
Guest6210toddc to give more info, I want to get gnome-calendar into the notification center, as that's the only one missing00:02
toddcGuest6210: this will show you haow to add wigets00:27
toddcGuest6210: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1273953/user-icon-at-top-left-corner-in-ubuntu-20-0400:27
Guest6210toddc I was talking about widgets in the notification center, not desktop icons00:28
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ashwinhello, i'd like to use ubuntu 20.04, but for amdgpu opencl reasons the kernel can't be higher than 5.4.0-54, but the 4.19 series really is too old. This surely is possible no?01:54
sleepymarioi'm ashwin with the kernel q btw02:07
DarkTrickdid `intltool` become `intltool-debian` in 21.04 ?02:28
DarkTrickapparently the package `intltool` is not installable anymore ?02:29
FlannelDarkTrick: I see it.  It's in universe: https://packages.ubuntu.com/hirsute/intltool02:30
DarkTrickFlannel, "Package 'intltool has no installation candidate"02:31
DarkTrickI have a clean installation02:32
FlannelDarkTrick: Have you (1) enabled universe, and (2) updated your package list?02:32
DarkTrickah no02:33
DarkTrickFlannel, thank you! worked now02:37
FlannelDarkTrick: Glad it got sorted out!02:37
=== cacti is now known as madmax
morgansThis is adumb question but it is mine. How do I get all windows to vanish and show the desktop? Is there a better way (on off) than to click the - on each window one at a time?04:04
yukiupit is possible04:05
sleepymariomorgans:  depend on your DE04:06
sleepymarioif you use gnome, i think there's an extension for it if i remember correctly04:07
sleepymariothere surely are other ways04:07
sleepymariomorgans: or https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1194/show-desktop-button/04:08
morgansmm, thanks yuklup04:17
quadratmorgans or just use super d, you can also edit it with gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings show-desktop04:22
morganssuper-d RI;ES/04:25
morgansthanks to all but especially quadrat.  Hey rat, where in the world are you? I am in socal.04:25
Saxle<3 Gnome04:27
yukiup<3 ubuntu04:29
morganshttps://imgur.com/NH9erVf results04:30
yukiupnice pattern04:32
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thyriaenif i upgrade from 20.04 to 21.04 how much breakage can i expect ?05:59
black_13how do i build a source package with source information on06:16
black_13or modify a source package06:16
ThinkT510thyriaen: you'll need to upgrade to 20.10 inbetween06:18
ThinkT510thyriaen: 21.04 is not an LTS release. any reason you want to use it?06:19
ThinkT510not that I'm discouraging using normal realeases. it just seemed odd to want to go from an LTS release to a non-LTS06:20
ducassethyriaen: as long as you purge any ppas first you should be fine06:23
thyriaenducasse, thanks06:27
ducassethyriaen: use ppa-purge06:28
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:28
thyriaenwill do, thanks06:29
ducassethyriaen: one of the guys here wrote a tool that makes it a little easier, it's called ppa-tool and you can find it on github. don't have the link atm06:31
=== SmokenatorZ6 is now known as SmokenatorZ
DarkTrickI get an I/O error in my folder, can I do something about it?07:34
DarkTrick"ls: reading directory '.': Input/output error"07:34
rfmDarkTrick, check the syslog for disk errors; if you have them probably a disk going bad, back up everything your can and replace it...07:44
EriC^^DarkTrick: probably a good idea to run a smart test on the hdd07:45
Sa_arcHello i have installed an ubuntu vm using this image: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/focal/current/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img. When i try to install qemu-guest-agent, it says unable to find package, the package can be found at: https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/20.04/ubuntu-updates-universe-amd64/qemu-guest-agent_4.2-3ubuntu6.16_amd64.deb.html/ My apt repo is setup properly(i think): deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu07:46
Sa_arcfocal-updates universe Any help is much appreciated.07:46
