
quadratFreeBDSM the hwe stack is based upon the interim releases, that's why I talk about other nonLTS releases.16:13
quadratand they get backported to LTS releases16:13
FreeBDSMI don't get. So will 5.10 be backported to LTS 20.04?16:13
quadratno 5.11 will get backported16:14
quadratas 5.11 is being used in 21.0416:14
FreeBDSMoh, it's probably fine then16:14
lotuspsychjeFreeBDSM: do you have a bug/feature that you need thats not in the current kernel versions?16:14
FreeBDSMlotuspsychje: yeah, I'm thinking about buying a new device, but it's supported only was added to 5.10. I'm currently on 18.04 w/ 4.15. I'm trying to figure out how to plan the update properly. Given ubuntu doesn't really support major version updates the current dilemma is whether it's worth to wait for 22.04 LTS and switch to that version or to use 20.04 with those backports stuff16:17
FreeBDSMor even just install the necessary driver as a kernel module for now16:17
quadratFreeBDSM wouldn't be using 21.04 also an option? or only LTS releases (if yes i guess you install edge, or wait till 20.04.3)16:18
FreeBDSMquadrat: definitely no16:18
lotuspsychje'its'? wich chipset are we talking about specific?16:18
FreeBDSMlotuspsychje: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Linux-5.10-Nintendo-Switch16:20
lotuspsychjeinteresting FreeBDSM got a bug ID for that?16:21
webchat36Hello.  I need a bit of help connecting to the internet with KDE16:24
webchat36I installed Ubuntu Server as I need it for a program I need to run.  I then installed KDE as an environment.  It does not see my wired internet connection, so it won't download any packages16:24
webchat36it will allow me to chat here.16:25
oerhekswebchat36, were you in #kubuntu before?16:25
webchat36earlier yes16:25
oerheksweird, no updates, and you can irc...16:25
webchat36No updates but I can irc.16:25
webchat36it says I have no network.16:25
webchat36I don't know how to manually configure the network16:25
quadratwebchat36 what happens if you try to download packages?16:25
webchat36although I figured out how to add a wired network16:25
webchat36it says no network can't download16:26
oerheksone better install Kubuntu solely.16:26
Mekaneckway too weird16:26
Mekaneckoerheks: already suggested to install kubuntu and then add a server16:26
webchat36I can't use Kubuntu.  I need root access to use Drupal.  You can't root access from Kubuntu16:26
oerheksMekaneck, i do not believe it either..16:26
webchat36And I need a server version16:26
webchat36trust me...it's what it is doing16:26
oerhekssure you can be root, with sudo16:27
oerheksgood luck!16:27
Mekaneckuse server without gui16:27
webchat36No, I can't use Sudo16:27
FreeBDSMdrupal with root access16:27
webchat36I could use without GUI.  But I wanted to be able to cut and paste command line commands.  That requires firefox or a graphical browser.  Can you install that in command line16:27
Mekanecksearch for "enable root access in kubuntu" webchat3616:27
Gadget[m]Server without a GUI is preferred. Les code running less resources needed.16:27
FreeBDSMthat's a recipe for a catastrophe to happen16:27
Mekanecktopics enough to be found16:27
webchat36why catastrophe waiting to happen?16:28
webchat36I just want to write my web page in drupal16:28
Gadget[m]Use SSH client from another computer16:28
FreeBDSMbecause of the quality of drupal as a product16:28
webchat36How would I use SSH from another computer?16:28
Gadget[m]SCP can move files.16:28
webchat36I can use apt get16:28
webchat36I wanted to use synaptic package manager16:29
Mekaneckwebchat36: also guides on the web to be found on how to SSH16:29
webchat36I don't know what SSH is16:29
Mekanecklook it up16:29
webchat36I used linux a lot but it was seven years ago16:29
webchat36So look up SSH16:29
Mekanecksure, not much has changed on how to to basic stuff in those 7 years16:30
Gadget[m]SSH is very useful for doing what you want.16:30
webchat36Also if using drupal with root is a problem, why do all the instructions for installing require root16:30
Gadget[m]Root to install user to run16:30
webchat36I couldn't install drupal without root16:30
webchat36Ah, yes, I just needed an account of root that I could access16:30
webchat36to configure the server16:31
webchat36I've also got no wifi card in this computer so it needs to be a hotwire or ethernet connection16:31
oerheks1st account created has sudo (=root) rights16:31
webchat36yes.  Sudo wouldn't work for some of the programs16:32
webchat36Basically I have the system I think will work.  If I can connect it to the internet16:32
oerheksone should be carefull with programs running as root.16:32
webchat36I'm just using this computer to write a web page.  Nothing private on it16:32
oerheksmake sure you use an UBUNTU howto for drupal16:32
webchat36Yes, I found an ubuntu how to.  It doesn't explain how to connect your network card when the computer won't let you use it16:33
Gadget[m]That’s not a reason to run a service as root, that is very dangerous16:33
