
=== mfo_ is now known as mfo
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: bcmwl (focal-proposed/restricted) [ =>] (kernel-dkms, ubuntu-desktop) (sync)08:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libmbim (focal-proposed/main) [1.22.0-2 => 1.24.8-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)08:52
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected libmbim [source] (focal-proposed) [1.24.8-1~20.04]08:53
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rtl8812au (focal-proposed/universe) [ =>] (kernel-dkms) (sync)09:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: s390-tools [s390x] (impish-proposed/main) [2.17.0-0ubuntu1] (core)09:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Packageset: Added oem-somerville-gendry-meta to canonical-oem-metapackages in bionic11:22
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Packageset: Added oem-somerville-gendry-meta to canonical-oem-metapackages in focal11:22
julianklaney: So the image building on multiple workers, to coordinate which worker is building; we can implement a locking and notification approach using 2 amqp queues.12:05
julianklaney: So the way it works, is that we use a single active consumer queue: https://www.rabbitmq.com/consumers.html#single-active-consumer12:06
juliankSo while building the image, we need to read from that queue essentially, the queue acts as a mutex, but we don't put anything in it12:06
juliankOnce we are done building the image, we stop the consumer, and then another worker's image building script would start12:07
juliankok, that's only one queue actually .D12:07
juliankor do I have to push there?12:08
juliankin any case, I could publish to the queue first, then try to read my own message from it -> if that succeeded, I am the active worker12:09
juliankI must only ack one message, because other workers might have published to it too (they'll get their chance to read when we stop)12:10
juliankthe implementation sucks12:11
juliankbecause it can only build an image at a time with one queue12:11
juliankwe need one queue per (release, arch) pair ...12:11
juliankOr we build another service ensure-image-building-lock that acquires a lock and stays active while image building services run12:12
juliankThen one worker can build all cloud images in parallel, and the other can do nothing12:12
juliankBut a lot of queues would work best12:16
dokoapw, sforshee, xnox: is there any way to see which upstream version the linux package is based on?12:20
apwdoko, if you are running it?  /proc/version_signature has the full upstream version12:20
apwdoko, for general inquiries we also have: https://people.canonical.com/~kernel/info/kernel-version-map.txt though impish is missing for some reason12:21
dokoapw, no, just looking at the package12:22
apwdoko, with like apt-cache ... likely no12:23
dokoapw, could you add that information to the changlog, when you're uploading?12:23
apwdoko, i guess it would be reasonably easy to do... what is going to consume it?12:23
apwdoko, are you interested in when it changes?12:24
dokojust *knowing* which upstream version is used12:24
apwit feels like it should be in the package description for "something"12:24
dokoor even better, a linux-libc-dev with a real upstream version in the package version12:25
apwwe have always avoided having the third digit so we don't explode the librarian with new orig files all the time12:26
apwperhaps we could put somehting on that linux-libc-dev though with the upstream version in it12:26
apwif that would make life easier for you?12:27
dokodocumenting it in the changelog would be ok as well, assuming that you can parse that kind of information12:27
apware you intending to consume it as a human, or scripted12:28
dokoyes, or have a different binary version for every binary package built12:28
apwi almost want to put a versioned provides on it12:28
apwthen if something ever did care it could actually do something about it12:29
juliankTime to rewrite build-adt-image in python :)12:29
dokoand what would be the package that you provide?12:29
apwlinux-libc-dev-mainline (= foo) perhaps12:29
cjwatsonapw: TBH I wonder whether the "avoid new orig files" is still the right tradeoff.  The size of a linux orig tarball looks rather less significant now than it did when we started this practice12:30
juliankBut kernels are not rebased upon point release right now, so that's a ton of extra work, presumably?12:31
apwcjwatson, we would provide a new .orig for every single SRU cycle in the normal run of things, for every single kernel.  so 180M for each of 82 kernels.12:33
apwwhich by my calculation is 14TB every 3 weeks?12:33
cjwatsonHm yeah, I suppose ...12:33
cjwatsonI always forget what an absurdly enormous number of kernels you have12:34
apwor are you able to collesce the orig by contents?  as there is more like only 4 for every cycle.12:34
cjwatsonWell maybe if they're actually bitwise-identical12:34
apwthey are bitwise identicle12:34
apwi assume you _arn't_ currently sharing the bits, but you might be able to?12:35
cjwatsonI think we are actually12:35
cjwatsonBut I'll check after this meeting12:35
apwack and thanks12:35
cjwatsonapw: Oh right, yeah, they get temporarily added as duplicates and then librarian-gc deduplicates them12:42
dokoso the space usage wouldn't be an issue in the end?12:43
cjwatsonSo it'd still be a TB a month or so, which isn't entirely insignificant12:47
cjwatsonMaybe better not change it until the librarian is on PS5 and we get a feel for what space usage looks like there12:48
cjwatsonActually no, neither apw nor I can multiply apparently12:49
cjwatson180M * 82 is 14G not 14T12:49