Sa_arci opened this file: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal-updates/universe/binary-amd64/Packages.gz to confirm excistence of package. Its there...07:50
DarkTrickrfm, syslog shows this: ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup_warn: magic: 0x6d783f3c  size: 4096   usa_ofs: 8300  usa_count: 25974: Invalid argument07:50
DarkTrickntfs-3g[6843]: Actual VCN (0x213c0a3e3f22302e) of index buffer is different from expected VCN (0x0) in inode 0x1fb5807:50
DarkTrickThis is a very recently (since 21.04) supported SD card; I could imagine this is some kind of driver bug07:51
ducasseDarkTrick: more likely it's a damaged card or maybe filesystem08:06
DarkTrickducasse, good to know08:07
weedmicSD cards wear out (hence why we use mostly spinning discs - which we have yet to hve a 10tb one break - not even one)08:07
Sa_arcomg .....i had to run apt update first....08:10
Sa_arcworx now thx08:10
DarkTrickweedmic, the SD card is in use for about 3 month...08:15
weedmicthey can only be written to a certain number of times, then they die.  when created (on linux), one can leave 10-20% unassigned, then the OS will replace bad spots with those unassigned ones, giving it the "look" of lasting longer.  Unless you used that SD for something very not dynamic, it will wear out.  like rfm stated, test it.  then you'll know08:18
weedmicnice to hear Sa_arc08:19
DarkTrickweedmic, I'm running a VM on it...08:20
Sa_arc@weedmic, while i am thinking about this, its weird to even get in the state in first place..you have the correct repo, there are no problems reported, and it just serves your corrupt content...with exitcode 0 :)08:22
weedmicDarkTrick: imho, the worst thing one can use an SD for (unless you know you need to replace it often), is a DataBase.  It would seem to me that a VM changes constantly, but... you should ask another.08:31
weedmicSa_arc: you english was beyond me (aka I did not grep your statement)08:31
Sa_arc@weedmic, no problem. I think it is strange that a apt update is needed before the system is able to get all the packages.08:33
Sa_arc@weedmic, the system should be aware it local cache is not up to date and should issue a apt update or at least report it08:33
Sa_arc@weedmic, imho08:34
weedmicoic - you can do network installs - where you connect via ip at boot, then it downloads files actually needed as you go - but... except for some very old motorola box for apple, i've never like it that way.08:34
weedmicmaybe the update was the "list" - english uses the same word for so many meanings.08:35
Sa_arc@weedmic, most of the time i am using os that are using rpm/yum. So my dpkg/apt is kinda rusty :)08:37
DarkTrickweedmic, but shouldn't an SD card be like an ssd drive? and VMs work on SSD drives just fine08:39
weedmicssd wears out too.  y not test it?  clonezilla it to something else (a device or file), then put it in a tester.08:41
weedmicsoz - posted in wrong place - search for this in google "how do you test a hdd in ubuntu" and read the popup instrucitons.  >DarkTrick08:48
DarkTrickweedmic, well.. I'm actually running a VM on an SSD for 5 years every day and never had a problem...08:50
weedmicDarkTrick: nice to hear.  so why not test the SD?09:18
DarkTrickweedmic, trying, but it's not easy09:24
DarkTrickgnome-disks wont work09:24
andrewsHi, how do I install Haskell on Ubuntu09:24
DarkTricksmartctl cant detect the type09:24
gotchahey guys, anyone know what '/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv' is ? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/vTvgdKtZnH/09:25
weedmici do not know what haskell is - sounds like a cpu from intel to me, but that is haswell i believe.09:25
sixwheeledbeastsd cards don't have the same protection from wear leveling as ssd09:25
DarkTricksmart status "unknown"09:25
weedmicturn smart on, reboot the machine, see if it gathered any data - that response is usual for when it is off09:26
DarkTrickweedmic, how do I turn smart on?09:28
weedmicgive me a min - i might a bit busy atm09:29
weedmicwell, my notes have this to look - which may intimate that the answer is in cmos - smartctl -x /dev/sda09:32