webchat36I just needed to be able to set a root password.  I did that, now I'm logged on as a user16:33
Gadget[m]Can you open terminal an do16:34
Gadget[m]ip addr16:34
webchat36I can open a terminal16:34
Gadget[m]* Can you open terminal an do16:34
Gadget[m]ip addr16:34
oerheksif the server does not allow networking, irc should not be possible too.16:35
webchat36well it is16:35
webchat361: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 100016:35
webchat36    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:0016:35
webchat36    inet scope host lo16:35
webchat36       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever16:35
webchat36    inet6 ::1/128 scope host16:35
webchat36       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever16:35
webchat362: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 100016:35
webchat36    link/ether 90:b1:1c:7d:2e:2e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff16:35
webchat36    inet brd scope global dynamic eno116:35
webchat36       valid_lft 171845sec preferred_lft 171845sec16:35
webchat36    inet6 2607:fea8:bcdd:3d00::f6f6/128 scope global dynamic noprefixroute16:35
webchat36       valid_lft 603842sec preferred_lft 603842sec16:35
webchat36    inet6 2607:fea8:bcdd:3d00:92b1:1cff:fe7d:2e2e/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr noprefixroute16:35
webchat36       valid_lft 300sec preferred_lft 300sec16:35
webchat36    inet6 fe80::92b1:1cff:fe7d:2e2e/64 scope link16:35
webchat36       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever16:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:35
webchat36Oh, sorry16:36
Mekaneckthey never learn LOL16:36
webchat36It's been 7 years.  I'll use it next time16:36
Mekaneckuse it now16:36
webchat36Ok. I used it16:37
webchat36If someone could just help me get my internet "connected" I think I could take it from there16:38
webchat36Same thing happened when I tried to install Kubuntu on top of the Ubuntu server16:38
Mekaneckyour internet is working since you're chatting16:38
webchat36Yes, but it says it isn't working and won't let the package manager work16:38
Mekaneckwhy don't you just do as i said, install kubuntu first THEN add a server for your needs16:40
webchat36I tried installing Kubuntu and then following Drupal instructions.  It didn't work16:40
webchat36It also wouldn't let me install synaptic.  I like synaptic.16:40
webchat36something about weyland being active16:40
Mekaneckwayland... switch to xorg instead then16:41
webchat36If I install Kubuntu and then I get stuck when I can't access the root command would you help then or tell me not to use the root command?16:41
webchat36All the instructions for Drupal come with installing a system the way I've installed it, except that I wanted a graphic interface.  So I installed one.  But it won't see the internet16:42
webchat36I looked at the connection suggestions posted.  I have no idea what all of that is about.16:42
webchat36I usually use DHCP when I install linux16:42
Mekaneckif i had a solution i'd provide it16:43
alkisgwebchat36: the server version installs netplan, while you want to use the network-manager GUI. It's indeed simpler to start with kubuntu and then install drupal, than to remove all the server bits that you don't like16:43
webchat36So I16:43
webchat36I'll try Kubuntu and come back here if it tells me I can't install Drupal again.16:44
webchat36But how do I get synaptic on Drupal.  It wouldn't let me add that. and I want synaptic.16:44
alkisgNote the message and paste it here when it happens16:44
webchat36Kept on going about Wayland16:44
alkisgsudo apt install synaptic16:44
webchat36I was a mepis user.16:44
alkisgsynaptic isn't related to drupal though16:44
Mekaneckyou can't get synaptic on Drupal16:44
webchat36No, it's related to how I use linux16:44
alkisgIt's a package manager, like discover16:44
webchat36So I can download other stuff I like, to get a working system16:45
webchat36OK.  I'll try that.  Thank you.16:45
webchat36Thank you.  Hopefully this will solve the problem.16:46
webchat36Problem: there appears to be no program for writing an ISO. Back to the Windows computer16:48
alkisgwebchat54: writing an iso to cd or stick?16:49
alkisg...ok he left :)16:49
SupremeKaiHey guys, I have ubuntu 20.04 and when I do an ssh login with root I would like to have the default folder as / instead of /root/ - how can I do it? I already changed .bashrc with cd / but it doesn't work17:14
oerheksSupremeKai, which .bashrc ? the root one i hope ...17:20
oerheks= /root/.bashrc17:20
leftyfbSupremeKai: why on earth do you think you need to login as root?17:30
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
SupremeKaileftyfb, why not?17:40
Gadget[m]Eclairs it’s bad practice17:40
Gadget[m]* Because it’s bad practice17:40
SupremeKaiI'm an anarchist17:41
leftyfbSupremeKai: is this machine accessible via the internet?17:41
SupremeKaiit's a vps17:43