cjwatsonThat makes rather more sense, I was wondering how you'd manage to generate like a sixth of the librarian's total storage size in three weeks12:50
cjwatsonSo <1G extra per three weeks is noise and will not really be noticed from our point of view.  I can't speak to whatever extra rebase work it might require of course.12:51
cjwatsonAnd of course it would presumably require some tooling changes.  I do think it would be ultimately the right thing to do though.12:53
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted ruby-js-image-paths [amd64] (impish-proposed) [0.1.1-2]13:32
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: dwarves-dfsg (focal-proposed/universe) [1.15-2 => 1.21-0ubuntu1~ubuntu20.04.1] (no packageset) (sync)13:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libbpf (groovy-proposed/universe) [0.1.0-1 => 0.4.0-1ubuntu1~ubuntu20.10.1] (kubuntu) (sync)13:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libbpf (hirsute-proposed/main) [0.3-2ubuntu1 => 0.4.0-1ubuntu1~ubuntu21.04.1] (core, i386-whitelist) (sync)13:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: dwarves-dfsg (groovy-proposed/universe) [1.17-1 => 1.21-0ubuntu1~ubuntu20.10.1] (no packageset) (sync)13:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New sync: libbpf (focal-proposed/primary) [0.4.0-1ubuntu1~ubuntu20.04.1]13:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: dwarves-dfsg (hirsute-proposed/universe) [1.20-1 => 1.21-0ubuntu1~ubuntu21.04.1] (no packageset) (sync)13:41
laneyjuliank: sorry your pings scrolled off the top, my highlighting is broken somehow14:06
laneyI did a mutex type thing for the /running page the other week14:06
julianklaney: I implemented a locking class now: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Z5bhK8ZxxW/ :D14:07
julianklaney: Oh, did I do extra effort?14:07
laneywell, you can port that to your shiny thing?14:08
ubottuCommit 13b54e7 in autopkgtest-cloud "web: Make cache-amqp not fight with concurrent instances"14:08
laneyyours is sleepless so nicer14:09
laneyassuming it works14:09
julianklaney: It does work AFAICT14:09
julianklaney: Probably should bind this to a new exchange?14:10
laneyI guess so14:10
juliankThis requires rabbitmq 3.8, which luckily we have :)14:10
juliankAnd yes, this rabbitmq extension was designed to avoid the need for polling14:11
julianklaney: Next step essentially is to rewrite build-adt-image in python and then just have to integrate the class14:15
julianklaney: That might be all that's needed for multiple workers (I already have the "delete only our own instances" in the branch)14:16
juliankUnless you can think of other stuff14:16
juliankI'll probably rewrite the context manager a bit, maybe using contextlib decorator instead of class it's a bit unwieldy right now14:18
laneycharm work to distribute the nodes14:18
juliankoh that14:18
* juliank adds to checklist14:18
laneywe'll need a logging stack after this!14:20
laneygoing en ter prise14:20
juliankWaiting for ACaaS14:21
bdmurraylaney, juliank: could one of you merge https://code.launchpad.net/~juergh/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/+merge/405620 ?14:22
jawn-smithsil2100: can we turn on daily image builds for focal on the unmatched?15:15
jawn-smithwhile it doesn't have the kernel updates yet, it should boot in qemu15:15
jawn-smithI built an image with -proposed enabled to verify that15:16
laneybdmurray: yeah15:16
laneyI wonder why Juerg was looking at that 😳15:17
laneybut GREAT, I knew we had a zombie case somewhere but didn't find it15:17
bdmurraylaney: Thanks15:31
juerghlaney, coz I tried to create an ADT base image in canonistack to reproduce an ADT kernel test problem but failed miserably.15:32
laneyglance (the image service) in Canonistack has been pretty flaky lately15:38
laneyso not surprised if you hit the retry cases there15:38
juerghso I've noticed...15:38
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted networkd-dispatcher [source] (focal-proposed) [2.1-2~ubuntu20.04.1]16:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted libmbim [source] (focal-proposed) [1.24.8-1~20.04]16:31
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libmbim [arm64] (focal-proposed/main) [1.24.8-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)16:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libmbim [ppc64el] (focal-proposed/main) [1.24.8-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)16:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libmbim [i386] (focal-proposed/main) [1.24.8-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)16:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libmbim [s390x] (focal-proposed/main) [1.24.8-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)16:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libmbim [armhf] (focal-proposed/main) [1.24.8-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)16:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libmbim [amd64] (focal-proposed/main) [1.24.8-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)16:43
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libmbim [riscv64] (focal-proposed/main) [1.24.8-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)17:04
=== blackboxsw_ is now known as blackboxsw
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libqmi (focal-proposed/main) [1.24.8-1 => 1.28.6-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)17:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected libqmi [source] (focal-proposed) [1.28.6-1~20.04]17:29
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: ceph [amd64] (impish-proposed/main) [16.2.5-0ubuntu2] (ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-server)17:34
