
=== Mirv__ is now known as Mirv
mparilloIt seems as if the remainder of KDE Frameworks 5.84 landed for me in II this morning (the first tranche landed yesterday morning). One nice thing, despite being on a development release, is that having a mix of packages at 5.83 and 5.84 did cause any instablity that I could notice.11:09
BluesKajHi all12:22
=== genii-core is now known as genii
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> ohhhhh https://invent.kde.org/plasma-mobile/vakzination17:52
RikMillssanta_: sorry for delay. will likely upload those fixes shortly20:02
santa_RikMills: no problem I have plenty of pending test rebuilds20:15
santa_I had to update reprepro in my servers this weekend, so let's see if everything is still ok20:15
santa_btw all fw 5.84 migrated afaics20:16
RikMillsyeah, it took some time and a couple of riscv64 fixes, but we are done I think :)20:17
santa_yeah, I have seen, thank you very much for those small updates20:17
santa_let's hope they allow us at some point to enable riscv20:18
RikMillssanta_: ther bileto landing PPAs build riscv64 now, but you need upload rights to get access there20:24
* RikMills nudges santa_ to apply20:24
santa_yes, I'm aware that's something to do20:25
santa_with KD permissions pack would be enough?20:25
RikMillsIf I update the seeds, then yes for most part20:26
RikMillsI have been lazy doing that now I have MOTU, but must do a full update soon20:26
RikMillsthe  get the KD packageset updated to cover the new stuff20:27
RikMills*then get20:27
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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