Gadget[m]Logging in as root remotely directly is really bad.17:44
oerheksvps as root... interesting17:45
SupremeKaioerheks, nothing new, has been around for more than a decade :P17:46
SupremeKaiNow really guys, leftyfb , Gadget[m] , oerheks - i know about the "good practices" n' stuff.... but who really follows them?17:46
Gadget[m]Do you at least force ssh keys?17:46
cbreaklogging in as root isn't significantly different from logging in as non-root and then privilege escalating17:47
cbreakyou end up as root either way17:47
SupremeKaiGadget[m], not really, I do not have the sys of a bank at this vps17:47
SupremeKaiit's just a vps17:47
cbreakbut logging in via passwords? Bad practice, no matter the account name.17:47
leftyfbit's compromised and they don't even know it17:47
leftyfbsome "anarchist"17:47
SupremeKaiGadget[m], do u know how to protect yourself as far as this SSH login is concerned? change the default ssh port from 22 to 8472417:47
cbreakpassword authentication should be disabled.17:48
SupremeKaino more bruteforce17:48
SupremeKaino more fingerprinting at shodan.io and censys17:48
leftyfbsecurity through obscurity17:48
cbreakchanging ports is quite pointless, sooner or later the alternate port will be found17:48
SupremeKaichange the default ssh port and that's it17:48
SupremeKaicbreak, and when it does, I change it to 6969696917:48
cbreakno, you won't17:48
cbreakports only go up to 6553517:48
SupremeKaii was *excited*17:49
alkisg"changing ports is quite pointless, sooner or later the alternate port will be found" > that's not true, some bots have only a few hardcoded ports, so you avoid these17:49
SupremeKaino pun intended (i guess=17:49
Gadget[m]SupremeKai:  my VPSs don’t have SSH exposed out side of the VPN I Run17:49
SupremeKaialkisg, i go with you17:49
SupremeKaithose bots are dumb as fck17:49
SupremeKaii got some honeypots, these chinese guys are really gettin into the market17:50
SupremeKaito mine monero17:50
SupremeKaiGadget[m], how come?17:50
oerhekslets get back to ubuntu support, please17:50
SupremeKaiok, boss17:51
SupremeKaiso, how can I change the default folder when I ssh in the server?17:51
cbreaksure. Change the home directory17:52
SupremeKaiusermod -d / root?17:53
SupremeKaiI may also have an option using .ssh config or so, or even .profile?17:53
cbreakif you disable passwords, which you totally should, maybe you can force something via a forced command via .authorized_keys17:55
alkisgSetting a different home isn't really a good idea ,that would mean that your ssh keys would be in /.ssh18:08
SupremeKaiyup, I also think that alkisg18:10
alkisgSupremeKai: putting `cd /` at the end of ~/.bashrc works for me18:37
alkisg(for interactive sessions, of course)18:37
Gadget[m]🤔 I am going to have to try this on a host. Would make it convenient.18:42
webchat83make --no-print-directory -C /root/svmp -f build/core/config.mk dumpvar-TARGET_DEVICE18:43
webchat83build/envsetup.sh: line 43: 30251 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) CALLED_FROM_SETUP=true BUILD_SYSTEM=build/core make --no-print-directory -C "$T" -f build/core/config.mk dumpvar-$118:43
webchat83can help me to fix segmentation fault caused by make?18:44
SupremeKaialkisg, do I need to restart ssh? or reboot?18:45
SupremeKaior does the system updates the .bashrc?18:45
SupremeKai(something along those lines)18:45
oerheksrestart ssh.service indeed18:45
SupremeKaioerheks, but it is a vps, that way I will get disconnected18:50
oerhekswell, there is just one way to test if it works :-D18:50
SupremeKaifck it, i'm being too perfectionist lulz18:50
oerheksgo anarchist !18:50
SupremeKaii'm the anarchy, thus fck .bashrc and the cd / :D18:51
oerhekshahaha have fun!18:51
SupremeKaiI can edit the sftp address at the top bar anyway lulz18:51
SupremeKaithis was st00pid, but thnks for the confirmation great sir alkisg18:51
leftyfbI hope I can be a antichris when I grow up. Then I can r00t all the puterz n B da l33tz with awl the lulz18:57
SupremeKaileftyfb, lulz get 'em like Phineas Fisher did19:16
=== o is now known as niko
edlouDid they fix ubuntu yet?21:25
mybalzitchfix what21:25
cbreakedlou: many years ago21:25
pasizis ubuntu broken21:27
geirhabug #1 is still not fixed21:37
ubottuBug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121:37
cbreakits fixed now21:39
cbreakandroid has the majority market share nowadays21:39
=== beaver is now known as pong
geirhanot for desktops and laptops though21:43
leftyfbChrome OS is at 17% market share. That's linux21:49
Guest6210is there a way to get the "widget" in the notification center back?22:25
toddcGuest6210: yes what os version and distro will help to find a answer22:40
pepperonianyone know how to reset Settings->Displays. Each time I plug my second monitor in, the laptop display goes blank as well as the 2nd monitor23:00
Guest6210toddc sorry for the late response, i am on ubuntu 20.0423:49

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