[00:30] * guiverc just realizes the provided paste said focal (sorry I didn't open) [00:44] testing [05:45] 1234 === Uns is now known as UnSeeN === UnSeeN is now known as Guest4868 === genii-core is now known as genii === Guest466 is now known as teward [20:28] Hi [20:29] Anybody around with Lubuntu knowledge? [20:30] [telegram] you are in the lubuntu support chat. just ask your question [20:30] !ask [20:30] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [20:32] I have a problem with Lubuntu 20.10 to 21.04 upgrade. I still get that "Due to a bug in shim, LP: #1928434, upgrades are not currenly safe". (Macbook Air 1st gen). Is the upgrade possible? [20:32] Launchpad bug 1928434 in shim-signed (Ubuntu Focal) "shim-signed does not boot on EFI 2.40 by Apple" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1928434 [20:40] I read the link, but did not quite get, if the bug #1928434 shim bug is fixed for some but not for all? [20:40] Bug 1928434 in shim-signed (Ubuntu Focal) "shim-signed does not boot on EFI 2.40 by Apple" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1928434 [20:45] [telegram] if I'm reading the bug right... then this should technically be fixed in the main repositories now. I cannot verify if this is fixed in the Lubuntu installer though, as I don't have a Mac so I can't test it. Hirsute has the fix (21.04), and you're going 20.10 to 21.04 so in theory it should work. But if you are still getting the issue, then it's likely the upgrader isn't pulling latest shim [20:45] [telegram] but i can't guarantee you that it'll work, macbook installs are a little outside the 'usual' of what I see [20:55] In my mac it refuses to upgrade, so it may be the upgrader. You are correct, that old macs are tricly. I had to to EFI 32 bit hack when installing 20.10. But a full Hirsute installer might be "more upgraded" and possibly better with the shim than the upgrader? === genii is now known as genii-core [23:13] salut