=== rbasak_ is now known as rbasak [19:03] Any of you lot using IRCCloud? How's it been with Libera? [19:12] not me, some pals have checked out 'thelounge' and seem to like it [21:02] m0nkey_ I was using IRCCloud a couple of years ago, but switched to a self-hosted thelounge [21:58] thelounge looks good, will have to give it a go, been using znc for a few years myself [22:03] i should get me a vps again [22:04] forever free Oracle cloud tier! [22:06] or just host it yourself using a rpi4 :) [22:12] * zxm-pi is still using original 512mb rasp pi b and irrsi [22:13] ewh.. oracle? [22:13] people say that, but free is free - and their VPSs are responsive, even on the super lowly free tier [22:15] 1GB RAM, 2 x AMD EPYC 7551, 50GB disk [22:15] link me [22:16] www.oraclecloud.com probably [22:17] you can even have 2 of them on the perpetually free tier - though they have to be in the same location data centre you pick to start [22:20] now, the question is, do i have to give them my CC? [22:21] yep [22:21] but so long as you don't spin up something expensive it won't get charged :D [22:21] it's an option [22:28] a pal says it is miles better than the Google Compute ones he tried [22:29] it looks like a good idea [22:30] * arif-ali thinks if I can get rid of my hetzner vps [22:30] there was a tiny little learning curve regarding giving your VM a public IP and then there are both account level and host level firewalls, easily resolved though [22:34] lets just hope they don't try to take monies when you start relying on it :) [22:36] meeeeh, so far i am hosting a unifi controller which all my ubiquiti WiFi installs phone home to for provisioning, plus this irssi [22:36] rule is to always be portable :D [22:37] ok i'm calling it, g'night everyone \o [22:37] o/