oerheksandrews, see ghcup https://www.haskell.org/ghcup/09:32
weedmicbut, still looking09:32
weedmicand smartctl  -all /dev/sda | grep Power_On_Hours (total time device was used)09:32
oerheksandrews, and seek support in #haskell here on libera09:32
weedmicDarkTrick:  - this might help - i have to return to lab now - https://askubuntu.com/questions/207573/how-to-enable-smart09:33
DarkTrickweedmic, thank you!09:34
weedmicsee if it works for you first09:34
jjbuggleI just upgraded from 20.10->21.04 and I'm having a postfix error.  Says there is a missplacecd delimiter on my main.cf postfix file.  But this is being generated by the setup.  I've tried editing the file, but it get's replaced10:06
oerheksseems like your issue too;;10:10
oerheksthere seeems to be a solution, ..10:10
jjbugglethanks.  Also, fwiw, there is a bug report too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postfix/+bug/1929786    but I don't know if there is enough info there10:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1929786 in postfix (Ubuntu) "Postfix Local only configuration adds 2 dots on hostname , blocking package upgrades" [Undecided, Triaged]10:13
lotuspsychjejjbuggle: if you can reproduce the bug, feel free to fill a comment on the bug ID10:14
jjbugglewell, the fix fixed it, ie, deleting the main.cf10:15
lotuspsychjejjbuggle: seems like it in bug #153129910:19
ubottuBug 1531299 in Ubuntu "postfix upgrade can fail due to 'newaliases: fatal: inet_addr_local[getifaddrs]: getifaddrs: Address family not supported by protocol' under qemu-static" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153129910:19
jjbugglelotuspsychje: I don't know.  I'm not sure what's happening in that bug.  Also, my error is that .. is being added to the hostname.  That's 2 dots10:22
jjbuggleI also don't understand why the bug report I mentioned is marked as triaged, when the person marking it so could not reproduce it10:23
lotuspsychjecheck the dupes of the bug jjbuggle10:24
jjbugglelotuspsychje: I'm not seeing the relationship.  Yes, all postfix configuration bugs, but I haven't configured postfix.  I don't even know why it is installed on my system10:32
oerhekspostfix is standard installed, AFAIK.10:34
jjbuggleyeah, and it could have been installed when I installed something else, like some development thing10:36
jjbuggleThe only configuration that I did was to select the defaults during the upgrade10:37
jjbuggleI'm just going to update the bug I found with what info I can.  Thanks all!10:37
moffaWhat's the command to lookup the services that act on a port, for example 22 is ssh?11:28
LutinHi guys, anyone running gluster geo-replication on Ubuntu ? I'm running into the following error and I think it's Ubuntu related because there are some other issues you run into as well on Ubuntu compared to CentOS/RHEL https://pastebin.com/KZATinMn11:28
oerhekslsof -i port11:30
moffaI don't think thats it: lsof: unknown protocol name (ssh) in: -i ssh11:32
oerheksno, port = 22, so; lsof -i 2211:34
oerhekslsof -i :2211:35
Lutinoerheks that's fine as I can use passwordless login11:35
Lutinyou need to to set this up, to create the session11:37
oerheksi have no clue about glusterFS .. and surely not interested in Centos issues11:37
Lutinoerheks no but as gluster is centos/rhel based you might end up with issues on Ubuntu which i do ;011:45
BluesKajHi all13:36
bancroftI have a bunch of base64 at the end of a coredump, is there a good core dump analyzer to help me figure out the problem?14:35
oerheksgdb can, see https://askubuntu.com/questions/434431/how-can-i-read-a-crash-file-from-var-crash14:38
oerheksapport-retrace -g CRASHFILE.crash. Note that you need to have the -dbg packages installed to get a good stack trace.14:38
john_ramboWhen I connect my bluetooth headphone with my Linux desktop (usb bluetooth dongle) I hear cracks in sound but when I connect the same headphone with my Nokia phone I hear no cracks. So something in wrong with either at software or hardware level. So I was wondering is there a way to fing the bluetooth signal strenght ? If I find its below acceptable value I will buy a new dongle.15:05
