[17:36] hello everyone, writing this from an ubuntu mate installation ;-) [17:41] not minting anymore? [17:42] both, the awesome power of multiple ssds [17:43] true, doing the same on my Pi [17:43] pi 4? [17:44] yep [17:44] if i want ubuntu i just switch the ssd [17:45] which desktop do you like more so far Mekaneck? [17:45] currently i'm trying Manjaro KDE Plasma on the other ssd [17:46] oh well, i always found Plasma and Xfce fun to use but i know them all. Unity was my fav. [17:47] Cinnamon is also great [17:47] interesting you say that, i was looking up the unity project recently. [17:48] not sure how well it works nowadays but there are community efforts to continue it [17:48] Ubuntu Unity Remix? [17:48] i think so, yes and unityx [17:48] i'm involved in that one as admin/mod/op [17:51] cool! well right now im getting more into mate, quite like it so far. [17:51] :) [18:34] Gnome3 is too intrusive with its hamburger menus and popevers, and they're leaking into mate :/ Currently I'm tempted to switch to KDE... [18:38] that has nothing to do with Gnome but with GTK3 and GTK4 === vkarehfa is now known as vkareh [18:44] apps are gnome, not gtk [18:45] not all [18:46] MATE uses GTK3 and doesn't have hamburger menus - that's all based on each app developer's style [18:47] wait, the apps aren't gnome [18:48] correct, there are gnome apps that can work without hamburger menus, and there are non-gnome apps that have hamburger menus. GTK3 _allows_ for hamburger menus, so ultimately each app developer decides [19:14] I mean that apps like dconf-editor are developed for gnome3 so they use its HIG so they have hamburgers and popovers, and we have to use them in mate to avoid redeveloping everything [19:17] deja-dup, gnome-disks etc etc [19:17] simple-scan...