[05:44] Lubuntu is pretty laggy for me [05:44] I expected LXQt to be more lightweight [05:44] What are the most lightweight/fast Desktop Environments around? [05:53] Guest72, LXQt is likely the fastest; Qt5 is far lighter than GTk3, but the DE is not the only issue relating to lag; if using a Qt5 DE but not using Qt5 apps then you're likely wasting resources which can slow down a limited-resource machine [05:55] Im using a 2008 Laptop Libreboot X200s [05:55] so its good but starting to show its age [05:56] that being said, if this laptop could handle linux in 2008, it should be able to handle linux today [05:56] Im using Lubuntu 20.04 LTS currently [05:56] But it gets somewhat laggy [05:56] sometimes [05:57] I'm keying this into 2009 dell desktop... works great here... Do you have swap enabled? That is the biggest issue I've had on some devices [05:57] How do i check? [05:57] https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/how-to-create-a-swapfile-in-lubuntu-20-04-20-10/1959 [05:57] at the start of the post is a 'check' (free -h) [05:58] Does the SWAP handled by the OS automatically? [05:59] If you created a swap partition chances are it was automatically used; however the Lubuntu 20.04 LTS did not create one by default (it allowed you to create one but it relied on you opting to do so) [05:59] Where was the option? [05:59] Maybe more detail - https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/swap-and-lubuntu-21-04-hirsute-and-up/2591 [05:59] I dont think I manually enabled the SWAP [05:59] Should I add it now? [06:00] I don't know how much RAM you have, but I for sure use swap on my thinkpad x201 with 4GB of ram; refer the first link I provided (for creating a swap file... I may have used swap partition; I forget) [06:00] Yeah I only have 4 gigs of ram I think [06:00] maybe 8 [06:02] free [06:02] total used free shared buff/cache available [06:02] Mem: 3664908 1273856 829172 69112 1561880 2093392 [06:02] Swap: 0 0 0 [06:02] I'd create a swap file following the first link I provided :) [06:03] free -h [06:03] total used free shared buff/cache available [06:03] Mem: 3.5Gi 1.2Gi 814Mi 61Mi 1.5Gi 2.0Gi [06:03] Swap: 0B 0B 0B [06:03] Loks like I got 3.5gigs of ram :o [06:03] 2 gigs of ram?? 1.2 g used, 800mb free = 2 gigs ram total?? [06:03] nah you have 4GB, but your system uses part of the 4GB for it's own detail [06:03] ok [06:03] s/detail/purposes; [06:03] only 814 mb free [06:04] What does making a SWAP do? [06:04] yeah but 1.5Gb in buffers/cache [06:04] if more ram is required linux will reduce the buffers/cache [06:05] so what can the SWAP do? [06:06] the second link I provided has a link to Swap FAQ at the top.. look at it if you want more details (2nd post was 21.04 & up but included more detail thn first) [06:06] sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=8192 ? [06:06] * guiverc is away feed birds awhile [06:07] I didnt even see the GUI create swap ability [06:10] Guest72, hm you free -h states there is up to 2Gb of ram aavailable if needed. [06:11] if you plan to do something that would use that up - swap might be helpful [06:11] How should I secure my Linux OS more? [06:11] I have a UFW firewall === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn === genii-core is now known as genii