yolo_gnome bases off gtk+ toolkit, kde bases off qt toolkit, what about openbox and icewm etc? are they both having their own gui-toolkit?15:37
yolo_that is, some x11 libraries15:37
rapid16I installed Ubuntu Focal inside WSL and then installed Ubuntu Desktop. However, when I boot Ubuntu it does not load the Desktop. I know this isn't Windows support, but I'm wondering if there is a Linux answer.15:58
oerheksinteresting, wsl is not meant to be a desktop, one can run apps15:59
creechyppl have run things like VxSrv in Windows and get Linux desktops running inside them.16:03
lotuspsychjesee also:16:05
ubottuWindows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide16:05
sleepymarioinstalling ubuntu takes 1/10th of the time of installing winblooz though16:06
oerheksyes, due to not entering any serial number16:07
oerheksregistration email and spam..16:07
PeGaSuSrecently my HDD went RIP and I had to reinstall Windows+Xubuntu in dual boot. I remember I had to click on "I don't have internet" to be able to create local accounts... it was a pain16:26
jailbreak!ot | PeGaSuS16:26
ubottuPeGaSuS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:26
athena_anyone here?16:27
jailbreakhi athena_, how can we help? :-)16:27
athena_I have a problem that I've tried multiple solutions to.16:27
jailbreaksure... what "problem" ?16:27
athena_I want to install Drupal.  Drupal prefers the LTS server based version of Ubuntu and all of the isntructions are written for that.16:27
athena_But when I wanted a graphical interface, and I loaded on, my network wouldn't set up.16:28
oerheksoh again kubuntu on top of server?16:28
athena_So I was told to use Kubuntu. But it's been imposslbe to install Drupal using  the instructions in Kubuntu16:28
athena_Yes, that was me yesterday16:28
oerheksyou have been told many solutions, athena_16:28
athena_Now I'm on Kubuntu proper16:28
athena_I followed the last one.16:28
athena_I am on Kubuntu.  It doesn't work16:29
athena_I didn't understand the solution you gave me to get the network working16:29
athena_which is probably what I need16:29
athena_from Ubuntu server with KDE or Kubuntu on top16:30
athena_or gnome16:30
athena_I've spent over 8 hours trying to install drupal on this system you suggested.16:30
athena_It is different and teh dependencies are different.  It doesn't work16:31
lotuspsychjeathena_: its ok for you to experiment, but please focus on 1 question at the time here, instead of your whole story16:31
athena_OK.  How do I get the system to recognize a network card with internet on it, when the system doesn't see it.16:32
athena_What tool can I use?16:32
athena_DHCP can see it, but if I install the server version it doesn't do DHCP for my window manager16:32
movah4chwinfo, lshw16:32
lotuspsychjeathena_: sudo lshw -C network will show you your network devices + their drivers16:32
athena_Or is there a Kubuntu version that is the same as the server version (ie LTS)16:34
lotuspsychjeathena_: the same?16:35
athena_but how can i get the drivers to work if my package manager won't recognize the internet connection I have?16:35
athena_basically the same code underneat with KDE on top16:36
lotuspsychje!flavours | athena_ go visit ubuntu's flavour websites for more info16:36
ubottuathena_ go visit ubuntu's flavour websites for more info: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours16:36
athena_KDE was mostly what I used for 7 years on Simply Mepis16:36
athena_But Kubuntu doesn't seem to work with the instructions for installing Drupal16:37
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athena_So is there support for getting my network card working if I try with the server version again?16:38
athena_because I dont' know what to do with ther results of sudo lshw -c16:38
athena_And the solution of loading Kubuntu doesn't work16:40
athena_I think because Kubuntu doesn't have a LTS version16:40
athena_That's my question16:42
Mekaneckseriously... installing Drupal on kubuntu should be the same as on ubuntu.... the base is ubuntu after all16:43
