[01:24] hi people, I have xubuntu 21.04 and I have a problem with the suspend: when the laptop lid is closed it suspends, then I open the lid the screen is freezed, I only can move the mouse, then I close the laptop lid and sometimes It shows lock screen . === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn [10:29] Hey hey [10:29] mornin' [10:29] I have trouble installing Xubuntu on my old Macbook Pro (Early 2011), installation fails at grub-install [10:29] Grub-install error: cannot open '/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi': No such file or directory [10:29] I have mounted the ESP, and I see no 'ubuntu' directory there [14:18] Is there anyone active there? [14:24] I think the number of people with Xubuntu on mac experience is just small :) [14:29] pleia2: Oh [14:32] I imagine that there are probably more Mac Ubuntu users due to it being the mainline distro === genii-core is now known as genii === blue_penquin[m] is now known as Guest7875