=== mamercad9 is now known as mamercad === milosz_ is now known as milosz [15:11] rharper: so I ran across SELinux issues with cloud-init-hotplugd.socket being able to create a FIFO queue. I filed the bug for discussion as we iterate on getting hotplug fully functional. https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1936229 I was wondering if we should pursue trying to actually establish an selinux policy for this and get that upstream..... Figured I'd pick your brain on this. [15:11] Launchpad bug 1936229 in cloud-init "selinux cloud-init-hotplugd.socket not having permissions to fifo sockets" [Undecided, New] [15:11] I'll be talkng with the other half of the server team today to see what their thoughts are too [15:13] smoser too if interested ^.... I wanted to capture the bug because either way, I wasn't certain I wanted to tackle that part of the hotplug support in this PR because it's already getting big. I was thinking we'd be able to followup with something a bit more reviewable as an additional PR after https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/936 [15:13] Pull 936 in canonical/cloud-init "Initial hotplug support (SC-19)" [Open] [15:18] blackboxsw_: oh, interesting [16:54] otubo: rjschwei : question out of nowhere for you as I'm a bit shallow on SELinux customization in any distro. If cloud-init needs to add custom SELinux policies for new systemd units or services to allow permissions such as creating or reading from FIFO queues, (per PR 936) is there a desired process for delivering policy customizations? [16:54] Bug 936 in Launchpad itself "Bug listing fails to use full screen width" [Low, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/936 [16:55] For instance, would we want to drive SELinux policies to a "reference" or "base" selinux policy package to allow for cloud-init behavior or is it really up to the individual packages to establish and install their own policies? [16:56] or for cloud image creators to ensure they add the proper SELinux policies in place for any cloud-init enabled image [16:58] blackboxsw_: I have no knowledge about SELinux policies, sorry I cannot help [16:58] no worries rjschwei, thanks. I figured I'd canvas on this in case others had experience. === blackboxsw_ is now known as blackboxsw === darkblueb2 is now known as darkblueb === dmellado_ is now known as dmellado