athena_It isn't the LTS16:43
athena_It has different code16:43
athena_the directiosn were written for an LTS release16:43
Mekaneckathena_: Kubuntu has a lts version16:43
alkisgInstall the LTS version then!16:43
athena_on a server version16:43
alkisgIt has the same kernel and it supports the same network drivers as the server edition16:43
alkisgInstall kubuntu 20.04 LTS16:44
Mekaneckathena_: doesn't matter on which release i guide was written, the basics are still the same16:44
athena_Well I've installed Apache.  I've installed Mysql.  But composer won't istall properly.16:45
Mekaneckugh... it's beyond my knowledge16:45
athena_(all installed from the command line to get teh same version as suggested)16:45
Mekaneckwhich guide did you actually use?16:46
athena_I've tried a few.  They all have you install Apache and MySQL.  The one that is the most detailed is set up for Ubuntu server release LTS version16:47
Mekanecksigh... which one16:47
nylocHi, I'm currently trying to debug a strange performance issue with NVMe disks in a new Server with an ASUS KRPA-U16 Board and AMD Epyc 7302P and 8 WD Ultrastar DC SN640. These are rated for about 3300 mb/s swquentail reads, but hdparm -t --direct just gives me about 1000 mb/s and I have no idea what too look for from the lspci output they are16:47
nylocconnected via 4x PCIe 3.0 which should not be the bottle neck.16:47
athena_Mostly the third one16:48
athena_Which sends you to the digital ocean one for installing a lof of the backend16:49
Mekanecksee if there's a drupal channel where they can help you. I lack knowledge on that part.16:49
athena_OK.  TU16:49
=== mesaboogie is now known as mesa
tomreynnyloc: there's #ubuntu-server also, as well as - maybe check this first - #hardware18:08
tomreynhttps://documents.westerndigital.com/content/dam/doc-library/en_us/assets/public/western-digital/product/data-center-drives/ultrastar-nvme-series/data-sheet-ultrastar-dc-sn640.pdf concurs with what you stated about sequential reads (given 128KiB blocks) on PCIe Gen 3.1 x4 (Compliant to NVMe 1.3c).18:11
tomreynfoot notes: "Based on internal testing. Performance will vary by capacity point, changes in useable capacity, or security option. Consult product manual for further details. All performance measurements are in full sustained mode and are peak values. Subject to change."18:12
tomreynhttps://www.asus.com/Commercial-Servers-Workstations/KRPA-U16/specifications/ has 5 pci-e slots, the fastest are "PCI-E x16 (Gen3 X16 Link)"18:13
tomreynso pci-e gen 3.0 vs 3.1, i do not actually know whether this matters.18:13
tomreyni'm also unsure whether hdparm is the best / right tool to test this for nvme, i think it primarily targets HDDs. there are nvme-tools.18:15
=== Juan- is now known as Juan
nyloctomreyn Thanks a lot for all the info, I will check the hints, but the NVME are connected via oculink and a riser card on the mobo ("Designed for higher storage throughput performance and storage responsiveness for advanced computing, KRPA-U16 features 12 NVMe solutions with six onboard Oculink ports via a PCIe x4 link and six additional Oculink18:29
nylocports via an ASUS riser card for faster data transfers.")18:29
nylocAnd as hdparm reads directly from the block device I was thinking that it should not be that much off the advertised speed18:30
nylocThe only thing that I can think of is that the 6 oculink ports share the four pci lanes and are somehow only allowed a percentage on this so pci 3.0 4x = 4000 mb/s 4 devices connectes = 1gb/s per device.18:34
nylocBut I have no idea if this makes any sens18:34
shimblesuseradd: Can't get unique UID (no more available UIDs) useradd: can't create user19:00
shimblesi have no clue as to how that could happen19:03
shimbles(no more available UIDs)19:03
oerheksuse adduser?19:08
oerheksadduser is a buch of scripts around useradd binairy.19:08
shimblesoerheks part of the problem is that this is being called during sudo apt install tomcat919:08
shimblesso i am looking at a manual install of tomcat to get around this, and manually adding the user, or using adduser instead of useradd yes19:09
