[18:41] Eickmeyer: is there currently a loco council? [18:49] teward: ^ [19:00] el: not sure, i will check. but as it's a Sunday it might be an eon to get a reply. [19:00] why, just wondering [19:00] teward: the founder of #ubuntu-hu is having problems with the idea of being responsible for behaviour in their channel [19:01] which founder lol [19:01] they want me to act as staff instead of trying to encourage them as a member of the Ubuntu IRC Team [19:01] AlexC [19:01] who's Friczy then [19:01] they have two founders :P [19:02] they also have someone +o other than them [19:02] that's their bot [19:02] friczy is lower privileged than alexc [19:02] and also not currently active afaict [19:02] they're both listed as Founder in the irc list :p [19:02] i started at the top of the list [19:02] el: then they should probably find ops in their loco team? [19:02] but not in chanserv :) [19:02] not sure there's a LoCo Council :p [19:03] teward: i was hoping to delegate to the LoCo Council as it's a LoCo management issue