
pabs3hmm, the Debian qbrz package has nothing in /usr/bin01:15
pabs3ah, it only adds brz subcommands01:17
pabs3does anyone know if there is a way to make `brz missing` not connect to the remote repo and just use locally cached info about it?01:20
jelmerpabs3: there is no such thing, other than manually mirroring the remote01:26
jelmerpabs3: remotes are a concept that never made it into the bzr world - most tooling is oriented around individual branches01:26
pabs3ah. I'm spoiled by git01:26
jelmerI think it's just different workflows - the bzr approach is that you can actually do things on remote repositories, where git can just push/pull and then do operations locally01:31
jelmeran ideal world would support both (local operations are faster, but ad-hoc operations remotely can save having to fetch an entire repo) 01:31
pabs3git can do some other things remotely too, like delete tags/branches (git push --delete)03:22
pabs3agreed re ad-hoc, I do prefer to have local copies though03:23

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