shimblesi found no debugging path for this very strange bug19:09
oerheksusing ubuntu packages?19:10
shimbleswell, i manually created the user in /etc/{passwd,group,shadow,gshadow} and the tomcat9 package installed19:17
cas_Hi, I have some problems with my 3g/4g usb dongle and internet, I've managed to get the hw and usb_modeswitch working and get an ip from the thing but I cannot ping anything. Tried various simcards on different networks so I expect it's some network configuration problem(s)19:20
cas_I'm a little out of ideas, maybe someone has an idea what direction I can look into? Most stuff I find on the internet are the hw problems I passed already.19:20
tomreynshimbles: that's not how you should be doing it, obsviously. it might be a workaround. it may have side effects.19:21
tomreynthe tomcat package would likely set up a tomcat system user + group. on debian derivatives such as ubuntu, system users and groups usually take uids/gids between 100 and 999. you can check (and change) this using grep _SYSTEM_.ID /etc/adduser.conf19:23
oerhekssudo snap install modem-manager https://snapcraft.io/modem-manager19:23
oerhekscas_, ^19:23
tomreynshimbles: check how many of those 100-999 UIDs are already taken: getent passwd | cut -d: -f3 | grep -Ec '^[0-9]{3}$'19:23
tomreynshimbles: check how many of those 100-999 GIDs are already taken: getent passwd | cut -d: -f4 | grep -Ec '^[0-9]{3}$'19:24
shimbles24; the error message seems to be a red herring of some sort19:24
cas_oerheks: Thanks a lot, that I didn't try yet19:24
tomreynif this system is retrieiving user accounts from a (corporate) network, this could easily fill them up.19:25
shimblesi might have installed something while installing deps for Qt that screwed with account creation on the system19:26
tomreyn(especially if that's predominnetly  redhat deriviatives, which uses / assigns those UID/GID ranges differently by default)19:26
tomreynwell, hopefully you know what you'Re doing there. :)19:27
shimbleslol, well, there's always bash_history19:28
tomreynyes, that'll let you know when you recursively deleted /19:28
tomreynoh wait ;)19:28
shimblesi followed these very nice instructions for manually setting up tomcat; they worked. https://www.fosslinux.com/6586/how-to-install-apache-tomcat-9-on-ubuntu-18-04-lts.htm19:35
shimbleswith the exception that i manually did user/group add to  /etc/{passwd,group,shadow,gshadow}19:36
cas_oerheks: no luck, it says no modems were found20:24
tomreyncas_: snaps may need to be "connected" to some hardware to be allowed to talk to it (i can't guide you there, though). when you say "I cannot ping anything" - did you try reaching hostnames or ip addresses? did oyu try a traceroute, too?20:29
cas_tomreyn: yeah, I try to ping and, traceroute get stuck at my modem router ip20:30
tomreynno need to ping then20:33
tomreynit's indeed going to be a configuration issue then.20:34
tomreyn(or driver)20:35
=== juwain__ is now known as juwain_
cas_digging into this snap "connected" issue20:35
cas_I guess the driver is ok, since I have a device at `ip a` and even an ip20:36
cas_but never setup a pin somewhere, it should be 0000 and see mmcli has some options to mangle with it. But since it says it has no modems I am stuck with that so far20:37
cas_the modemmanager journal gives some errors about devices it does not support, but after wasting some time I guess it does this for every device it does not regonize20:38
LordChaosHi, quick question. I've added some startup flags for Google Chrome (I'm on Wayland). But if I add Chrome to my favourites on the dock, it seems it starts Chrome without these flags by default. How can I fix this?20:43
cas_LordChaos: try `alacarte`20:46
tomreynLordChaos: cp /usr/share/applications/chrome.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/     then edit ~/.local/share/applications/chrome.desktop and run desktop-file-validate against it, then  finally run desktop-file-install against it20:48
LordChaoscas_: I've used alacarte for this and the changes are reflected in ~/.local/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop20:48
