[14:28] Hi everyone. I have a dell precision m6800 with a nvidia k4100 quatro graphics card. I'm using Blender to render 3d stuff but the CUDA option is not selectable in preferences. I've enabled proprietary drivers but it seems from reading nvidea guides that ubuntu (studio) 21.04 is not supported and I need to use 20.04. Anybody has any experience in this subject? [15:08] PeterNebelong[m]: You also need the CUDA repositories from Nvidia, which are not supported on 21.04. They are, however, supported on 20.04. Enabling external repositories, aside from the Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA, is beyond the scope of this channel. [15:09] Also, this is a support channel, not really a discussion channel. [15:09] !ot [15:09] #ubuntustudio is the Ubuntu Studio support channel, #ubuntustudio-devel for discussion regarding development of Ubuntu Studio, and #ubuntustudio-offtopic is for random chatter. Thanks! [15:09] For Matrix, that would be #ubuntu-studio-offtopic:matrix.org [15:10] TL;DR: if you need CUDA capabilities, stick with 20.04 LTS.