[04:27] Can anyone guide me settings for changing caps lock to secondary backspace and any other key as capslock === itu_ is now known as itu === itu is now known as Guest3637 === Guest3637 is now known as itu === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [10:19] OMG [10:19] IRC is not dead? XD [10:19] I didn't even know kubuntu had a client built in for this ancient magic LOL [10:19] I kinda expect to see a dinosaur outside my house anytime now... [13:36] Hi all [16:26] hello [20:20] are there known issues at the moment with steam on kubuntu? any time the compositor is disabled all graphical stuff slows to a practical halt [20:21] windows / plasma response / etc [20:35] how do I take a partial screenshot in kubuntu? [20:36] in regular ubuntu, I can screenshot just a selection [20:36] not the entire screen [20:37] With Specacle you can specify a rectangle [20:39] Capture Mode > Area > Rectangular region. [20:48] So yea, it seems that disabling my compositor is causing this graphical lag [20:48] not just in games, but on the desktop itself [23:03] kubuntu is great! Thank you!