LordChaostomreyn: I've used desktop-file-validate against ~/.local/share/applications/chrome.desktop but it didn't help it seems20:50
LordChaostomreyn: ah hold on20:50
LordChaostomreyn: forgot deskop-file-install20:50
LordChaosWhat I forgot to mention, it works fine when launched using the launcher, just not from the dock20:52
tomreynlogout + login will likely help there? there is probably an easier way that i don't know.20:53
cas_maybe dragging the launcher again in the dock also helps20:53
LordChaosOkay let me try this20:54
* cas_ always had some troubles with launchers in gnome20:54
LordChaosUnfortunately that didn't help20:56
LordChaosWhich is totally weird since the flags are now also visible in /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop20:58
oerhekscas maybe there is some setting in software>installed>modem-manager>permissions20:58
LordChaosSo...I'm totally confused by this...when I launch Chrome from the launcher the flags I've set are honoured. When I launch Chrome from the dock or application menu, they're not.21:21
LordChaosWhat's happening here?21:21
oerheks" the flags I've set are honoured" ??21:22
oerheksi think if you add to the dock, it uses the launcher not in your home folder..21:24
bsmith093ncdu 0 items but the apparent size is non-zero?!21:28
bsmith093no hidden stuf either21:28
LordChaosoerheks: I've set some startup flags for Chrome (I'm on wayland). These flags are visible in ~/.local/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop21:32
LordChaosWhen I start Chrome from the launcher, it launches the browser with these flags. When started from the dock or menu, they're not.21:33
jjbuggleso my computer crashed, and I'm used to being able to check dmesg, and see the messages right before boot, but now dmesg only starts at boot.  Is there a way I can see the logs related to the crash?22:40
Guest88what kindof error is that one as systemd managed22:42
oerheksjournalctl -b -0 shows messages from the current boot, journalctl -b -1 from the previous boot22:43
Guest88it said "Use Journalctl to View and Manipulate Systemd Logs ..."22:44
jjbugglenice, thanks oerheks22:44
leftyfbjjbuggle: dmesg has never shown messages from before booting23:13
black_13_is there a way to make a debug version of ubuntu or make debug version of packages23:17
axs123For my user in /etc/passwd, the shell is set to /bin/bash. However, when I login as the user, it doesn't seem to run anything ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc. I still have to explicitly type /bin/bash and then it sources correctly. Why is that even though my shell should've been /bin/bash?23:19
quadrataxs123 did you try to change shell to /bin/bash with chsh? i did that when I had a similar issue, and that fixed it for me somehow23:21
quadratblack_13_ there are debug packages available for a lot of packages. need more?23:22
quadratthere is also debug symbol packages (which you would need to add the repo manually)23:23
redlegionI'm having the hardest time getting my rpi4 to pipe audio over hdmi23:27
EriC^axs123: do you have any other stuff in your home dir such as .bash_profile?23:28
axs123quadrat: yep I tried doing chsh and still getting the same issue23:30
axs123EriC^: yep I have an empty .bash_profile file23:30
black_13_is there such a thing as a source based ubuntu or ubuntu where you build all souces debug23:34
quadratnot that i know of black_13_23:34
axs123Ok it looks like the empty .bash_profile was causing the issues, removing it now makes everything work properly23:36
axs123thanks EriC^23:36
black_13_how about building from source something like the qt5 packages with debug info23:47
black_13_what i have done is a one off for that23:47
black_13_i get all the dependence installed then build qt by hand and install to /opt23:47
quadratblack_13_ i guess you can, apt source, apt build-dep, and then compile it23:49
black_13_would that be where you install the dependience packages but using tarball to build and install the shared libraries23:52
=== black_13_ is now known as black_13

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