[09:26] hello everyone [09:51] g'day finalspacevoid [09:52] you too guiverc [09:53] im about to try out ubuntu mate soon. [09:53] :) [09:59] hope this makes sense: im wondering how to use mate productively. coming from a more "modern" desktop like cinnamon, i might miss features like expose overview. do you use ubuntu mate on your main computers and it works well? [09:59] i guess ubuntu's addition of plank makes things easier ;-) [10:08] i have had a classic gnome2 style workflow for years, mate makes sense [10:15] everyone's workflow is different.. myself I have mulitple DEs installed so can select at login which I'll use today (best for the workflow I anticipate i'll need/want for the day) [10:15] thanks, i guess compiz can give some of that functionality but i would like to keep ubuntu mate default [10:16] the alt tab behaviour is like gnome shell right? maybe i can get used to that [10:20] You get used to what you use. I wouldn't want multiple DE's to try and keep it lean. Having used ubuntu since Lucid, I tried anything to keep that classic gnome feel when unity arrived, mate fits that. [10:28] ok. is there a reason mate-dock-applet is not included anymore? [10:32] I have no idea what expose overview is in cinnamon but I can't imagine something similar wouldn't be available. [10:39] sixwheeledbeast: when you use it it shows all open windows and you can click which one you want to get focus. [10:39] alt tab in mate is probably going to work for me too though [10:41] oh i see, I can see everything I need from the workspace switcher. Don't keep a lot minimised just have more workspaces. [10:41] alt tab works as you expect [10:42] i like the global menu and the hud a lot ;-) [10:42] ubuntu unity was very efficient that way [10:53] I move through my workspaces with Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right then you have the Alt+tab, Alt+` and Alt+Esc for window selection options. alternatively scroll wheel on the workspace switcher and then the alt's [10:53] keeps both hands busy [12:17] is the mate-dock-applet stable to use? im wondering why it was removed in a later version [12:40] its being replaced with plank afaik [12:41] IIRC it was removed to make it lighter as not every panel layout needed it. Plank will replace where dock-applet was. [13:37] thx sixwheeledbeast. i think i like plank and can use it [13:54] i noticed the brisk menu changes appearance based on the "panel chooser" in mate tweak. however brisk menu itself doesnt show any settings for this. any way to control how it works?