
* m0nkey_ sings "it's coming home, it's coming, football's coming home"04:36
m0nkey_What time is the game?04:36
* daftykins bans m0nkey_ :P09:23
daftykinsoh dear the contractor of the offices beside are attempting to start up their little presumably petrol generator again to pressure wash the area09:28
daftykinsi've had a word with the company before and they don't give a *bleep* about their contractor doing this on a Sunday of all days09:28
zxm-pitime for a big bass speaker and leave it humming during work hours. soon fine a really annoying frequency :-)09:40
daftykinshrmm thinking about the job at that house with all the unknown telephone cables, about time i got a tone generator and probe kit10:39
m0nkey_huh, goodwood festival of speed is being live streamed on youtube. nice. i miss going.14:59
daftykinsthink a client often went15:00
m0nkey_goodwood was a 20 min drive for me, practically in my back yard15:01
m0nkey_i'm surprised about the crowds at goodwood i'm seeing. things getting back to normal over there?15:02
penguin42gently ignoring the situation?15:04
m0nkey_then again, it's gotta get to the point where people just dont care anymore 15:05
penguin42well when they've drunk enough and watched enough football they don't care; see the numbers in Tyneside15:07
penguin42South Tyneside: 1203/100k cases15:09
penguin42about 1/3 higher than anywhere else, and about 4x national average)15:09
m0nkey_we got 16.2/100k cases here in montreal15:11
penguin42m0nkey_: We were doing OK until Delta hit15:11
m0nkey_you'd think for a highly dense metropolis it'll be WAY higher.. but in the province of Quebec, we have 711 active cases total, out of 8m people15:12
m0nkey_delta is here, but we have a handful of cases. we were braced for it, but it hasn't happened yet15:12
m0nkey_ben collins (the old stig) is doing the shootout in a Benz 200HP Blitzen15:14
m0nkey_geez, a lot going on today.. goodwood, brandson blasting off into space, england v italy ...15:40
diddledanbranston did it15:49
daftykinsno longer in a pickle?15:49
diddledanget a mac ;-p https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0DIHlnD_S015:50
daftykinsno thanks15:51
daftykinsdisposable kit makes the environment cry! :P15:52
penguin42m0nkey_: Well, that was the interesting thing done...15:54
zxm-pihe uses macos but on a lenovo16:00
daftykinswell, that guy does creative things so eh16:06
daftykinssilent, long battery life and performant seems ideal... just couldn't use the OS personally :D16:33
daftykinsor the keyboard :D16:33
zxm-pii hate all trackpads with a vengence. i'd stick with a thinkpad just for the nipple16:37
zxm-piand the decent keyboard16:37
zxm-piplus the i could never give a penny to a company so against right to repair as apple16:37
zxm-pibut if it works for him i'm not gonna arrange a lynch mob. but will sell pitch forks and torches :-P16:38
diddledanwhat time is sportsball?16:44
diddledanfrom CNBC: "Why Microsoft keeps beating Apple and Google with Windows": https://youtu.be/OcL932W6E1w 16:45
penguin42is no channel showing the Italian Job?18:36
zxm-pithe original or remake? :-P18:53
penguin42original of course!18:58
zxm-pibenny hill the original hacker :-)19:00
penguin42Professor Peach19:03
diddledanwow. I turn on the telly 2 minutes into the game and I've already missed a goal19:04
diddledananother one about to happen?19:07
daftykinslook what you did to penguin42!19:11
diddledanlightweight ;-)19:13
daftykinsit's strangely peaceful outside... almost... too quiet19:26
diddledannobody supports the mainland teams over there? :-p19:26
daftykinsoh i definitely saw one of those weirdos with the car window flags the other day19:26
diddledanwhen do we call in the snipers to start taking the good enemy out of the equation?19:36
daftykinsgood enemy o019:42
diddledanthe ones that are good at attacking, I mean19:42
daftykinszxm-pi: i scored half price emergency chocolate oranges today \o/19:43
daftykinsyoutube says i should check out something by Fran today - https://youtu.be/q8vM14V7RQE19:45
daftykinsdid the Italians wrap all the English in pasta?20:28
diddledanhere's Saka20:31
daftykinsso that's what a hardware reviewer's home looks like xD https://youtu.be/EjJ2yZwm8OY?t=221:12
daftykinsis it over?21:41
zxm-piit's times like this you miss teletext for updates :-)21:42
daftykinsalways goes that way, rigged!21:46
diddledanitaly going first21:46
diddledan1 for 121:46
diddledanengland next21:46
diddledanitaly 1/221:47
diddledanengland 2/221:48
diddledanitaly 2/321:49
diddledanengland 2/321:50
diddledanitaly 3/421:51
diddledanengland 2/421:52
diddledanengland 3/421:53
daftykinssuuuurely the end is nigh?21:53
diddledanitaly 3/421:53
diddledan3/5 I mean21:53
diddledanhere's Saka with our last kick21:54
diddledanitaly wins21:54
daftykinsSaka, when the walls fell21:54
zxm-pinot hearing any celebrations outside21:54
zxm-piwinning by penalties never seems right somehow21:55
daftykinsnot hearing any sulking21:55
diddledannext year then21:55
zxm-pithey should find a better solution than penalties though.21:56
diddledancoin toss?21:56
daftykinswow LGR got sent books by Ernest Cline due to him being a fan, how neat21:56
zxm-piplay till 1 goal is scored21:56
zxm-pilet exhaustion settle the game21:56
diddledanthey used to have golden goal, didn't they?21:56
daftykinsheh y'know the last 2 years in baseball, they no longer let it run on forever... to stop games going obscene times and tiring the players21:57
zxm-piprobably doesn't work well with satellite coverage prices21:57
daftykinstime for bed! g'night \o23:14
daftykinsdiddledan: thanks for sparing us the sportball too xD23:14
daftykinsresults and progress without having to view! \o/23:14
zxm-pibring back teletext :-P23:22
m0nkey_Well, that was disappointing 23:24

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