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted libqmi [source] (focal-proposed) [1.28.6-1~20.04]17:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libqmi [amd64] (focal-proposed/main) [1.28.6-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)17:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libqmi [i386] (focal-proposed/main) [1.28.6-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)17:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libqmi [s390x] (focal-proposed/main) [1.28.6-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)17:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libqmi [armhf] (focal-proposed/main) [1.28.6-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)17:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libqmi [ppc64el] (focal-proposed/main) [1.28.6-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)17:55
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libqmi [arm64] (focal-proposed/main) [1.28.6-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)17:57
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: libqmi [riscv64] (focal-proposed/main) [1.28.6-1~20.04] (desktop-core, i386-whitelist)18:20
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntu-advantage-tools (hirsute-proposed/main) [27.1~21.04.1 => 27.2~21.04.1] (core)19:14
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntu-advantage-tools (focal-proposed/main) [27.1~20.04.1 => 27.2~20.04.1] (core)19:14
blackboxswwoot! thanks sergiodj loooking like you are uploading into -proposed for us to start testing. Thanks for the sponsorship19:15
blackboxswand thx athos for reviews as well on these PRs19:15
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntu-advantage-tools (bionic-proposed/main) [27.1~18.04.1 => 27.2~18.04.1] (core)19:16
sergiodjblackboxsw: +1, my pleasure!  and this was mostly athos' effort, I just uploaded the packages :-P19:18
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntu-advantage-tools (xenial-proposed/main) [27.1~16.04.1 => 27.2~16.04.1] (no packageset)19:18
athosthanks, sergiodj :)19:23
bdmurrayblackboxsw: Is it important to get the xenial one in before the archive closes?19:37
blackboxswbdmurray: if the archive closes on Xenial, that would indicate to us that we need to use ESM ppas and the security team for delivering this upload to their PPAs. I think our plan was continue to use Xenial as long as it is considered "allowed" and then once not possible, we'd move to running through security team uploads to ESM-infra PPAs19:54
blackboxswsince esm-infra needs to be active/enabled for "support" on Xenial, it works for us if we are directed to work with the security team and esm-infra PPAs for uploading Xenial from here on forward.19:55
bdmurrayI thought I'd heard something about an important change in the next version of u-a-t which needed to be in xenial but I could be remembering wrong.19:56
blackboxswbdmurray, you remember correctly. There is one ESM-related feature that is waiting in the wings that we were hoping to get into xenial-updates. That feature is still in beta and driven by Lech. We've pinged to sort expectation from him on when that should be solid as it only involves a small change to ua-tools to "enable" it.20:15
bdmurrayblackboxsw: Okay, so this isn't that upload but you'd still like it reviewed posthaste - correct?20:18
blackboxswbdmurray: was just typing basically a pleasant request for review. If there is a possibility to review this upload it's a minor point release that does have some significant benefit for FIPS customers and any customers that have proxy configuration needs.20:19
blackboxswif xenial is not an option, we can sort that with security team internally, but ultimately version 28.0 would be the esm feature20:20
blackboxswthat you made allusions to.20:20
blackboxswbdmurray: I'm not sure really what to do here with the software-properties-gtk SRU. I know there is a better/cleaner way to do this, but I'm not sure if we should have them address that in a followup iteration for their work or not. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/192083621:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1920836 in software-properties (Ubuntu Xenial) "Show Extended Security Maintenence status" [Undecided, New]21:38
blackboxswpatch suggested there that will mitigate the SRU verification concerns that were posted..... but not sure if I want to send them back to the drawing board on better handling of ua status output until next SRU. I've pinged Robert on that to see what he things21:39
bdmurrayI don't think many people run software-properties-gtk from the terminal so the messages wouldn't be seen, but the extra time isn't great.21:45
blackboxswack. maybe worth a rejection there and get an upload into impish that doesn't call `ua status` given that the default case on most systems it doesn't provide value when running as non-root.21:47
blackboxswbdmurray: did your former conversation on ubuntu-advantage-tools mean you were looking over the ua-tools SRU ? Or should I ping sil-2100 for tomorrow's SRU rotation22:25
bdmurrayblackboxsw: I don't think I'm going to get to it today so ping that other person ;-)22:28
blackboxswthanks bdmurray!23:12
blackboxswsil2100: for tomorrow, we have an ubuntu-advantage-tools SRU queued for review to get into the -proposed pockets for X, B, F and H per LP: #193490223:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1934902 in ubuntu-advantage-tools (Ubuntu Impish) "[SRU] ubuntu-advantage-tools (27.1 -> 27.2) Xenial, Bionic, Focal, Hirsute" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193490223:14
sil2100blackboxsw: o/23:49

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